Visualizza Versione Completa : Hey Backle, I got some questions for you!

24-08-17, 19:30
I wanna seee if you are so alpha as you say...

1) have you ever made a threesome with two girls?
2) have you ever fuck her at very first date?
3) have you ever banged in her ass?
4) have you ever been refused by a girl?
5) have you ever been payed by a women to have sex with her?
6) how many chicks have you fucked in your entire life?
7) have you evere been engaged to make a movie or model carreer?
8 ) at what age you loose your virginity?
9) what's the secret of your success with women?
10) do you feel sorry for people like koba?

Sorry for my poor english. I hope you will reply soon. Thanx.

24-08-17, 19:38
#frase randomica#
Il piu' delle volte essere alpha implica l'avere una faccia da culo nel dire le cose in faccia, essere schietti, fottersene del parere altrui e, in un certo senso, essere pure egoisti.

24-08-17, 19:39
i hope we could learn something from his replies...

24-08-17, 19:55
turn around at 220 kmh (187 mph)

25-08-17, 02:05
I wanna seee if you are so alpha as you say...

Sorry for my poor english. I hope you will reply soon. Thanx.

1) have you ever made a threesome with two girls? più o meno
2) have you ever fuck her at very first date? sì
3) have you ever banged in her ass? sì
4) have you ever been refused by a girl? sì
5) have you ever been payed by a women to have sex with her? no
6) how many chicks have you fucked in your entire life? boh
7) have you evere been engaged to make a movie or model carreer? no
8 ) at what age you loose your virginity? :uhm:
9) what's the secret of your success with women? se voglio qualcosa mi fermo quando l'ho ottenuto
10) do you feel sorry for people like koba? per quale motivo?

#frase randomica#
Il piu' delle volte essere alpha implica l'avere una faccia da culo nel dire le cose in faccia, essere schietti, fottersene del parere altrui e, in un certo senso, essere pure egoisti.

vero :sisi:

25-08-17, 06:29
E' guarito dall'inglesite acuta!

25-08-17, 18:14
1) che cazzo significa "più o meno"? stavi a letto con una mentre facevi cybersex tramite smartphone con un'altra?
4) chi ha osato?
6) alla tua età ne hai già avute così tanto da perdere il conto?
8 ) :uhm:

25-08-17, 19:43
1) che cazzo significa "più o meno"? stavi a letto con una mentre facevi cybersex tramite smartphone con un'altra?

la mattina se ne scopa una e il pomeriggio se ne fa un altra senza essersi lavato.