Visualizza Versione Completa : FULVIUS, le statistiche non mentono: i MILLENNIALS hanno smesso di fare SESSO !!!

04-08-16, 11:08

According to research from the Archives of Sexual Behaviour, millennials – those of us born between the mid-80s and 90s – are significantly less likely to have sex than our Generation X counterparts. Some 15% of people born in the 1990s report that they have had no sexual partners since the age of 18, compared with 6% of people born two decades earlier when they were in the same age group.

Of course millennials don’t have sex, they’re far too busy catching Pokémon, or sharing selfies on Snapchat. But I don’t think this is a laughing matter. There has been so much hysterical handwringing about how damaged and deviant we would become as the first generation to grow up with porn in our pockets. Collectively we’re still very anxious about the “sexting epidemic”. Of course it’s worrying that children are pressing each other to send sexually explicit images, but I think the greatest tragedy is that the sex we manage to have rarely goes beyond a screen.


04-08-16, 12:23
io non ho manco cominciato

Mastro Razza
04-08-16, 12:40
era ora...
sai che palle tutto lo sbattimento per cercare una tipa che te la da , magari pure un cesso a pedali di aspetto vagamente femminile..
con l'internett voila' ... 5 minuti e hai fatto , come fare sesso con la tua tipa ideale.
e poi puoi tornare a mastrorazzare senza cagamento di cazzi.

04-08-16, 13:11
Io ho perso la verginità relativamente tardi, fottesega però, neanche l'amavo. :fag:

From S7

04-08-16, 13:57
Born right on the early cusp of the millenial generation, I've seen this issue played out a hundred times with younger friends. Not an issue I've ever had the misfortune to have to deal with myself - sex is about the most fun you can have outside of an icecream parlour *grins*. And like an icecream parlour, variety is the key to the best sundae :D

But seriously, my brother, born nearly a decade later, put it best. He noted that I grew up with concepts like fuckbuddies and sex being something you do with whoever you fancy. Julia Roberts making prostitution seem like a viable career choice. Tom Cruise being forced to strip for a job interview. Nobody putting Baby in a corner that a much older guy couldn't pull her out from. Everyone was a sex object and anyone could do what and who they want. Be careful, be sensible and you can have a bit of fun kids, world's your oyster. My laissez faire attitude to sex came straight from these cultural influences (and honestly, sex ed classes pretty much was a PE teacher trying to fit a condom onto a banana - laugh a minute!).

On the other hand, his generation were brought up on romance, the ideal, wait for the one, make smart choices, or you'll die, you'll fall pregnant, you'll be ostracised, do you really think you're old enough to do that? Work harder, longer, you'll never get on the housing ladder if you spend all your time screwing around, don't have a gap year, go volunteer it'll be better for your CV kid...can't afford to be left behind on this treadmill. And then we wonder why they seem to have issues allowing themselves to relax and kick back a little?

Not saying that everyone in my generation has the same attitudes as I hold, not saying every true millenial has a screwed up body image and lacks any kind of sex positivity. But I've met enough of the latter to say that they need to start thinking how they might tackle this. Or god knows the number of mid life crises are going to go way up!