Visualizza Versione Completa : Tieniti stretti i superpoteri, fulviuzz

15-05-19, 03:01
one of my former co-workers loaded in a SD card with a scanned project file on it. he put it into the conference room PC we were treated to naked pics of his wife fucking another guy. we were just stunned. this was in a senior budgetary meeting with the outside accountants and auditors. and he was sitting right there and we were looking at his wife and another guy going at it. i reached over and shut the projector off. nobody said anything. he got up and walked out and drove off in his car. left his phone and laptop sitting on the table. he wound up driving to his parents house 3 states away. he was gone for a week.

15-05-19, 06:43
uno dei miei ex colleghi di lavoro caricato in una scheda SD con un file di progetto scansionato su di esso. l'ha messo nella sala conferenze PC dove siamo stati trattati con foto nude di sua moglie che scopavano un altro ragazzo. eravamo solo storditi. questo avveniva in una riunione di bilancio con i contabili e i revisori esterni. e lui era seduto proprio lì e stavamo guardando sua moglie e un altro ragazzo che se ne andava. Ho raggiunto e spento il proiettore. nessuno ha detto nulla. si alzò e uscì e si mise in macchina. lasciò il telefono e il portatile seduti sul tavolo. è finito a guidare verso la casa dei suoi genitori, 3 stati lontani. era sparito per una settimana.
:pippotto: :uhoh: :consola:

15-05-19, 07:20

Lo Spruzzino
15-05-19, 08:09
Molto cinematografico.

15-05-19, 08:13
One day my husband was getting ready for work and I saw him packing his GoPro case so he could take it to work. I thought, “hmmm that’s weird, why would he be taking it to work?” So, when he jumped into the shower, I replaced his GoPro with mine and thought I’d look through the files when he leaves for work. My suspicions were on alert because he had just taken a trip to the PI with some friends. A guys only weekend kind of thing. Fire up the camera and found 3 videos.... Lo and behold... there he is in all his glory barebacking a Filipino prostitute. Looking and posing for the camera like he’s some fucking porn star.

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Summon cek

15-05-19, 08:21

Giustamente una moglie lascia il marito andare in vacanza con amici in un puttanaio

Well done

15-05-19, 08:21
e chiamatele fotocamere!

15-05-19, 08:24
Ultima, poi nanna

Boyfriend finally convinces me to have a threesome after months of begging. I finally agree and our mutual friend comes over. Things get hot and heavy and when he starts fucking her he moans, “damn you feel even better than usual!” Everyone freezes. He tries to tell me that he was thinking about my pussy while fucking her and that it just felt differently, but she felt so guilty that she confessed on the spot and begged me to forgive her.

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Giustamente una moglie lascia il marito andare in vacanza con amici in un puttanaio

Well done
Amore, vado a Pattaya con amici per godere... Del mare cristallino

Lo Spruzzino
15-05-19, 08:26
Bel momento per il tizio. Comunque c'è un errore nel racconto.

15-05-19, 08:27
nanna? alle 9 e mezza del mattino? :pippotto:

15-05-19, 08:29
Bel momento per il tizio. Comunque c'è un errore nel racconto.
Non me ne sono accorto, sono curioso di sapere quale sarebbe.

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nanna? alle 9 e mezza del mattino? :pippotto:


15-05-19, 08:30
se stai nella parte sbagliata del mondo non è colpa mia :tsk:

Lo Spruzzino
15-05-19, 08:39
Pensavo che "moan" si riferesse solo alle tizie, a quanto pare sembra di no.

15-05-19, 09:11
One day my husband was getting ready for work and I saw him packing his GoPro case so he could take it to work. I thought, “hmmm that’s weird, why would he be taking it to work?” So, when he jumped into the shower, I replaced his GoPro with mine and thought I’d look through the files when he leaves for work. My suspicions were on alert because he had just taken a trip to the PI with some friends. A guys only weekend kind of thing. Fire up the camera and found 3 videos.... Lo and behold... there he is in all his glory barebacking a Filipino prostitute. Looking and posing for the camera like he’s some fucking porn star.

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Summon cek

:rotfl: ma poi chissà quante malattie avrà preso

15-05-19, 09:22
My ex-wife was an alcoholic. Like... bad alcoholic.

One time I get home from my night shift a little early, and you guessed it, she was drunk. Well, I was horny, and she's usually drunk when we fuck anyway, so what the hell, I came onto her.

So, we're fucking and its dark and she says, "You need to hurry up."

So I ask, "Uh, why?"

"He's going to be home soon."

"Uh... who?"

"My husband you fucking idiot."

Lo Spruzzino
15-05-19, 09:25
Lol Ma chi cazzo si è sposato...

15-05-19, 09:29

15-05-19, 09:31
Lol Ma chi cazzo si è sposato...

una punta alla spina

15-05-19, 13:23
Sono le storie migliori, queste. Divertenti, tragiche. I need more

15-05-19, 14:52
Il nonno era un genio :rotfl:

My grandparents got married and had 5 children while they were living in the Philippines. They moved to America when my dad was 12 (he was the oldest of the 5). Decades later we find out that my grandpa had a mistress on the side while they were still living in the Philippines and he had 5 kids with her also. Those 5 kids, who were adults at the time, came to visit us at my grandparents house about 10 years ago. It was awkward, but that’s not even the weirdest part. He named the kids with the mistress in the Philippines, THE EXACT SAME NAMES as the kids he had with my grandma. First AND middle names. My dad was livid. It was a very uncomfortable evening.

