Visualizza Versione Completa : La state seguendo tutti la deiretta, vero? :sospetto:

Lux !
06-02-18, 23:24

il resto nel topic spaaaaace :snob:

Kronos The Mad
07-02-18, 00:33
But why

Lux !
07-02-18, 00:36
But why

Perchè era la sua auto personale e così ha la scusa di farsene una nuova :snob:

Lux !
16-02-18, 12:30
“Although there were several close encounters with Mars in our simulations, none of them resulted in a physical collision. We find that there is a ~6% chance that the Tesla will collide with Earth and a ~2.5% chance that it will collide with Venus within the next 1 Myr. The collision rate goes down slightly with time. After 3 Myr the probability of a collision with Earth is ~11%. We observed only one collision with the Sun within 3 Myr.” (https://www.universetoday.com/138549/chances-musks-space-tesla-going-crash-venus-earth/)

Moriremo tutti :piange:

A bordo della Tesla spaziale c’è la Trilogia della Fondazione. Geek fino in fondo (https://attivissimo.blogspot.it/2018/02/a-bordo-della-tesla-spaziale-ce-la.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+Disinformatico+(Il+Disinformati co)&utm_content=Netvibes)