Student organized "no bra day" at school after being reprimanded for not wearing one Student organized "no bra day" at school after being reprimanded for not wearing one

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  1. #1
    Senior Member L'avatar di Cesarino
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Student organized "no bra day" at school after being reprimanded for not wearing one

    I was leaving my fourth period class at Helena high school in Montana, getting ready to go to lunch with a friend when one of my vice-principals stopped me in the hallway.

    “Did you forget something today?” she said. “I need to talk to you about your inappropriate attire.”

    It was 25 May. At the time, I was wearing a black T-shirt that was off the shoulder, which is not against the school’s dress code. So I was surprised when the vice-principal asked me if I had forgotten an article of clothing.

    “No,” I responded, confused.

    “Are you wearing a bra?” she continued.

    “No,” I replied.

    “Well, you need to either cover up or put one on, because there are a lot of male teachers and male students here, and that makes them uncomfortable. They don’t want to see that.”

    I felt embarrassed. I felt almost violated. You couldn’t even really tell I wasn’t wearing a bra. Even if I bent over, you couldn’t see anything. I would not have worn the shirt if you could. I’m not about showing everything off – that’s just not me.

    I choose not to wear a bra very often, because I find it more comfortable. Most of my friends never wear bras, either. I was really thrown off by the vice-principal’s comments, so I told her I would put something different on and left.

    But later, I looked in the handbook, and I saw there was nothing in there about bras, except that your bra strap can’t be showing. That obviously wasn’t a problem for me.

    I posted about it on my Snapchat, and a ton of people contacted me. Everyone was mad. One of my friends texted me suggesting we organize a “no bra day” as soon as possible.

    A lot of people supported us, and it was simple. All we planned to do was go to school bra-less. We didn’t want to harm anybody. We didn’t want to make the administration upset. It was for us.

    It was about gender equality and teaching people not to sexualize women’s bodies. We’re always asked to do things to make guys more comfortable. If my boobs make you uncomfortable, then why are you looking at me in that way?

    This was to show girls that they can be comfortable with their bodies without worrying about making someone else uncomfortable.

    I wasn’t doing it for attention, and I did not expect that it would get so big.

    On 27 May, we went to school without our bras, and a lot of teachers and students were talking about it.

    I got pulled into the principal’s office four times that day. In one of the meetings, the principal asked me to take down our Facebook page, telling me it was a distraction to people’s learning, and it was getting out of hand.

    I was super frustrated, because he was the one distracting from my learning by making me meet with him during class – all because we weren’t wearing bras. He wasn’t understanding the point of what we were doing. I tried to explain that we were standing up for ourselves and that I have freedom of speech and expression.

    I walked out crying, because I was just so mad.

    My friend told me that a local news station had showed up and wanted to talk, and I was so upset at the time, I thought: why not?
    Should you stop wearing a bra?
    Read more

    Once it was on the news in Helena, it spread on Facebook and other news stations and just blew up.

    I had people from as far as the UK, France and India contact me. And I’ve had a lot of awful comments. I’ve been called every name in the book. People have sent me messages saying “kill yourself”, “you’re a huge whore”, “no one wants to see your boobs”. Some said I’m just an “attention seeker”.

    I have a pretty thick skin, but I don’t look at the comments any more.

    It’s gotten huge, and I’m extremely thankful that the word has gotten out. But I don’t want the focus to be on the bra any more.

    This is about ending body shaming. This is about ending double standards for girls.

    It started with me, but it’s not about me. It’s about women everywhere being able to be comfortable in their own bodies.
    Ultima modifica di Cesarino; 19-06-16 alle 11:26

  2. #2
    il grinch L'avatar di ryohazuki84
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: Student organized "no bra day" at school after being reprimanded for not wearing

    letto un cazzo, la tipo in foto me la scoperei di prepotenza
    Mi rendo disponibile ad essere insultato ai sensi dell'art. 1 del 29/3/2016 legge Salgari

    discord bar sport

    chi entra è pregato di presentarsi o verrà espulso

  3. #3
    Army of One L'avatar di golem101
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016
    lungo il passaggio di Nord-Ovest

    Re: Student organized "no bra day" at school after being reprimanded for not wearing

    "Ti puoi mettere un reggiseno, che le tettone sballonzolone sotto la maglietta nera si fanno vedere un po' tanto alla fine di Maggio?"

    Mi sono sentita offesa e violentata.
    Non voglio che le donne siano trattate con due pesi e due misure e siano sessualizzate per come considerano e mostrano il loro corpo.
    Quindi organizzo una giornata in cui tutte le donne andranno in giro con le poppe sballonzone, in primavera, che si è coperte il giusto.

    Il problema è che ci metti due secondi di troppo ad accendere il cervello e ricordare che stai tentando di contestare con logica e buon senso un'adolescente con un metro di giudizio a dir poco sballato.
    Problem is, you're not going to jail. I'm going to jail.
    I'll do life. Will serve my time. I swear I will.

  4. #4

    Re: Student organized "no bra day" at school after being reprimanded for not wearing

    first world problems, as usual.

  5. #5

    Re: Student organized "no bra day" at school after being reprimanded for not wearing

    Perché non va a scuola senza mutandine?

  6. #6
    Filastrocchiere di STOCAZ L'avatar di Skywolf
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: Student organized "no bra day" at school after being reprimanded for not wearing

    la tipa nell'OP a me sembra un trans

  7. #7

    Re: Student organized "no bra day" at school after being reprimanded for not wearing

    Bello vedere come 50 anni di femminismo abbiano ridottto delle ragazzine sull'orlo della psicosi ideologica.

