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Discussione: Blizzard: Hearthstone

  1. #1281
    Acidic Swamp Ooze L'avatar di Numero_6
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016
    dove i mona sbattono le porte

    Re: Blizzard: Hearthstone

    63 pacchetti, 14 epiche, 5 leggendarie (Ci'Cigi, Hagatha, Hemet, Nemsy signature (!!!), Wheel of Death dorata (!).

    Avevo accumulato dalle risse una ventina di pacchetti standard, sono uscite 4 epiche e 2 leggendarie (Whizbang, Shudderblock).

  2. #1282
    Senior Member L'avatar di GeeGeeOH
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016
    AMD R7 5800X 8C/16T, Noctua NH-D15, Gigabyte X570 AORUS ELITE, 16GB DDR4 3600MT/s CL16, AMD Rx 6800, ASUS XG32UQ + LG 32UL750
    SSDs M2: Samsung 960EVO 500GB, Solidigm P41+ 2TB | Windows 11 Pro

  3. #1283
    Senior Member L'avatar di GeeGeeOH
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016
    AMD R7 5800X 8C/16T, Noctua NH-D15, Gigabyte X570 AORUS ELITE, 16GB DDR4 3600MT/s CL16, AMD Rx 6800, ASUS XG32UQ + LG 32UL750
    SSDs M2: Samsung 960EVO 500GB, Solidigm P41+ 2TB | Windows 11 Pro

  4. #1284
    Acidic Swamp Ooze L'avatar di Numero_6
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016
    dove i mona sbattono le porte

    Re: Blizzard: Hearthstone

  5. #1285
    Senior Member L'avatar di GeeGeeOH
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: Blizzard: Hearthstone

    La mia solita statistica:
    50 pacchi: 11 epiche, 3 leggendarie (Buttons, Raylla e Party Planner Vona) e 66 doppie.
    AMD R7 5800X 8C/16T, Noctua NH-D15, Gigabyte X570 AORUS ELITE, 16GB DDR4 3600MT/s CL16, AMD Rx 6800, ASUS XG32UQ + LG 32UL750
    SSDs M2: Samsung 960EVO 500GB, Solidigm P41+ 2TB | Windows 11 Pro

  6. #1286
    Acidic Swamp Ooze L'avatar di Numero_6
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016
    dove i mona sbattono le porte

    Re: Blizzard: Hearthstone

    53 pacchetti: 13 epiche, 4 leggendarie (Incindius, Aranna Thrill Seeker, Eliza Goreblade, Griftah Trusted Vendor)

  7. #1287
    Senior Member L'avatar di GeeGeeOH
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: Blizzard: Hearthstone

    Check in to the In-Game Shop for Free Gifts!

    Week 1 and 2: Golden Harth Stonebrew**
    Week 2: 1 Golden Perils in Paradise Pack
    Week 3: 1 Standard Perils in Paradise Pack
    Week 4: 1 Standard Perils in Paradise Pack
    AMD R7 5800X 8C/16T, Noctua NH-D15, Gigabyte X570 AORUS ELITE, 16GB DDR4 3600MT/s CL16, AMD Rx 6800, ASUS XG32UQ + LG 32UL750
    SSDs M2: Samsung 960EVO 500GB, Solidigm P41+ 2TB | Windows 11 Pro

  8. #1288
    Senior Member L'avatar di GeeGeeOH
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: Blizzard: Hearthstone

    Perils in Paradise Mini Set - Traveling Travel Agency - Launch September 10th!

    Extend Your Vacation with the Traveling Travel Agency!
    AMD R7 5800X 8C/16T, Noctua NH-D15, Gigabyte X570 AORUS ELITE, 16GB DDR4 3600MT/s CL16, AMD Rx 6800, ASUS XG32UQ + LG 32UL750
    SSDs M2: Samsung 960EVO 500GB, Solidigm P41+ 2TB | Windows 11 Pro

  9. #1289
    Senior Member L'avatar di GeeGeeOH
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016
    Ultima modifica di GeeGeeOH; 10-10-24 alle 18:52
    AMD R7 5800X 8C/16T, Noctua NH-D15, Gigabyte X570 AORUS ELITE, 16GB DDR4 3600MT/s CL16, AMD Rx 6800, ASUS XG32UQ + LG 32UL750
    SSDs M2: Samsung 960EVO 500GB, Solidigm P41+ 2TB | Windows 11 Pro

  10. #1290
    Acidic Swamp Ooze L'avatar di Numero_6
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016
    dove i mona sbattono le porte

