*Phoenix Point* - Strategico a turni dal creatore dell'originale X-COM [STR] *Phoenix Point* - Strategico a turni dal creatore dell'originale X-COM

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Discussione: *Phoenix Point* - Strategico a turni dal creatore dell'originale X-COM

  1. #1
    Grande Antico L'avatar di Shog-goth
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    *Phoenix Point* - Strategico a turni dal creatore dell'originale X-COM

    One of the most exciting games in Los Angeles this week won’t be featured at press conferences or on the showfloor. Phoenix Point is the new tactical-strategy hybrid from Julian Gollop, the creator of the original X-COM, and we met yesterday to discuss its procedurally generated alien threats, simulated human factions and much more. Here’s the world’s first in-depth look at the game.

    This is more than a remake of X-COM, that’s clear from the start. While the turn-based tactical combat looks a great deal like Firaxis’s take on the series, with destructible terrain and entirely procedural levels, the strongest and most exciting ideas in Phoenix Point might well be in the strategic layer, which combines elements of grand strategy with the lurking horror of Stephen King’s The Mist. Before digging into all of that though, here’s how the future looks. It’s not pretty.

    Phoenix Point may be humanity’s last hope. An isolated settlement of survivors in a world that has gone to hell, it’s a peak rising above a tide of horrors that are threatening to consume what remains of humankind. Your task is to lead the ragtag band of people who have made Phoenix Point their home, at first ensuring that they survive by gathering food and other resources, and later by fighting back against the threats that surround them.

    The game is set in 2046 and the last pockets of the human race are hiding in havens, scattered around the world. That’s because something went terribly wrong a couple of decades ago, when the melting of the permafrost released a long-dormant alien virus into the oceans. That virus is capable of mutating any species it comes into contact with, which leads to an initial wave of horrific aquatic creatures, reminiscent of Terror From The Deep, and eventually makes its way onto land.

    The virus spreads under the cloak of a mist that you’ll be able to see spreading across the map. It plays a part in tactical combat as well as on the strategic Geoscape layer, and I’ll go into more detail about that later, but right now it’s best to think of it as both a cover system and a literal fog of war. It hides creatures and protects them, and represents both the presence of the alien hordes and a form of corruption that they’re spreading across Earth.


    E' una vita che aspetto il ritorno al genere di Gollop dopo la grande occasione mancata di Freedom Ridge. Che altro dire se non ?
    Endure. In enduring, grow strong.

  2. #2
    Capitano di Ventura L'avatar di Ganymede
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    Jan 2016

    Re: *Phoenix Point* - Strategico a turni dal creatore dell'originale X-COM

    Avevo letto l'articolo tempo fa, mi ispira soprattutto il sistema di adattamento degli alieni che ti costringe ad adottare strategie diverse di volta in volta. Peccato che siamo ancora lontani dal rilascio

    Inviato dal mio ASUS_Z00AD utilizzando Tapatalk

  3. #3
    Grande Antico L'avatar di Shog-goth
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    Jan 2016

    Re: *Phoenix Point* - Strategico a turni dal creatore dell'originale X-COM

    Si parla della seconda metà del 2018, almeno...
    Endure. In enduring, grow strong.

  4. #4
    Senior Member L'avatar di Ciome
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    Jan 2016

    Re: *Phoenix Point* - Strategico a turni dal creatore dell'originale X-COM

    riassunto topic pirateria domestica:

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    Tu non lavori nell'it ma per il sociale

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    rondella's way:

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    rondella farebbe una foursome con la stallona, il frigorifero e la lavastoviglie

  5. #5
    Grande Antico L'avatar di Shog-goth
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    Jan 2016

    Re: *Phoenix Point* - Strategico a turni dal creatore dell'originale X-COM

    Mi piacerebbe che anche questa volta, come per Chaos Reborn, Gollop seguisse la formula KS + EA così da poter contribuire direttamente allo sviluppo anche se temo che gli investimenti necessari per un gioco di questa portata eccedano le possibilità del crowdfunding...
    Endure. In enduring, grow strong.

