Visualizza Versione Completa : [Multi] Styx: Shards of Darkness

24-02-16, 12:14

Il seguito di Styx, in uscita su PC e console, si preannuncia ricco di contenuti e con livelli più aperti rispetto al primo capitolo.
A voi i nuovi screens e la nota che li accompagna:

New screenshots reveal huge environments of Styx: Shards of Darkness

Styx: Shards of Darkness, the sequel to Cyanide Studios’ infiltration cult classic Master of Shadows, comes to consoles and PC on Unreal Engine 4 in 2016. Styx’s sneaky adventure comes back with new features, new environments, and Unreal Engine 4!

In today's screenshots, we witness Styx prowling through some of the huge environments of the game. From the City of Thieves, built from the wreckages of lost ships, to the great Elven city of Korangar hidden in the mountains, the environments of Styx: Shards of Darkness are enormous and semi-open, with an emphasis on verticality. They allow for a lot of freedom to complete the various missions' objectives. They are fantastic playgrounds for Styx to test his stealth and assassination skills, and try out his new moves such as rope-swinging and zip-lining!

These are just some of the huge open spaces oozing with verticality to explore in Styx’s new infiltration adventure! With new ways to traverse the landscape, a deep and original story, as well as huge new features yet to be revealed, Styx’s 2016 mission will be his biggest yet!

Styx: Shards of Darkness comes 2016 to PS4, Xbox One, and PC.




Eric Starbuck
24-02-16, 15:30
Dopo aver provato il primo: "gesto dell'ombrello" che lo compro!

24-02-16, 15:35
perchè è brutto il primo? io l'avevo scaricato gratis (era tra i giochi del plus di qualche mese fa) e ne avevo sentito parlare abbastanza bene.
stavo anche per cominciarlo perchè ora sto giocando a broken age e poi nel mio backlog ps4 c'erano appunto quello e grim fandango.

Eric Starbuck
24-02-16, 15:43
Il gameplay l'ho trovato così legnoso che ho preso le schegge toccando il DS4. :bua:

Provalo e mi saprai dire: gameplay buggato, framerate ballerino, movimenti impacciati.

E te lo dico io che lo avevo persino in wishlist e feci i salti di gioa quando lo diedero col plus. non sono riuscito ad andare oltre il secondo livello.

19-05-16, 13:48
Nuove informazioni e screens:

Styx: Shards of Darkness Reveals Images of Some of the Many Dangers to Overcome

Styx: Shards of Darkness, the sequel to Cyanide Studios' stealth cult-classic Master of Shadows, comes to consoles and PC in 2016. Styx creeps back in a new adventure packed with bigger production, tonnes of new features and a new engine: Unreal Engine 4. Today's new images reveal a few of the many dangers your green anti-hero will have to face during his journey.

One of the hostile factions you will meet in the huge underground city of Korrangar is composed of the Dark Elves. Dark Elves were previously Elves who had to live without any amber for multiple generations. Slowly, they have been turning into fanatic and bloodthirsty creatures. They became masters in Quartz fabrication, a new, much more dangerous, source of power. They are also experts at goblin hunting and the Exterminator Dark Elf is proof of that. He has honed his skills to perfection, and is able to flush out pesky creatures hiding in dark corners and hard-to-reach places with toxic bombs.

If there's an even more dangerous place than Korrangar, it would be Wildoran, the city of goblin hunters. Wildoran inhabitants are stout people wearing heavy armour - the powerful Dwarves. Styx is unable to breach their impenetrable defence, so you must innovate and adapt to disable or avoid them. Every dwarf also has a supernatural sense of smell, and is able to slowly track Styx as he moves from cover to cover.

This is only a small example of the many enemy types Styx will face in his journey. Each faction has many unique classes of enemies and will require you to creatively utilize all of Styx's tools to overcome them: assassination, amber powers, talents and skills, equipment, etc. But that's not all! Deep in the most dangerous of areas lie greater foes and obstacles that are epic in size and scale - monstrous beings that overshadow anything Styx has ever seen!

