Visualizza Versione Completa : Il fumetto che tutti avremmo letto: Trump supereroe negro

21-05-17, 11:32
Tratto dal Glasco che l'ha tratto da Wikipedia

"The original candidate for DC Comics' first headlining black superhero was a character called the Black Bomber, a white racist who would turn into a black superhero under stress,[4] and be later described by comics historian Don Markstein as "an insult to practically everybody with any point of view at all."*
"I will say that I created Black Lightning after convincing DC not to publish another “black” super-hero on which they had started work. The Black Bomber was a white bigot who, in times of stress, turned into a black super-hero. This was the result of chemical camouflage experiments he’d taken part in as a soldier in Vietnam. The object of these experiments was to allow our [white] troops to blend into the jungle.

In each of the two completed Black Bomber scripts, the white bigot risks his own life to save another person whom he can’t see clearly (in one case, a baby in a stroller) and then reacts in racial slur disgust when he discovers that he risked his life to save a black person. He wasn’t aware that he had two identities, but each identity had a girlfriend and the ladies were aware of the change. To add final insult, the Bomber’s costume was little more than a glorified basketball uniform.

DC had wanted me to take over writing the book with the third issue. I convinced them to eat the two scripts and let me start over. To paraphrase my arguments…

“Do you REALLY want DC’s first black super-hero to be a white bigot?

21-05-17, 12:14
queste sfacciataggini contro il politically correct iniziano a rompere i maroni peggio del politically correct stesso.

lettonulla ma ultimamente sto business del "faccio una cosa per andare controcorrente", usando hitler in ogni dove, facendo lollate su obama, trump, hilary...

insomma ste uscite di satira estremista controtendeza hanno rotto

Rot Teufel
21-05-17, 12:26
A me non dispiace l'idea della dualità. Non è una roba originalissima, ma sarei curioso di approfondire lo script. E poi rientra nel target DC, ossia creiamo eroi con problemi. :asd:

21-05-17, 13:01


21-05-17, 13:03
la prima pic :rotfl:

21-05-17, 15:13
la prima pic :rotfl:
Non sapevo se postarla, è abbastanza old... asd