  6. #6
    Grande Antico L'avatar di Shog-goth
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    Jan 2016

    Re: *Phoenix Point* - Strategico a turni dal creatore dell'originale X-COM

    Snapshot Games has been busy working on Phoenix Point, and we will have a lot more to show over the next couple of months. To get things rolling we have created a Phoenix Point Youtube channel with a new teaser trailer video.

    Please subscribe to the channel and share it with your friends and acquaintances. The music is by John Broomhall, who composed the music for the original X-COM games. We are very excited to announce that John will be working with us as composer and audio director for Phoenix Point.

    John’s brilliant music for X-COM: Ufo Defense was atmospheric, distinctive and memorable.

    He has also composed some X-COM influenced music for the excellent online fan comic: Deep Rising.

    On the game development side we now have a working tactical battle system with a devious AI and mutating aliens. Next we are working on geoscape design and large scale monsters in tactical battles.

    Stay tuned for more news soon.
    Poco di nuovo. Ma meglio di niente...
    Endure. In enduring, grow strong.

  7. #7
    Data Registrazione
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    Gamertag: miroxXD PSN ID: mirox Steam ID: miroxXD

    Re: *Phoenix Point* - Strategico a turni dal creatore dell'originale X-COM

    Moooolto interessante.
    Certo un nuovo JA proprio no è?

  8. #8
    Grande Antico L'avatar di Shog-goth
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    Jan 2016

    Re: *Phoenix Point* - Strategico a turni dal creatore dell'originale X-COM

    Endure. In enduring, grow strong.

  9. #9
    Grande Antico L'avatar di Shog-goth
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    Jan 2016

    Re: *Phoenix Point* - Strategico a turni dal creatore dell'originale X-COM

    Dopo un periodo di stasi assoluta cominciano ad emergere nuovi ed interessanti dettagli...

    AMA di Gollop su Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/PhoenixPoin...nix_point_ask/

    ...That's a mammoth question-and-a-half! Phoenix Point has several standout features - such as procedurally generated aliens, large scale monsters. However, I think the biggest difference is in how the world works. Phoenix Point is definitely more 4X-like - with exploration, discovery, expansion, diplomacy. The human factions are just as important as the aliens. They have resources, tech - and secrets - which would be valuable to you. I am taking some inspiration from X-COM Apocalypse here - but applied to a world scale. The aliens and human factions would do stuff - events would happen - even if the player doesn't intervene. This is something I have been wanting to implement in a game for a long time. I am also really happy about the modern Lovecraftian vibe the writing team are creating...
    Endure. In enduring, grow strong.

  10. #10
    Mad Scientist for fun L'avatar di wesgard
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    Jan 2016

    Re: *Phoenix Point* - Strategico a turni dal creatore dell'originale X-COM

    L'hype e' cosi' alto che la scimmia sulla spalla ha fatto un buco nel soffitto.

  11. #11
    Grande Antico L'avatar di Shog-goth
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    Jan 2016

    Re: *Phoenix Point* - Strategico a turni dal creatore dell'originale X-COM

    Alcuni estratti interessanti dall'AMA:

    On the Phoenix Point side, I noticed one of the touted features was enemies reacting to your strategies and countering them with new Alien mutations. This sounds cool on paper, but is there any concern of the AI completely shutting down all of your tactics by systematically going through every possible one, and if not, why?

    I haven't seen an AI that good in any strategy game. The mutation system has a random element - so the aliens don't automatically create something good - but if they do get something good they will keep using it until you find a counter.
    Can we choose the location of our base in the world, or does it have a fixed location/nationality?

    Yes, you can choose the location from a number of possible sites (its not a completely free choice).
    So to that end, my question about Phoenix Point is A) if there will be a similar design approach to combat and B) how the injury/wound system is currently planned to work. Similar to XCOM 2? More like XCOM EU? Something new?

    Yes, you are right about the firefights in XCOMs - you need to hit the enemy with overwhelming force before they get a chance to attack. Phoenix Point definitely isn't working the same way. Your soldiers are a bit more durable, and when hit points are reduced to zero the soldier is considered alive but unconscious. He/she can survive the mission, although he/she will be out of action for a while. There is a wound system that can disable a leg or arm during battle which can be a serious setback. A marksmen can target specific body parts of enemies.
    Will we fight aliens in groups (pods) like XCOM 2012 or will they always be independent? Will all aliens be active on the map at start, or will there be activations and reinforcements?

