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Lux !
28-12-17, 18:43
- It looks like women are some kind of mute, unintelligent decorations and men
- the articles on this page are becoming more and more pathetic
- nonsense
- this article is BS!
- this is all bull s***.....men are attracted to big boobs
- hated it

https://i.imgur.com/acItQIN.jpg (https://brightside.me/inspiration-girls-stuff/10-things-women-do-that-attract-men-like-a-magnet-422660/)

The eye color aspect can be not very clear, but the limbal rings are very straightforward.

Limbal ring is the dark ring around the iris. Scientists have come to the conclusion that wide limbal rings attract men more. Maybe this is because younger women have wide limbal rings, but even older women who still have wide limbal rings are very attractive to men.

L'ho sempre sostenuto :teach:

28-12-17, 18:48
io credo che mi concentrerò sul mio cazzo e ascolterò che mi dice, per avere l'unico responso che mi interessa

28-12-17, 18:53
and red-haired women were the least attractive for men

dico banfa

28-12-17, 18:59
ci sono trecento articoli su google su ste cose

Rot Teufel
28-12-17, 22:29
and red-haired women were the least attractive for men

Chi è sto frocio? :wat2:

Lo Zio
28-12-17, 22:31
and red-haired women were the least attractive for men

dico banfa
non si diceva "rossa de cavei..." :fag: