Stasera stai dando il meglio di te Lux, continua cosģ.
No Mike. No, no Mike. That was so not right! You need to reinstate the lap before, that's not right.Toto? It's called motor race. Okay? We went car racing...
che voglia di allattare duro!!!
la penultima sarebbe?
se lasciati a se stessi i problemi tendono a risolversi da soli, se cosģ non accade, allora č meglio lasciar perdere il tutto e passare ad altro.
- gli ignoranti ignorano -
zio putrella la mora col vestito nero seduta sul letto!!!
Ultima modifica di Lurge; 05-02-19 alle 00:38
Ceppure Lana da Rodi.
No Mike. No, no Mike. That was so not right! You need to reinstate the lap before, that's not right.Toto? It's called motor race. Okay? We went car racing...
Eh, vabbč, le gif delle giapponesi che ho postato sul ballo dei davanzali sono meglio.
No Mike. No, no Mike. That was so not right! You need to reinstate the lap before, that's not right.Toto? It's called motor race. Okay? We went car racing...
A ripensarci come stava messa prima...
" Se la schizzata č stata densa andiamo a tutti a mangiare in mensa! "
Lux for president
No Mike. No, no Mike. That was so not right! You need to reinstate the lap before, that's not right.Toto? It's called motor race. Okay? We went car racing...
Sarą un euro quinta, anche euro sesta.
Di sicuro FAP.