    Re: Blizzard: Hearthstone

  11. #1291
    Senior Member L'avatar di GeeGeeOH
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016
    AMD R7 5800X 8C/16T, Noctua NH-D15, Gigabyte X570 AORUS ELITE, 16GB DDR4 3600MT/s CL16, AMD Rx 6800, ASUS XG32UQ + LG 32UL750
    SSDs M2: Samsung 960EVO 500GB, Solidigm P41+ 2TB | Windows 11 Pro

  12. #1292
    Senior Member L'avatar di GeeGeeOH
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: Blizzard: Hearthstone

    La mia solita statistica:
    50 pacchi: 13 epiche, 5 leggendarie (Velen, Archimonde, Exarch Akama, The Gravitational Displacer, The 8 Hands From Beyond) e 67 doppie.
    AMD R7 5800X 8C/16T, Noctua NH-D15, Gigabyte X570 AORUS ELITE, 16GB DDR4 3600MT/s CL16, AMD Rx 6800, ASUS XG32UQ + LG 32UL750
    SSDs M2: Samsung 960EVO 500GB, Solidigm P41+ 2TB | Windows 11 Pro

  13. #1293
    Senior Member L'avatar di GeeGeeOH
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: Blizzard: Hearthstone

    Mini-Set: Heroes of StarCraft
    • Launching January 2025, this StarCraft crossover mini-set introduces Zerg, Terran, and Protoss factions to Hearthstone.
    • Factions have unique banners, feature cross-class compatibility, and include iconic leaders:
    • Zerg: Led by Sarah Kerrigan, includes Death Knight, Demon Hunter, Hunter, and Warlock; focuses on swarming aggro play.
    • Protoss: Led by Artanis, includes Druid, Mage, Priest, and Rogue; features high-cost units made cheaper with psionic powers.
    • Terran: Led by Jim Raynor, includes Paladin, Shaman, and Warrior; introduces battle cruisers under the starship keyword.
    • Includes more cards than previous mini-sets, features StarCraft music, and includes one special Warcraft character: Grunty, the Terran Armored Murloc.

    Arena Revamp
    • Normal Arena: Standard, fast-paced competitive runs.
    • Underground Arena: Higher-stakes, with a "Re-Draft on Loss" feature allowing the player to re-draft cards and edit their deck after a loss.
    • Ratings will apply to both Arenas: skill-based matchmaking in Normal Arena, and in Underground Arena, you'll be able to face anyone.
    • Revamp launches in the first half of 2025.

    Preview of the Next Year: The Year of the Raptor
    • 1st Expansion: Emerald Dream, with Druids vs. Old Gods; Mini-Set features the Druids of the Flame (will be released during patch 32.2 - Battlegrounds update).
    • 2nd Expansion: First-ever sequel - Return to Un’Goro Crater, with a lost city hunt (Spoiler alert, keep an eye on that volcano); Mini-Set features a festival to celebrate dinosaurs of the crater (patch 31.4).
    • 3rd Expansion: Time travel with Chromie through alternate realities to recruit Legendary Warcraft heroes like we've never seen them before; leading to a showdown with Murozond in the Mini-Set.
    Ultima modifica di GeeGeeOH; 13-11-24 alle 21:37
    AMD R7 5800X 8C/16T, Noctua NH-D15, Gigabyte X570 AORUS ELITE, 16GB DDR4 3600MT/s CL16, AMD Rx 6800, ASUS XG32UQ + LG 32UL750
    SSDs M2: Samsung 960EVO 500GB, Solidigm P41+ 2TB | Windows 11 Pro

  14. #1294
    Acidic Swamp Ooze L'avatar di Numero_6
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016
    dove i mona sbattono le porte

    Re: Blizzard: Hearthstone

  15. #1295
    Senior Member L'avatar di GeeGeeOH
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: Blizzard: Hearthstone

    Prepare for the Heroes of StarCraft Mini-Set

    Heroes of StarCraft, launching on January 21, is our biggest Mini-Set ever, consisting of 49 new cards (instead of the usual 38): 4 Legendary cards, 1 Epic card, 20 Rare cards, and 24 Commons cards. Those are broken down into 3 class cards per class, 5 multi-class cards per StarCraft faction, and one non-faction neutral card, Grunty.
    AMD R7 5800X 8C/16T, Noctua NH-D15, Gigabyte X570 AORUS ELITE, 16GB DDR4 3600MT/s CL16, AMD Rx 6800, ASUS XG32UQ + LG 32UL750
    SSDs M2: Samsung 960EVO 500GB, Solidigm P41+ 2TB | Windows 11 Pro

  16. #1296
    Acidic Swamp Ooze L'avatar di Numero_6
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016
    dove i mona sbattono le porte

    Re: Blizzard: Hearthstone

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