Visualizza Versione Completa : Clownfield 2042

02-01-22, 10:27

Clownfield 2042 is an FPS where you take a role of unique soldier, equipped with six weapons that has to fight enemy and win the front. After 2022 cryptocrash caused by NFT's, majority of nations collapsed and a union of "No-Clowns" has been formed. You are one of them, arm up and get ready for war

Played with the developer in a public server for a couple of matches and the guy would use voice chat to yell out racial slurs and scream them directly at anyone who'd critique the game. The game is shovel-ware. A poor excuse of a "game" which is a blatant tease at Battlefield 2042, which was already terrible game. That being said, the game is borderline unplayable with about 70% of the content simply not working or registering properly with a dev team full of racists. Save the dollar.

https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1591520/ss_5ed9252639e5227850535e0de5e3d504d48e63d3.1920x1 080.jpg?t=1640956347

https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1591520/ss_00fade1630568d65fba2da7f03fe14da606baf30.1920x1 080.jpg?t=1640956347

https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1591520/ss_b4cf3acba6c2306e3ced05321de9037b705ff184.1920x1 080.jpg?t=1640956347

02-01-22, 10:36
Una delle tante parodie :caffe:

02-01-22, 10:49
Alcune review sono :asd:

Fine! I'll have my own Battlefield 2042, with blackjack and hookers"

Clownfield 2042, represents the PINNACLE, the APEX, The BLEEDING EDGE of the First Person Shooter Genre. The attention to detail, the respect for the craft is simply breathtaking. Clownfield 2042 represents a watershed moment in Gaming. It is a once in a generation even once in a life time title. In the same way that Pacman, Zelda, Mario, Doom and CounterStrike moved the industry forward before it, years from now children from all over the world will read about the undeniable impact Clownfield2042 has had on the evolution of Gaming, and the impact it has had on millions.

In fact I would go further and say Clownfield 2042 isn’t even a Game. It's an EXPERIENCE. From the cerebral sound design, the visceral, masterfully designed environments to the heart melting soundtrack, Clownfield is the Citizen Kane, of modern day Gaming. There has been NOTHING like it before or since. It truly is a LOVE LETTER to FANS of not JUST First Person Shooters, but gaming in general. When I loaded up that welcome screen for the first time, I cried. I cried tears of joy onto my Nacho Cheese stained keyboard because I KNEW that I would never need to buy another game again.
It felt like I had finally made it home...

THANK YOU RIVERSIDE SPORTS. THANK YOU for the care, attention and expertise you have bought to Clownfield 2042. - My only regret is I have but one thumbs up to give.

this game sucks so much butt that i see why people might like it.

02-01-22, 11:39
Stanno bombardando il dev chiedendogli di espanderlo perché è migliore dell'ultimo Battlefield :asd: