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Discussione: Age of Empires, Age of Mythology e pure Rise of Nations

  1. #41
    Senior Member L'avatar di PCMaster
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    Jan 2016

    Re: Age of Empires, Age of Mythology e pure Rise of Nations

    Patch 2.3 (Minor update)

    Patch 2.3
    Just a minor update only 1 day after Patch 2.2 went out. Updating the version was necessary to prevent cross build desyncs due to the war salamander pathfinding fix.

    Bug Fixes

    Amphibious units can now traverse terrains properly once again.
    The game will no longer spontaneously pause due to breakpoints existing in some AI scripts.
    Desync tracking system will now generate logs when you play scenarios.
    You cannot enable the desync tracking system in quickmatch (settings are ignored).

    We're still looking into some data fixes that went into Patch 2.0 Hotfix #3 that got lost when Patch 2.1 was introduced. For example, the AI won't cross Yellow River.

    We are also aware there is a refresh issue in the lobby browser. This isn't something that was changed, so we believe there is a problem on the Valve side, but we are investigating this. Some people have posted information that if you change the dropdown from ping to something else and back again, it'll recover quicker.

    Patch Discussion Thread |

    Cerco Age of Empires Rise of Rome

    Cerco Edizioni Retail di Dark Souls 1 e Darksiders II, anche con seriali già attivati

  2. #42
    Senior Member L'avatar di PCMaster
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    Jan 2016

    Re: Age of Empires, Age of Mythology e pure Rise of Nations

    Age of Mythology EE:

    Patch 2.4
    Please discuss feedback here.


    Desyncs involving player disconnection has been improved.
    There are some rare known issues with the vote dialog that we are continuing to work through.


    Selecting units with drag select should now correctly display the appropriate amount of units.
    Flying units can now correctly attack each other.
    Chinese Shared Settlement hotkeys should now be changeable.
    Chinese Caravans should now be affected by the Coinage upgrade.
    Tech Tree should now function correctly for the original Campaigns. For example, the earthquake icon should no longer appear in the town center for mission 3 of the Fall of the Trident campaign.
    Mods should no longer crash when loading into gameplay if the file path exceeds 127 characters.

    Data/Balance Updates:

    Great Flood now constantly damages units while caught in the wave (units can garrison inside buildings to protect themselves).
    Great Flood wave does more damage to units whereas buildings suffer more damage from the initial impact.
    Call to Arms should no longer affect naval units.
    Call to Arms max number of human unit duplication had been lowered to 4 (from 5).
    Chinese Garden gather rate for food, wood and gold has been reduced by 5%.
    Chinese Villager gather rate has been reduced by 5%.
    Chinese Villagers can no longer be bolted.
    Chinese Nu Wa Villagers cost reduction has been removed.
    Chinese Junk Boats have had their HP reduced by 20.
    Chinese Scouts attack has been reduced by 50% in Archaic.
    Chinese Immortals attack has been reduced by 50% in Archaic.
    Terracotta Warrior lethal dust now instantly deals 15 pierce damage (instead of dealing 10 pierce damage per second).
    Terracotta Warrior cost has been increased to 120 wood / 10 favor (from 90 / .
    Terracotta Warrior cost return on death has been reduced to an average of 20 wood / 2 favor (from 40 / 4). |

    Cerco Age of Empires Rise of Rome

    Cerco Edizioni Retail di Dark Souls 1 e Darksiders II, anche con seriali già attivati

  3. #43
    Senior Member L'avatar di PCMaster
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    Jan 2016

    Re: Age of Empires, Age of Mythology e pure Rise of Nations

    Patch 4.7
    Hello and long time no see!

    We have been looking into a variety of your concerns and with desyncs still affecting some players we wanted to start there. Desyncs have proven difficult to track down so we’ve improved the logging system to provide a wider range of information. This information is key for identifying and fixing these remaining issues.

    So we need your help, please select yes on the popup when asked to upload your desync logs.

    – details below!

    We have also included some other gameplay improvements that will hopefully improve your overall gameplay experience.

    Thank you for your ongoing support as we continue to move forward from here.

    This discussion thread will be the main thread we monitor.