    There is not a pod system like in XCOM, no. Aliens deployed on the map at the start will be active. Aliens do have several spawning systems - and larger monsters are capable of spawning larvae which can rapidly transform into various alien types.
    Great idea, thank you Julian! Hope I`m not late to party aswell; in general, if that is possible for you to disclose - what are the mission types planned at the moment? To be honest, the lack of variety on the missions was killing the fun for me all the time. It would be really good to hear the thoughts of you on this one.

    Yes, this is a major issue. We have quite a variety planned already. There are also some impressive boss fights against large monsters. These creatures typically have multiple abilities and require some coordination to take them down.
    Anyway, speaking of Artificial Intelligence I would like to inquiry you about the AI in Phoenix Point. I recall vivid memories of being more than impressed with the "intelligence" of the Artificial Intelligence in X-Com: Apocalypse, actively moving in and out of cover, kneeling and taking pot-shots, and I was wondering if we can expect a similar extrapolation of this formula?

    Essentially, will we see more "boss" type enemies or a larger quantity of smaller troops which have to take advantage of cover and positioning, or, will we see a combination of both with a fluid and dynamic AI combined with large "boss" enemies for variety?

    Yes, Apocalypse had some really interesting AI. We will certainly have something at least as good. Already, the AI is proving to be quite a match for the human player (without cheating). There are alien boss monsters with multiple abilities and variations. The size of enemies varies enormously. The microbial mist could be said to be the smallest. There are small crawling and flying swarms, and humanoid creatures as well as the large monsters.
    What kind of variety can we expect regarding the soldiers' abilities, will the game be class based just like the 2012 XCOM or will it go the more free-form approach of the original UFO EU?

    It will be class based, but we have a two stage system. There are 3 base classes which most soldiers start in and then a number of specialist classes (currently 5) which become accessible with new research and tech. There will be a skill tree for each class. Skill points can be acquired in battle or through training.
    3 issues that bug me with previous UFO-themed games:
    * all soldiers are equally horrible at the start. They forgot how to use conventional weapons beyond the most basic shooter. So much for the elite of all armed forces banding together to wipe out the alien threat. Are we going to run squads of barely-armed toddlers in Phoenix Point?
    * guns variety. Compared to a Jagged Alliance, UFO/Xcom games do not offer much choice. Do you have more options planned?
    * no twist, no big secret to uncover. Is there more to the plot than the usual : aliens invade, we rebel, we get stronger, we wipe them?

    Nice questions!

    No, soldiers will not be crap at the beginning.

    There will be a lot of variety in guns and equipment compared to XCOM/X-COMs

    The plot will be different to the typical alien invasion scenario - and there will be multiple possible endings.
    Hi Julian, just how far along is Phoenix Point? And what is the next big development milestone?

    Also, will you be organizing a Kickstarter crowdfunding-campaign? Or are you and your team funding the game yourselves?

    We have been working on the game for 10 months. We have a tactical battle system working with AI and networked multiplayer. We have also started on the geoscape system. So far we have funded it ourselves, with some help from outside investors. I can't say at this stage how we are going to fund the rest of the project, but we are looking at several options.
    Endure. In enduring, grow strong.

  12. #12
    Mad Scientist for fun L'avatar di wesgard
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    Jan 2016

    Re: *Phoenix Point* - Strategico a turni dal creatore dell'originale X-COM

    Grazie shog-got, adesso ho due buchi nel soffitto

  13. #13
    Grande Antico L'avatar di Shog-goth
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    Jan 2016

    Re: *Phoenix Point* - Strategico a turni dal creatore dell'originale X-COM

    Cosa vuoi che sia? Devo presentarti la mia, di scimmia? Eccoti accontentato:

    Endure. In enduring, grow strong.

  14. #14
    Grande Antico L'avatar di Shog-goth
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    Jan 2016

    Re: *Phoenix Point* - Strategico a turni dal creatore dell'originale X-COM

    Thanks to all of you who took part in our survey. Now I want to share the results with you and discuss some of the interesting points.

    Good AI tops the poll, and this is slightly, but pleasantly, surprising. For me it is always important, but I also want enemies to have distinct behavioural traits and a bit of unpredictability (i.e. randomness) thrown in.

