[Walter White vs Pablo Escobar] The infiltrator [Walter White vs Pablo Escobar] The infiltrator

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Discussione: [Walter White vs Pablo Escobar] The infiltrator

  1. #1

    [Walter White vs Pablo Escobar] The infiltrator

    During the 1980s, U.S. Customs Service special agent Robert Mazur (B. Cranston) uses his undercover alias "Bob Musella" to become a pivotal player for drug lords cleaning their dirty cash. Later, he infiltrates the world's largest cartel and helps discover the money-laundering organization of drug lord Pablo Escobar, and take down the Bank of Credit and Commerce International, which had secretly taken illegal ownership of First American Bank shares in Washington, D.C.

    In US è già nelle sale da una settimana almeno, ignoro la data di uscita italiana ma qua a Parigi dovro' aspettare fino al 7 settembre
    Estate calda per Escobar, con la seconda stagione di Narcos in uscita il 2 Settembre.

  2. #2
    Senior Member L'avatar di tigerwoods
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: [Walter White vs Pablo Escobar] The infiltrator

    leggendo il titolo speravo in un cranston + moura

    deluso :(

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