    Improved Desync Logging:
    The desync logging system has been improved and now logs additional details like player and game settings:
    When a player encounters a desync their logs will now include additional game and player state information which is critical in tracking down these problems.
    Sync logging parameters have also been exposed in a config file (Age2HD/desync-tracking.txt). If you’d like to alter your settings you can open the file in a standard text editor (like notepad) and follow the written instructions. When playing a multiplayer game all users will update their settings to match the host. This will ensure that everyone is running the same parameters.
    The data collected by these logs is now stored in memory rather than logging to a file (which endlessly grows during gameplay and is very slow). This approach also enables us to only collect the data for the frames in and around the time of the desync.
    If you encounter memory issues (by increasing the frames for example) the game will automatically reduce the number of frames recorded if memory has become scarce.
    When a player encounters a desync a file will be generated and saved in the logs folder (Age2HD/Logs). To manage space only the 10 most recent logs will be saved.
    This file will also be sent to the development team if you select yes on the pop-up when asked to upload their logs. We encourage all users to do this so we can work together in tracking these down

    AI Improvements:
    AI Boar Lures now have better placement. Gathering should now be more efficient and AI hunters should die less frequently when using a Boar Lure.
    Boar luring villagers should now garrison sooner if they are at low health.
    sn-home-exploration-time function should now default to 300 (rather than -1)
    up-drop-resources function now should now work as expected.
    sn-gather-idle-soldiers-at-center function should now work as expected. When
    playing a King of the Hill game the AI should now try to take the center instead of using patrol orders.

    Farms should no longer appear depleted before they’re empty. Villagers should now correctly gather every last morsel before the depleted sound effects plays.
    The Save Chapter button has returned! When playing a game with the record game option checked the Save Chapter option will appear in the menu list. The hotkey associated with this action is also functioning.
    File names within the game should now display special characters correctly when saving and loading (within the game menus).
    Unit outlines should now display correctly when villagers are obscured by buildings and objects.
    Water animations now correctly stop when the game is paused to give players a better visual indication that the game is correctly paused.

    Other Updates:
    We are aware of the importance of MP Restore and are actively working towards a long term solution. Due to the complexity of this feature we want to ensure it is stable before pushing out a patch.
    We’ve recently moved to a new build making process to align with the latest Steam Updates so older patch builds will be unavailable until we can update them. Due to this new process we may not be able to resurrect all of the old builds (specifically the XP branch).
    Balance updates will also be coming with the next patch. Especially fans of extreme tower wars will need to expand their tactics in the future. |

    Cerco Age of Empires Rise of Rome

    Cerco Edizioni Retail di Dark Souls 1 e Darksiders II, anche con seriali già attivati

  4. #44
    Senior Member L'avatar di PCMaster
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    Jan 2016

    Re: Age of Empires, Age of Mythology e pure Rise of Nations

    Grandi notizie! Sembra che la funzione di recupero account eso per age of empires 3 sia tornata attiva, sono riuscito finalmente a recuperare la password, domani provo a reinstallare il gioco! |

    Cerco Age of Empires Rise of Rome

    Cerco Edizioni Retail di Dark Souls 1 e Darksiders II, anche con seriali già attivati

  5. #45
    Senior Member L'avatar di PCMaster
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    Jan 2016

    Re: Age of Empires, Age of Mythology e pure Rise of Nations

    Open beta della prossima patch di AoE II Hd: |

    Cerco Age of Empires Rise of Rome

    Cerco Edizioni Retail di Dark Souls 1 e Darksiders II, anche con seriali già attivati

  6. #46
    Senior Member L'avatar di PCMaster
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    Jan 2016

    Re: Age of Empires, Age of Mythology e pure Rise of Nations |

    Cerco Age of Empires Rise of Rome

    Cerco Edizioni Retail di Dark Souls 1 e Darksiders II, anche con seriali già attivati

  7. #47
    Senior Member
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    Jan 2016

    Re: Age of Empires, Age of Mythology e pure Rise of Nations

    Grazie per le news, seguo il thread anche se non posto ultimamente.

  8. #48
    Senior Member L'avatar di PCMaster
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    Jan 2016

    Re: Age of Empires, Age of Mythology e pure Rise of Nations

    Altro dlc/espansione:


    Announcing Age of Empires II HD: Rise of the Rajas!
    by Cysion | Dec 13, 2016 | Age of Empires II, News | 9 Comments

    It’s been a while since we brought you news from the Age of Empires II universe, but we’re just in time for an early Christmas surprise!

    Age of Empires II HD has been conquering the world for 17 years now and is finally setting foot ashore Southeast Asia!

    On the 19th of December, we welcome Age of Empires II HD: Rise of the Rajas!

    With four fresh new civs to conquer the world, four fresh campaigns and hordes of elephants, you’re sure to have plenty of wololo’s for years to come.

    For more information on the game, you can check out the Steam Store page or our Rise of the Rajas page for more information on the upcoming expansion. The details on each civilization will be teased on our website over the next few days!