    A large variety of mission objectives comes second, and this is understandable. This is one of the key mechanisms which can make missions interesting over the long stretch of a campaign. I also want missions to have a meaningful context in the wider, strategic level of the game - and I want them to have their own unique stories. It’s a tall order, but clearly a high priority.

    Fully destructible environments rank 3 in importance. It’s great to know that people still want to blow stuff to bits. I was a little disappointed that in XCOM 2 I could barely raze one building to the ground with a squad of grenadiers. I want to see structures toppled crushing monsters beneath them. I want enemy cover obliterated. I want mass destruction to be a possible strategy - at least in some situations. Bring it on.

    At number 4 the mutation system for the aliens is a key new and unique feature, so I am pleased that this is rated so highly. But, as they say, the devil is in the details. We have a basic system working already and it is already proving interesting. However, we found that it is important to convey visually in some way all the key abilities that an alien may have, and to let the player get used to a certain type before mutation occurs. You will be able to name the alien mutant variants yourself, by the way, which can help with your battle field assessments e.g. the next time you come across ‘vomiting b*****d’ you know not to get too close to it.

    Multi-level terrain at number 5 is a mild surprise, especially given the difficulty of navigating a more vertically complex map. We will have to strike a balance between interesting topology and usability here. Good level design is key.

    For the 6th most important feature It’s great to see value attached to interesting story elements and plot twists - and you can be assured that with the extensive world building we have been doing with our writing team (Jonas and Allen) you will not be disappointed on this score.

    It’s nice to see base defence missions ranked high at number 9. I missed this with the new XCOMs. In Phoenix Point your bases can be attacked by other human factions, not just aliens. Furthermore, the aliens will steal technology from you and other human factions. This should spice things up a bit.

    Pleasantly surprising for me was the desire to have a more detailed economic system. Phoenix Point has some distinct 4X like elements to the strategic side of the game. The human factions gather resources, build structures, establish new havens, build tech and enter into alliances. From the player’s point of view, exploration, resources and diplomacy are important. I am very excited by developments in this part of the game.

    The bottom end of the table reveals that you clearly want the focus to be on a PC based, single player experience. It would definitely be wise of us to place our limited resources in this direction.

    Finally, thanks for your support - and look out for some major news very soon.

    Julian Gollop

    Other news
    We have started a fiction series based on the world of Phoenix Point. Check out our website here:

    Endure. In enduring, grow strong.

  15. #15
    Grande Antico L'avatar di Shog-goth
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    Jan 2016

    Re: *Phoenix Point* - Strategico a turni dal creatore dell'originale X-COM

    Si parte:


    Backerato, ovviamente. Trentacinque dollari, early access incluso...
    Endure. In enduring, grow strong.

  16. #16
    Senior Member L'avatar di Daled
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    Re: *Phoenix Point* - Strategico a turni dal creatore dell'originale X-COM

    Sono molto tentato avendo anche io lo sconticino di 5$
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    Daled#2759 on Overwatch

  17. #17
    Mad Scientist for fun L'avatar di wesgard
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    Jan 2016

    Re: *Phoenix Point* - Strategico a turni dal creatore dell'originale X-COM

    E' stato brutale e terribile, la scimmia mia ha preso, sfilato il portafoglio e.. no non riesco ad andare avanti.. l'orrore

    Riassumento ho backerato subito

  18. #18
    Grande Antico L'avatar di Shog-goth
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    Re: *Phoenix Point* - Strategico a turni dal creatore dell'originale X-COM

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Daled Visualizza Messaggio
    Sono molto tentato avendo anche io lo sconticino di 5$
    Non aver paura, vieni, unisciti a noi... :zombi:

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    Riassumento ho backerato subito

    Update #1:

    Endure. In enduring, grow strong.

  19. #19
    Grande Antico L'avatar di Shog-goth
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    Jan 2016

    Re: *Phoenix Point* - Strategico a turni dal creatore dell'originale X-COM

    Endure. In enduring, grow strong.

  20. #20
    La Nonna L'avatar di Lux !
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    Jan 2016

    Re: *Phoenix Point* - Strategico a turni dal creatore dell'originale X-COM

    Molto interessante

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