Visualizza Versione Completa : Absint AKA pitone viaggiatore

Pavone Allibratore
14-07-18, 05:53
Pitone di oltre 5 metri e 50 kg a piede libero in Polonia :chebotta:

Following the discovery of a 5.3 meter long slough, the forces engaged in the hunt for the giant Indian python in the southern suburbs of Warsaw managed to discover marks of the snake’s passage.
“We managed to corroborate new marks of passage and new specialists have joined with us. As a matter of fact, we attested that this is a mark left by a snake and, presumably, by the one that dropped the slough,” said David Fabiański of the Animal Rescue Poland Foundation.

The tracks were found by the village of Ciszyca near the waterfront in watery, sandy terrain. Forces engaged in the hunt continue to search for tracks and the snake on warm, sunlit terrains.

Officer Jarosław Sawicki said that “according to an ophiologist” the discovered tracks show that “we are dealing with a snake on our territory.” Mr Sawicki said that “this is not another slough but a track left by a snake writhing in the shrubs between the islands.” Furthermore, the officer assumes that the snake’s weight amounts to 50 kg (110,23 lbs).

He also added that “this snake species may be dangerous and this particular one is estimated to be six meters long.” Officer Sawicki also mentioned that a local paraglider testified to having seen a snake being let out of a car at the Vistula’s beach within the boundaries of Warsaw’s Wilanów city district.

The river police and Warsaw zoo employees have joined the hunt, while regular police forces have already gathered information about all local snake breeders. Additionally, all police units in the country were asked to provide information about individuals that might be breeding snakes and also about whether anyone was reported releasing the hunted snake

14-07-18, 08:24

14-07-18, 08:53
Ma un pitone alle temperature polacche che fine fa?

14-07-18, 10:09
E' un nuovo servizio polacco per il controllo della pulizia intima.


E se non ti pulisci per bene la pistola o la marmitta ti dà l'ammonimento.


Re: Absint AKA pitone viaggiatore

Ma un pitone alle temperature polacche che fine fa?

Probabilmente è riuscito a sopravvivere per anni nelle fogne, li fà più caldo e di Mac Ratto ne trova in abbondanza, i rettili poi col freddo vanno spesso in una sorta di letargo ma non credo sia il caso dei Pitoni.