    Launch Events

    We’re only six days away from unleashing hordes of elephants on the world, but we’re not going to make you wait that long to get a taste of the new greatness in store; Here’s a breakdown of this week’s upcoming events:

    - ZeroEmpires and the rest of the crew at Escape Gaming are putting on the Battle for Angkor tournament on December 17–18! This tournament, featuring some of the world’s top Age of Empires II players, will be streamed live for all to see right here on the brand-new Escape Twitch channel! More details coming soon.
    - We will be publishing a new sneak peek each day until release. Each day from the 14th till the 17th we will reveal details on each of the new civilizations.
    - We’ll have a countdown-to-launch stream featuring special guests, including devs from Skybox Labs and Forgotten Empires, on the official Age of Empires Twitch and Beam channels on December 19. More details coming soon!

    Ieri c'è stata anche una patch (4.:
    Ultima modifica di PCMaster; 14-12-16 alle 14:22 |

    Cerco Age of Empires Rise of Rome

    Cerco Edizioni Retail di Dark Souls 1 e Darksiders II, anche con seriali già attivati

  9. #49
    Senior Member L'avatar di Bicio
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    Jan 2016

    Re: Age of Empires, Age of Mythology e pure Rise of Nations

    ma come mai non fanno qualcosa per il 3?

  10. #50
    Senior Member L'avatar di PCMaster
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    Jan 2016

    Re: Age of Empires, Age of Mythology e pure Rise of Nations

    Beh, in fondo si tratta di un team di modder di AoE II/AoM la cui prima mod/espansione (Forgotten Empires) fu "ufficializzata", AoE III in generale ci fu molto meno entusiasmo dalla comunità di modder (per AoE II ed AoM c'erano un bel pò di community italiane, per il III praticamente il nulla), anche se un grosso mod simile da "ufficializzare" ci sarebbe anche, cioé questo:

    Anche se purtroppo il sito dello stesso non va più:

    Comunque anni fa già ci si poteva giocare online tramite eso.

    Se siete interessati sto cercando utenti con il quale condividere l'acquisto di un 4pack di Rise of Nations ai prossimi saldi.

    edit: forse il motivo per cui non viene fatto qualcosa del genere per il III è perchè per quest'ultimo, a differenza di AoE II, AoM e Ron, non esiste una versione rimasterizzata.
    Ultima modifica di PCMaster; 14-12-16 alle 14:41 |

    Cerco Age of Empires Rise of Rome

    Cerco Edizioni Retail di Dark Souls 1 e Darksiders II, anche con seriali già attivati

  11. #51
    Senior Member L'avatar di Bicio
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    Jan 2016

    Re: Age of Empires, Age of Mythology e pure Rise of Nations

    pensavo che fosse più complicato da moddare per farci le espansioni o la microsoft non avesse concesso tale possibilità in via ufficiale a qualcuno

  12. #52
    Senior Member L'avatar di PCMaster
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    Jan 2016

    Re: Age of Empires, Age of Mythology e pure Rise of Nations

    Ultima modifica di PCMaster; 19-12-16 alle 21:24 |

    Cerco Age of Empires Rise of Rome

    Cerco Edizioni Retail di Dark Souls 1 e Darksiders II, anche con seriali già attivati

  13. #53
    Senior Member L'avatar di LucaX360
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    Jan 2016

    Re: Age of Empires, Age of Mythology e pure Rise of Nations

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da PCMaster Visualizza Messaggio
    Immortale sto gioco.
    Un'altra espansione sui "baluba" che sembra molto interessante...da avere assolutamente.

    Peccato che con la patch 4.9 mi abbiano incasinato un po' il gioco, non ho più il parlato in italiano e il frame rate è meno stabile.

  14. #54
    Senior Member L'avatar di PCMaster
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    Jan 2016

    Re: Age of Empires, Age of Mythology e pure Rise of Nations

    Per quanto mi riguarda potrebbero, anzi dovrebbero, continuare a sfornare a più non posso nuovi contenuti.

    Comunque è uscita la 5.0 ed oggi dovrebbe avermi scaricato i file di Ris of Rajas, si è risolto il tuo problema? |

    Cerco Age of Empires Rise of Rome

    Cerco Edizioni Retail di Dark Souls 1 e Darksiders II, anche con seriali già attivati

  15. #55
    Senior Member L'avatar di LucaX360
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    Jan 2016

    Re: Age of Empires, Age of Mythology e pure Rise of Nations

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da PCMaster Visualizza Messaggio
    Per quanto mi riguarda potrebbero, anzi dovrebbero, continuare a sfornare a più non posso nuovi contenuti.

    Comunque è uscita la 5.0 ed oggi dovrebbe avermi scaricato i file di Ris of Rajas, si è risolto il tuo problema?
    Si con la 5.0 è tornato a girare tutto come prima per fortuna.

