Blade Runner Blade Runner - Pagina 5

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Discussione: Blade Runner

  1. #81
    Acidic Swamp Ooze L'avatar di Numero_6
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016
    dove i mona sbattono le porte

    Re: Blade Runner

    Me lo feci prestare in cambio del prestito di alcuni miei floppy contenenti immagini di Dragon Ball.
    Il tipo non mi ha mai restituito i floppy, e quindi io mi sono tenuto la copia di Blade Runner.

  2. #82

    Re: Blade Runner

    Per me IL GIOCO

    Lo comprai dopo aver divorato la recensione di Silvestri.

    Rigiocato una decina di volte, negli anni.

    Un capolavoro.

  3. #83
    Senior Member L'avatar di Pickman
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: Blade Runner


  4. #84
    Junior Member
    Data Registrazione
    May 2017

    Re: Blade Runner

    Un capolavoro assoluto, un esempio di come andrebbero fatte le avventure grafiche. Ricordo ancora benissimo certe ambientazioni. E i Westwood... mi hanno dato questo e Eye of The Beholder. Che dire, devo assolutamente ringraziarli...

  5. #85
    Thrash 'Till Death... L'avatar di Leorgrium
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016
    Northern Darkness
    Gamer IDs

    Gamertag: Leorgrium Steam ID: Leorgrium

    Re: Blade Runner

    Grazie Peter Kohaut per i tuoi 8 anni persi a salvare questo capolavoro.

    Everybody Lies...

  6. #86
    Major Sludgebucket (ABS)

    Re: Blade Runner

    From what I understood the rights issue is so complicated it probably won’t happen soon, unless someone in charge at these companies gets their heads out of their asses.

    User ‘slartibartfasts’ wrote the following on GOG’s request forum a year ago. No idea where they get it from or what relation they have to it all:

    “Sadly we looked into getting this game remastered but it’s just so difficult to achieve as Westwood merged with Virgin so the rights transfered to Virgin but Virgin sold Westwood to EA because of financial issues and to further complicate things, Virgin was sold to Titus who were then taken over by Interplay (well their intellectual property was) and to cut a long story short the IP could be owned by Interplay, EA but then it also gets more complex because if it’ belonged to Interplay it could belong to anyone as they sold their IP off to anyone who bid enough.

    That leads us on to who owns the rights to Blade runner is it Ridley Scott, Warner Bros or Phillip K Dick. We also attempted to aquire the rights to the Discworld Games and this was simple in comparison to the ownership rights to the Discworld Games. Maybe one day we will get them remasted as we havent given up but it’s been hard work and after three years we are only slightly closer to working out who owns the rights to both Blade Runner and Discworld. Fingers crossed we will get their and when we do GOG will be the first place we release them.”

    I think there comes a point where GOG should just make it available, save the proceeds, and wait until someone proves they own the rights… would probably be a legal mess and they’d get sued to hell and back doing that though, times being what they are. Sigh…

  7. #87
    Senior Member L'avatar di Strider
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: Blade Runner

    L'ho provato, ho ancora l'originale in italiano su 4 cd e funziona benissimo.

  8. #88
    Thrash 'Till Death... L'avatar di Leorgrium
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016
    Northern Darkness
    Gamer IDs

    Gamertag: Leorgrium Steam ID: Leorgrium

    Re: Blade Runner

    Everybody Lies...

  9. #89
    Eterno 2° al FantaTGM L'avatar di Artyus
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016
    Castle Rock
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    Steam ID: Artyus

    Re: Blade Runner

    mio subitoooooo
    anzi no, aspetto che sia scontato di un po'
    Ultima modifica di Artyus; 17-12-19 alle 15:57
    Since 12-07-2002 +4.719 messaggi
    "The man in black fled across the desert and the
    gunslinger followed." Stephen King - The Gunslinger

  10. #90
    Major Sludgebucket (ABS)

    Re: Blade Runner

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Artyus Visualizza Messaggio
    anzi no, aspetto che sia scontato di un po'
    -10%, pfui, finché non lo danno gratis non se ne parla .

  11. #91
    Senior Member L'avatar di Det. Bullock
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016
    Lipari, Isole Eolie, dimora di Eolo il Signore dei venti.

    Re: Blade Runner

    Io mi sa che appena ricarico accatto.
    "I pity the poor shades confined to the euclidean prison that is sanity." - Grant Morrison
    "People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but *actually* from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... time-y wimey... stuff." - The Doctor
    La configurazione del mio PC.
    Il mio canale Youtube.

  12. #92
    Thrash 'Till Death... L'avatar di Leorgrium
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016
    Northern Darkness
    Gamer IDs

    Gamertag: Leorgrium Steam ID: Leorgrium

    Re: Blade Runner

    Notizia bomba..verrà fatta una versione enhanced edition dell'avventura grafica del 1997 ad opera dei nightdive studios
    Uscirà per fine anno su PC e Consoles
    Ultima modifica di Leorgrium; 12-03-20 alle 15:26

    Everybody Lies...

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