15-05-19, 15:14
Bei tempi

Non c’erano le malattie e si poteva sborrare dentro a caso

15-05-19, 15:16
I caught my ex thanks to fucking Pokemon Go of all things.

She mentioned Pokemon Go was using lots of her data. I explained that in her settings she could see how much data an app was using. I proceeded to show her and proved to her it wasn't by pointing out Tinder was using much more data...


15-05-19, 16:51
Il nonno era un genio :rotfl:
si, un genio con poca fantasia :asd:

15-05-19, 17:00
E questi sono solo i casi di gente che viene scoperta, magari per sbaglio.
Pensate quante bugie non vengono a galla e poi viva l'amore sincero monogamo

15-05-19, 17:03
si, un genio con poca fantasia :asd:Ma va era un genio. Così non si confondeva. Chissà se è riuscito a farli nascere stesso giorno. :ASD:

15-05-19, 17:04
Ma va era un genio. Così non si confondeva. Chissà se è riuscito a farli nascere stesso giorno. :ASD:

2 colpi, 2 centri :asd:

Lux !
15-05-19, 19:38
Il nonno era un genio :rotfl:

My grandparents got married and had 5 children while they were living in the Philippines. They moved to America when my dad was 12 (he was the oldest of the 5). Decades later we find out that my grandpa had a mistress on the side while they were still living in the Philippines and he had 5 kids with her also. Those 5 kids, who were adults at the time, came to visit us at my grandparents house about 10 years ago. It was awkward, but that’s not even the weirdest part. He named the kids with the mistress in the Philippines, THE EXACT SAME NAMES as the kids he had with my grandma. First AND middle names. My dad was livid. It was a very uncomfortable evening.

Così non rischiava di sbagliarsi :snob:

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Bei tempi

Non c’erano le malattie e si poteva sborrare dentro a caso


15-05-19, 19:41
Ah, non ci sono pericoli, ma grazie del pensiero OP :asd:

Lux !
15-05-19, 20:03

15-05-19, 22:36
I was making out with my girlfriend in the back of her car (which at the time she had only had for a week) and I put his hand on the back of the car somewhere between the back of the head rests and the rear windshield. I guess the opposite of a dash board? Anyways I put my hand in a semi-fresh load of jizz. And her answer was that her gum must have flew from her mouth and land back their and the sun melted it into a jizz like substance!


15-05-19, 23:03
> his hand

15-05-19, 23:29
Il nonno era un genio :rotfl:

My grandparents got married and had 5 children while they were living in the Philippines. They moved to America when my dad was 12 (he was the oldest of the 5). Decades later we find out that my grandpa had a mistress on the side while they were still living in the Philippines and he had 5 kids with her also. Those 5 kids, who were adults at the time, came to visit us at my grandparents house about 10 years ago. It was awkward, but that’s not even the weirdest part. He named the kids with the mistress in the Philippines, THE EXACT SAME NAMES as the kids he had with my grandma. First AND middle names. My dad was livid. It was a very uncomfortable evening.C'hanno fatto il film

15-05-19, 23:43
> his hand
Errore mio, era narrato in terza persona e l'ho adattato alla prima

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Shogun intensifies

I walked out from our bedroom out in to the living room and there he was making out with one of my ex-best-friends and getting a blowjob simultaneously from one of his gay coworkers.

18-05-19, 23:41
We were high school sweethearts that went off to different colleges. He came to visit me one weekend, and forgot to logout of Facebook on my computer before he left. I accidently stumbled upon his inbox and found explicit messages from a girl from his school. The messages included, "When are you going to break up with her?" and "That rim job last night was sooooo good babe!!!" There was a fair amount of sexting too! My favorite line from her that I'll never forget: "Is your cum thick baby?"

Lo Spruzzino
19-05-19, 04:14
Ah, le care dense sborrate! Anche il mio parroco le prediligeva.

19-05-19, 12:16

19-05-19, 12:36
Bei tempi

Non c’erano le malattie e si poteva sborrare dentro a caso

Ai tempi dei nostri nonni si moriva per una polmonite, mia nonna ha perso due fratelli per verminosi. Tumori, sifilide e gonorrea e scolo ammazzavano male.

Vero, non c'era il divorzio. Ma si andava in guerra ogni 20 anni e se ti rompevi un osso te lo sistemavano che restavi monco per la vita.

Ah, non c'era un sistema che ti permettesse di esporre le tue opinioni col resto del mondo.

Qualche moderatore potrebbe essere d'accordo che si stesse meglio.

19-05-19, 13:37
La quinta riga mi sembra un pro

19-05-19, 14:25
Ai tempi dei nostri nonni si moriva per una polmonite, mia nonna ha perso due fratelli per verminosi. Tumori, sifilide e gonorrea e scolo ammazzavano male.

Vero, non c'era il divorzio. Ma si andava in guerra ogni 20 anni e se ti rompevi un osso te lo sistemavano che restavi monco per la vita.

Ah, non c'era un sistema che ti permettesse di esporre le tue opinioni col resto del mondo.

Qualche moderatore potrebbe essere d'accordo che si stesse meglio.

non fatemi partire il flame :asd:

19-05-19, 16:27


20-05-19, 02:38
Non era per il grammar nazi :asd:
Ma sicuramente è entrata nella messaggistica privata per sbaglio. Sai quante volte accidentalmente sono entrato in caserma dei carabinieri invece che a casa mia.

20-05-19, 02:59
L'avevo capito, la mia era una battuta, venuta male, del tipo "Accidenty (l'hai sgamato)"

20-05-19, 03:06
Is your cum thick, Carver?

20-05-19, 03:08
Is your cum thick, Carver?
Antibiotics intensify