Right then, here is what I learned from this morning's seminar on Adeptus Titanicus:
Andy Hoare is the lead designer.
Still a WIP with not all of the rules nailed down so no release date as yet and not sure whether it'll be plastic or resin. Probably a mix.
Game built around 5 units or so per side with a standard 4x4 area but lots of campaign missions are 6x4. Play testing games of 5v5 were about 2hrs long.
Turn sequence based on the original AT scheme of 'I go you go, next phase':
Core rule book has 3 ways of play: open, matched and narrative (battles from HH series)
Uses some custom dice - e.g. reactor dice for over loading weapons etc.
Status cards are used for unit stats, locational damage and critical damage effects. App support for this may come if it proves popular enough. Command terminal cards with pegs to keep track of things will be used - sounded a bit like Armada.
Models are much bigger than the old scale AT - no specifics shared but a Warlord will be noticeably bigger than a Space Marine Dreadnaught. All the current titans and knights FW make will appear in AT. Knights will be the smallest unit. Decals and banners will be available.
Knights are basically disposable pawns but can cause a fair bit of damage in groups (known as knight banners).
Titans will come with weapon options with pre cut holes for magnetisation but no magnets for legal reasons.
Some of the old legios are going to be coming back. Focus on the battle on Beta Garmin(?) (Known as the 'Titan death' because of the carnage amongst the Titan legions). Lots of background on Legio Crytos (from the Tallarn books) linked to the Iron Warriors. Legio specific warlord traits appear granting army wide buffs to give the legios different flavours
No definite plans to do orks/eldar etc but will do terrain and objective pieces. This is most definitely NOT a prelude to a revamped Epic.