Visualizza Versione Completa : Una storia old, sul mangiare la figa. Da leggere a stomaco vuoto

03-09-18, 04:08

03-09-18, 05:57

03-09-18, 06:06
Sembrano quelle storie sessuali che si raccontano alle medie, a metà fra il mito e quello che oggi potrebbe essere catalogato come fake news.

03-09-18, 06:09
una storia un po' cek un po' shogun

Lo Spruzzino
03-09-18, 06:10
Non vedo nulla.

03-09-18, 06:16
Anche a stomaco vuoto non ha funzionato.

Porco bio che schifo.

Inviato dal mio LG G3

03-09-18, 06:52
Sembrano quelle storie sessuali che si raccontano alle medie, a metà fra il mito e quello che oggi potrebbe essere catalogato come fake news.Tipo la tizia che alla festa dei 18 anni ha bevuto la sborra dei partecipanti maschi tanto da riempire una lattina di coca

03-09-18, 07:24
Questa mi è nuova. Rimanevo al classico wurstel rotto

03-09-18, 07:31
potrebbero farci ben due puntate di alta infedeltà

03-09-18, 08:27
Son cose che capitano

03-09-18, 08:38
figa al cucchiaio

03-09-18, 09:06
Non vedo nulla.

03-09-18, 09:14
[Nothing tops the Jolly Rancher story.

Steve and his girlfriend Samantha went off to college in August. She went to Florida State, he went to Penn. So, she decides to fly to PA to visit him. He was really happy to see her so he decided to give her some oral action.

He had done this numerous times before and he always enjoyed doing it...but for some reason, this time, she smelled really horrible, and she tasted even worse. He didn't want to offend her though because he hadn't seen her in months...so he put a Jolly Rancher in his mouth to cover it up, even though it didn't do much to help.

In the course of eating her out, he accidentally pushed the candy inside of her... and stuck a finger in to grab it out. He took it out, and put it back into his mouth and bit it. Only...it wasn't the Jolly Rancher.

It was a nodule of gonorrhea.

As in, the blister-like structure that gonorrhea makes filled with diseased pus was the size of a fucking Jolly Rancher and the poor guy BIT it. I guess it was really dark in the room. He freaked out and started vomiting all over the place when it exploded in his mouth...

He demanded to know what was going on, turns out she had cheated on him at a club like, the first week of college, and fucked some random guy and the stupid bitch had no clue what was wrong with her. She noticed a strange smell though.

So now, Steve is freaking out that he now has gonorrhea of the mouth and God knows what else..

03-09-18, 09:17
Stavo meglio prima, asd

03-09-18, 12:07
a leggere in rete se ne scopre sempre una nuova la sindrome di Darwin non la conoscevo ancora.


Sindrome di Samo (https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sindrome_di_Samo)

Drogato di FPS
03-09-18, 14:12
Jesus Christ :bua:

03-09-18, 14:20
Tipo la tizia che alla festa dei 18 anni ha bevuto la sborra dei partecipanti maschi tanto da riempire una lattina di coca

Che sarebbe la versione modificata della tizia che al 18°compleanno ha fatto 18 pompini con ingoio? Voglio vedere quando festeggierà 60anni....