    Spero che qualcuno si prenda la briga di fare una piccola traduzione in ita della nuova espansione

  16. #56
    Senior Member L'avatar di PCMaster
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    Jan 2016

    Re: Age of Empires, Age of Mythology e pure Rise of Nations

    Nella scheda steam l'italiano è disponibile, forse la vedi in inglese per qualche altro bug, hai provato ad avviare una nuova/campagna partita dopo la patch? |

    Cerco Age of Empires Rise of Rome

    Cerco Edizioni Retail di Dark Souls 1 e Darksiders II, anche con seriali già attivati

  17. #57
    Senior Member L'avatar di LucaX360
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    Jan 2016

    Re: Age of Empires, Age of Mythology e pure Rise of Nations

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da PCMaster Visualizza Messaggio
    Nella scheda steam l'italiano è disponibile, forse la vedi in inglese per qualche altro bug, hai provato ad avviare una nuova/campagna partita dopo la patch?
    Non ho ancora acquistato l'espansione, ma in effetti su steam ora vedo che è disponibile in italiano.

    Ero convinto non l'avessero tradotto e anche su altri forum si lamentavano di questo...

  18. #58
    Senior Member L'avatar di PCMaster
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    Jan 2016

    Re: Age of Empires, Age of Mythology e pure Rise of Nations

    Non saprei, io ho solo Forgotten Empires ed il testo è in italiano, quella africana è indicat anch'essa con testo italiano ma non l'ho potuto constatare di persona.


    Age of Empires II HD Nominated for "Test of Time" Steam Award 2016!

    Fa piacere perché lo avevo nominato anch'io. |

    Cerco Age of Empires Rise of Rome

    Cerco Edizioni Retail di Dark Souls 1 e Darksiders II, anche con seriali già attivati

  19. #59
    Senior Member L'avatar di PCMaster
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    Jan 2016

    Re: Age of Empires, Age of Mythology e pure Rise of Nations

    Patch 5.1
    23 gennaio - morness
    We have been monitoring the forums and working through the issues brought up by the community and this patch includes some of those fixes as well as additional improvements. Moving forward we will continue to provide regular and ongoing patches based on your feedback and the next patch, patch 5.2, will include multiplayer optimization and AI improvements.

    Key fixes include a couple major desync fixes. |

    Cerco Age of Empires Rise of Rome

    Cerco Edizioni Retail di Dark Souls 1 e Darksiders II, anche con seriali già attivati

  20. #60
    Senior Member L'avatar di PCMaster
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    Jan 2016

    Re: Age of Empires, Age of Mythology e pure Rise of Nations

    The New Indian Architecture

    by Resonance22 | Jan 26, 2017 | Age of Empires II, Dev Blog

    At Forgotten Empires we try to make history come alive and one way we do that is through our art design in Age of Empires II HD: Edition. With the release of The Forgotten expansion in 2013, we introduced 5 new civilizations, one of which was the Indians. Today is India’s Republic Day, a public holiday which celebrates the date in which the Declaration of Indian Independence was issued and 20 years later when the Constitution of India was officially adopted. So in honor of India’s Republic Day, let’s take a quick look at the unique Indian building architecture in Age of Empires II and how it has evolved since release.

    Initially the Indians shared the same architecture set as the Byzantines, Saracens, Berbers, etc, but we wanted to flesh that out over time. Our initial Indian building design plan was partially based on the Mughals, but as the civilization evolved and with the creation of the Prithviraj campaign, the civilization transitioned more toward the Hindu rulers, kingdoms, and dynasties. With the release of the African Kingdoms expansion in 2015, we contacted community modder Chris ‘Moppo’ Morton and offered to officially support his Indian architecture mod by providing him with the framework in the the data files. Over 20,000 people subscribed to Moppo’s official mod and so we decided to formally bring him on board to fully upgrade the set.

    With the release of the Rise of the Rajas expansion in 2016, the new Indian building architecture came to life and was completely remastered as an official part of the game. The updated graphics are automatically available to everyone with an Indians player in their game, no mods necessary! We hope that everyone is enjoying the new Indian building graphics as much as we are.

    Some screenshots of the Prithviraj campaign with the new architecture:

    “When designing the Indian architecture set I had a lot of fun trying to cram as many details in as possible. Due to the image size it’s difficult to depict a lot of the details seen in the varied styles of Indian architecture, so I chose just a few set pieces to make and repeat all over. Some of the taller buildings have lots of repeating layers that can be tricky too, but are extremely satisfying to complete.”

    – Chris ‘Moppo’ Morton (artist)
    Feel free to share your thoughts and screenshots with us below! |

    Cerco Age of Empires Rise of Rome

    Cerco Edizioni Retail di Dark Souls 1 e Darksiders II, anche con seriali già attivati

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