  8. #8
    Senior Member L'avatar di Lo Zio
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: Student organized "no bra day" at school after being reprimanded for not wearing

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da ryohazuki84 Visualizza Messaggio
    letto un cazzo, la tipo in foto me la scoperei di prepotenza
    la topa sulla tipo?

  9. #9
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: Student organized "no bra day" at school after being reprimanded for not wearing

    mo' i wot pure in inglese, li voglio in azerbaigiano

  10. #10
    Υπήρχαν ήρωες L'avatar di balmung
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: Student organized "no bra day" at school after being reprimanded for not wearing

    che c'è di sbagliato nelle poppe sballonzone?

  11. #11

    Re: Student organized "no bra day" at school after being reprimanded for not wearing

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Cesarino Visualizza Messaggio

    “Are you wearing a bra?” she continued.

    I felt embarrassed. I felt almost violated. You couldn’t even really tell I wasn’t wearing a bra. Even if I bent over, you couldn’t see anything. I would not have worn the shirt if you could. I’m not about showing everything off – that’s just not me.
    secondo me questo è il capolavoro, ciò che ti permette di capire che la persona che parla serve solo per aumentare l'entropia dell'universo

    Non è un uomo ha chiederle del reggiseno, ma bensì una donna (a meno di gender strani ). LA vicepresida come direbbe la boldrini.

    Infine l'arrampicata sugli specchi: You couldn’t even really tell I wasn’t wearing a bra
    Se la vicepresida sapeva che tu non indossavi un reggiseno come fai a fare affermazioni così ridicole.

    Comunque tifo per portare all'estremo queste manifestazioni: no bra anche per i maschi: li facciamo indossare protesi di colla vinilica e carta igienica Oppure un bel calzino nei pantaloni così da mettere in mostra il pacco. Futanari achievement se fatte insieme.

  12. #12
    Υπήρχαν ήρωες L'avatar di balmung
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: Student organized "no bra day" at school after being reprimanded for not wearing

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da AummaAumma Visualizza Messaggio
    Non è un uomo ha chiederle del reggiseno, ma bensì una donna (a meno di gender strani ). LA vicepresida come direbbe la boldrini.

    Infine l'arrampicata sugli specchi: You couldn’t even really tell I wasn’t wearing a bra
    Se la vicepresida sapeva che tu non indossavi un reggiseno come fai a fare affermazioni così ridicole.

  13. #13

    Re: Student organized "no bra day" at school after being reprimanded for not wearing

    Il "sapeva" mi pare giusto

  14. #14
    Senior Member L'avatar di Ciome
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: Student organized "no bra day" at school after being reprimanded for not wearing

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da balmung Visualizza Messaggio
    vuole fare il grammar nazi e non evidenzia "vicepresida"
    riassunto topic pirateria domestica:

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da darkeden82 Visualizza Messaggio
    Tu non lavori nell'it ma per il sociale

    l'apice di svapo:

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Milella Visualizza Messaggio
    Ultima modifica di golem101; Oggi alle 17:33 Motivo: bestemmie e pornografia
    Ultima modifica di salgari; Oggi alle 17:35 Motivo: qua comando io, chi è questo golem101

    rondella's way:

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Lo Zio Visualizza Messaggio
    rondella farebbe una foursome con la stallona, il frigorifero e la lavastoviglie

  15. #15

    Re: Student organized "no bra day" at school after being reprimanded for not wearing

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Ciome Visualizza Messaggio
    vuole fare il grammar nazi e non evidenzia "vicepresida"
    Non so se stai scherzando o sei serio

  16. #16
    Senior Member L'avatar di Ciome
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: Student organized "no bra day" at school after being reprimanded for not wearing

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Ginzo Visualizza Messaggio
    Non so se stai scherzando o sei serio
    serio. se voleva fare il grammar nazi non poteva non accorgersi di una roba simile

    il vicepreside
    la vicepreside
    riassunto topic pirateria domestica:

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da darkeden82 Visualizza Messaggio
    Tu non lavori nell'it ma per il sociale

    l'apice di svapo:

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Milella Visualizza Messaggio
    Ultima modifica di golem101; Oggi alle 17:33 Motivo: bestemmie e pornografia
    Ultima modifica di salgari; Oggi alle 17:35 Motivo: qua comando io, chi è questo golem101

    rondella's way:

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Lo Zio Visualizza Messaggio
    rondella farebbe una foursome con la stallona, il frigorifero e la lavastoviglie

  17. #17

    Re: Student organized "no bra day" at school after being reprimanded for not wearing

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Ciome Visualizza Messaggio
    serio. se voleva fare il grammar nazi non poteva non accorgersi di una roba simile

    il vicepreside
    la vicepreside

  18. #18
    Υπήρχαν ήρωες L'avatar di balmung
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: Student organized "no bra day" at school after being reprimanded for not wearing

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Ciome Visualizza Messaggio
    serio. se voleva fare il grammar nazi non poteva non accorgersi di una roba simile

    il vicepreside
    la vicepreside
    la boldrino
    il sapeva è un fail mio

  19. #19
    Peace&Love L'avatar di NoNickName
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: Student organized "no bra day" at school after being reprimanded for not wearing

    lui è un gay, lei è palesemente un trans che ha imparato presto a cagare il cazzo come le donne sanno fare

  20. #20

    Re: Student organized "no bra day" at school after being reprimanded for not wearing

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Ginzo Visualizza Messaggio
    Non so se stai scherzando o sei serio
    lui è sempre serio

    motivo per cui sto valutando di metterlo in ignore. è più irritante di un cagacazzi attivo

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