Visualizza Versione Completa : I taught my 9yo the true power of the word PUSSY !!

26-07-23, 08:59
She was playing a multi-player computer game and some idiot called her a pussy for hiding from the monster. She asked what that word meant.

I told her that it's a word that's slang for vagina. I explained that in the context it was being used, the person meant it as an insult. A coward. A scardy cat. And, like as if being a girl made her lesser.

I said, "I'm going to tell you a secret that no other kid you know will know." Her eyes got big as saucers and she was practically jumping out of her seat. "Vaginas are amazing. They have to stretch to this big to push out a baby. Women get their periods every month. And cramps hurt. Men don't know what pain is. So many men get a cold and act like they're dying. So the next time someone calls you a pussy, brush it off and say to yourself, 'Hey thanks!' Because vaginas, and the women they are attached to, are amazing, strong, and resilient."

Then we watched videos on YouTube of men trying period pain simulators and laughed.

The End.

26-07-23, 09:07
Bof, una roba quasi equilibrata.

26-07-23, 09:08
And everyone clapped

26-07-23, 09:10
my vagina is so strech that seems to put a salami in a corridor

26-07-23, 15:08
Yawn Cesarino

26-07-23, 15:17
E che vuol dire?
Peoples with vagina sarebbe un termine pił adeguato di questi tempi.
la tizia non sa a cosa sta andando incontro con il suo favellare politicamente scorretto.

Lux !
26-07-23, 16:05

26-07-23, 19:26
and they're so yummy