Visualizza Versione Completa : la donna deve stare a casa a cucinare

21-08-16, 23:28

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e l'uomo deve essere ribelle https://zippy.gfycat.com/BestShamefulAsiaticlesserfreshwaterclam.webm

21-08-16, 23:30

21-08-16, 23:31
e i cervi devono volare http://i.imgur.com/0OD9Tf6.mp4

21-08-16, 23:33
Ma la prima cosa cazzo è? :rotfl:

22-08-16, 00:09
E la Boldryny cosa ne pensa?

22-08-16, 01:11
il tizio in divisa che segue i due stile processione :lol:

22-08-16, 11:05
E la Boldryny cosa ne pensa?

secondo la gente di reddit: cina

a quanto pare: This woman used to be married to the man, and they had a family with a son. The man's family runs a quarry, and during the divorce proceedings, 51% of the shares of the quarry as well as their house were given to the woman. The woman also got custody of the son. However, the debts of the quarry were ruled to be the responsibility of the man. After the divorce, the man kept on running the quarry without giving his ex her share of the profits. This fight happened when the woman went to demand payment from him, but the man wanted her to share the load on the debt servicing payments, but she wouldn't agree to that.

se non mi avessero detto che erano cinesi avrei detto che eravamo in italia. cioè, la donna si becca la casa, il figlio e mezzo stipendio del partner. Il partner è senza dimora, senza figlio, con mezzo stipendio e tutte le spese a suo carico. Onesti no?

22-08-16, 11:17
Che bella la parità di genere

Rot Teufel
22-08-16, 11:47
Che bella la (dis)parità di genere

Fix. Io pensavo che stabroba fosse da murica, non da komunist china :bua:

22-08-16, 12:53
Ma il secondo filmato? Il tizio con mezza mano ammanettata nell'auto della polizia che tenta di dare fuoco al sedile anteriore con lo zippo? Incidente stranissimo (tamponamento?) che lo sbatte fuori dal lunotto... ma che è!?

22-08-16, 15:41

22-08-16, 20:59
This woman used to be married to the man, and they had a family with a son. The man's family runs a quarry, and during the divorce proceedings, 51% of the shares of the quarry as well as their house were given to the woman. The woman also got custody of the son. However, the debts of the quarry were ruled to be the responsibility of the man. After the divorce, the man kept on running the quarry without giving his ex her share of the profits. This fight happened when the woman went to demand payment from him, but the man wanted her to share the load on the debt servicing payments, but she wouldn't agree to that.
Il marmist cinese