Visualizza Versione Completa : MGTOW - Men Going Their Own Way - facile esserlo ai tempi dei casini...

28-10-17, 21:48
Tutta gente che ha realizzato grandi cose... e poi è morta di sifilide!

E quanto il CD distraeva la mente, tutti al LOCALE CASINO!
da www.mgtow.com/history (http://www.mgtow.com/history)

Survival and mating are the success model for animals in the wild. That's the best they will ever do. But marriage and children are not the highest pinnacle of success for Men. Some 60% of men who ever lived on Earth never had children, so what did they dedicate their lives to?

For millennia, men have accomplished and contributed far greater miracles of science, discovery and human endeavor, and thanks to men like Orville and Wilbur Wright, man is the only mammal that can't fly - that CAN fly. Man is also the only species that has the capability of deflecting an extinction-level event.




28-10-17, 21:59
Dante e Leopardi si segavano fortissimo ed erano friendzonati abbestia.

28-10-17, 22:01
Non tutti scelgono di esserlo :asd:

Ma in generale non si perdono molto a livello di qualità dei rapporti umani, soprattutto di questi tempi