Styx: Shards of Darkness will be present at E3 2016 in Los Angeles on June 14-16.

Infiltrate your way with Styx: Shards of Darkness, available in 2016 on PS4, Xbox One and PC.




09-06-16, 16:23
E3 Trailer:

Styx: Shards of Darkness reveals the goblin assassin’s quest in a spectacular new trailer

Styx: Shards of Darkness, the sequel to Cyanide Studios' stealth surprise success story Master of Shadows, comes to consoles and PC in 2016. Styx creeps back in a new adventure packed with bigger production, a load of new features and a new engine: Unreal Engine 4. Today’s E3 Trailer unveils more about the quest that awaits our green-skinned goblin in Styx: Shards of Darkness.

While Styx is in business in Thoben, the City of Thieves, he makes an unexpected deal with a mysterious human officer Helledryn. As Styx, you must steal the ambassador’s scepter, a very coveted object, which other, more nefarious, parties are interested in. Of course, the reward shall be worth the risk, in return the officer promises you great quantity of a resource you are desperately looking for: magical amber, the source of Styx power.

Sneak your way to your objective, evading dwarves, elves, and all manner of races, hunting down the scepter. Creatively utilize all of Styx’s tools: assassination, amber powers, talents and skills, equipment, and crafting!

Each race excels at a different thing. The Dark Elves, for instance, have experts at goblin hunting while the Dwarves have a supernatural sense of smell, enabling them to track you down (even when invisible!). Learn their strengths and weaknesses if you want to survive long enough to snatch the scepter.

There are further exciting features to be revealed just around the corner!

Styx: Shards of Darkness will be present at E3 2016 in Los Angeles on June 14-16.

Infiltrate your way to victory when Styx: Shards of Darkness releases in 2016 for consoles and PC.


06-10-16, 12:24
nuovo trailer gameplay:


22-11-16, 11:48
Il gameplay l'ho trovato così legnoso che ho preso le schegge toccando il DS4. :bua:

Provalo e mi saprai dire: gameplay buggato, framerate ballerino, movimenti impacciati.

E te lo dico io che lo avevo persino in wishlist e feci i salti di gioa quando lo diedero col plus. non sono riuscito ad andare oltre il secondo livello.

alla fine son riuscito a giocarci solo ora (al primo ovvio) e l'unico problema è stato coi salti che sono in stile vecchi tomb raider credo, cioè fa un salto esagerato, ma tu devi dosarlo al millimetro se no scivoli giù dalla piattaforma o non si appende all'appiglio ecc. ah e i caricamenti un po' lunghetti specie in un gioco che -almeno per me- si basa sul trial and error...
l'ultimo livello è difficilotto, con nemici uber che ti "percepiscono" anche senza vederti o sentirti, quindi complice il fatto che era tardi e volevo finirlo, ho seguito un video, se no ci mettevo anni a imparare a memoria dove andare e come evitare i nemici a forza di tentativi...
adesso mi restano pochi trofei per il platino e forse ci provo

quindi shards of darkness se le recensioni non lo bocceranno mi interessa

Eric Starbuck
22-11-16, 12:27
WOW! complimenti. forse si, pure il trial and error coi tempi di caricamento biblici non aiuta.

Io ho ancora troppo amaro in bocca con sto gioco.

16-12-16, 20:44
nuovo gameplay:


17-12-16, 11:51
avendo da poco finito il primo, mi fa un po' strano vedere questo, cioè tutti quei poteri nuovi... sono fighi però snaturano il gioco, è più complesso, ma semplificato.
poi anche l'impatto della nuova veste grafica, tra l'altro molto meno dark, mi fa strano.

12-01-17, 17:17
nuovo trailer:


21-02-17, 15:18

c'è pure la modalità co-op

03-03-17, 15:18