Monster Hunter World [Multi] Monster Hunter World

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Discussione: Monster Hunter World

  1. #1
    Moderatore L'avatar di Bishop76
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    Monster Hunter World

    Capcom ha registrato il marchio negli Stati Uniti per questo nuovo titolo, Monster Hunter World:

    vedremo se verrà annunciato qualcosa nel corso dell'E3.

  2. #2
    Senior Member L'avatar di GauL2077
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    Re: Rumor: Monster Hunter World

    riciclano sempre lo stesso motore?
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  3. #3
    Moderatore L'avatar di Bishop76
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    Re: Rumor: Monster Hunter World

  4. #4
    Senior Member L'avatar di Spidersuit90
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    Re: Monster Hunter World

    Annunciato anche per Pc

  5. #5
    il PDF L'avatar di Eric Starbuck
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    Re: Monster Hunter World

    Per un attimo dal trailer durante la conferenza credevo si trattasse di "elex".

    Di sicuro non puntano sulla tecnica grafica di ultimo grido... però potrebbe essere interessante. per un motivo o per l'altro non ho mai giocato ad un solo gioco di questa serie.

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  6. #6
    Senior Member L'avatar di x3n0n
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    Re: Monster Hunter World

    in ordine sparso vedo : vegetazione, potersi nascondere nei cespugli per evitare aggro, vestiti per diminuire aggro, albergi che cadono se colpiti dai mostri, un rampino per ritornare in groppa al mostro, scontri tra mostri e mi sento di azzardare niente zone,


    grafica non da urlo ma non importa è cmq un ENORME passo avanti. mio al day one se non è solo online

  7. #7
    Lavora Troppo L'avatar di Ceccazzo
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    Re: Monster Hunter World

    a me puzza di mmo

  8. #8
    Senior Member L'avatar di x3n0n
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    Re: Monster Hunter World

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Ceccazzo Visualizza Messaggio
    a me puzza di mmo
    non hanno neanche fatto vedere un cooperative. direi che sembra un mh normale con il motore aggiornato

  9. #9
    Senior Member L'avatar di Spidersuit90
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    Re: Monster Hunter World

    Però ho visto dei possibili QTE... non so se sia un bene o un male, però per il resto sono d'accordo, sembra un MH open world fatto bene. La grafica non è importante visto che tanto siamo abituati a quella dei vari capitoli 3ds

  10. #10
    Lavora Troppo L'avatar di Ceccazzo
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    Re: Monster Hunter World

    la parola "world" e il richiamo finale di tutti gli altri cacciatori mi han fatto pensare a quello. Potrebbe essere un mondo online condiviso, ma che si può anche giocare in solo. Ma secondo me sarà solo "always online", un po' come the division

  11. #11
    Moderatore L'avatar di Bishop76
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    Jan 2016

    Re: Monster Hunter World

    un bel pò di dettagli:

    -Planning included, the development period has been about four years.
    -The game engine is a reworked, next-generation MT Framework. It has been tuned up quite a bit, and although it is not the official name, they call it the “World Engine.”
    -As for why they’re making this, there were a lot of requests to play Monster Hunter on a home console, especially PlayStation 4.
    -Capcom combined the good parts of what it has cultivated so far with the existing concept of proper monster ecosystem depiction to create the concept of Monster Hunter: World. So this is a Monster Hunter game through and through. With that as the base, Capcom is putting in gameplay systems in the manner of, “let’s add this” or “let’s change here.”
    -The subtitle, “World,” means that it can be played worldwide, and that you can jump into the world of Monster Hunter as a hunter. That is the concept. As it is time to reevaluate Monster Hunter, they’re putting game concepts in titles instead of numbers. Monster Hunter: World feels like a numbered title.
    -There are currently no plans for a Switch version.
    -There are 14 weapon types.
    -The size of each field you visit during quests is 2.5-times the size of previous Monster Hunter fields. Each area is seamlessly connected and appears as one giant field.
    -Capcom is making an environment with dense fields, where things will happen and you’ll make various discoveries by simply walking around.
    -With the game being seamless, you cannot use methods such as “escaping to the next area to get yourself in order,” so they’re lightening up on actions such as recovering and eating while walking and mid-action cancellations.
    -The monster ecosystem has, to some extent, a hierarchical relationship. Since each monster has their own territory, they usually do not interfere with one another, but it is possible to lure them out of their territory and run into another monster. By making use of the environment like this, you can hunt while limiting the use of items and such. Rathalos stands at the top of the hierarchy in the ancient forest area seen in the trailer.
    -There are several base camps. You can also fast travel to move instantly.
    -You can change your equipment at base camps, even if you are in the middle of a quest.
    -The game proceeds in the same cycle of previous games, where you enter the field as a quest to achieve your objective. Achieving your objective will yield rewards.
    -There is a “Guidance Insect” that plays the role of a hunting dog. The Guidance Insect will tell you of usable items and traces of monsters (footprints, scratches, etc.) in the area, and following those traces will lead you to the whereabouts of that monster. The more traces there are, the clearer the guidance. Also, if you tag a place, the insect will guide you until you get there.
    -There is a greater emphasis on environmental dependence in that there are natural traps, falling rocks, small animals, plants that have recovery effects, plants that spread poison, and so on. For example, there are places where fallen trees bring the river to a stop, and if you free the water by destroying those trees with bombs or Rathalos’ breath, you can use that current to push monsters off of the cliff.
    -Hunters have a new piece of equipment called the “Slinger,” which can be used to shoot fruits and stones. Until now, it was necessary to select and use items like stones one by one, but this way is much simpler. The Slinger can also perform a wire action. However, in a place that fully supports it and under the right conditions you can use the wire to perform an aerial recovery when being blown away.
    -As for multiplayer, in addition to the previous way of doing it, there is also a drop-in system that allows anyone to jump in after you already started playing. When you’re in a difficult situation, you can send out an S.O.S. flare to call for help.
    -While you can match with players across the world, you can also only target your own country. (Editor’s Note: This is a Japanese interview, and they said you can target Japan, but we assume that means you can limit your search to your own country as well.)
    -The new monster that appeared in the trailer is called Angenaph. It is a warlike creature that attacks other monsters without hesitation. You won’t know its name at first during the game, but you’ll come to learn it as you gather its traces.
    -The yellow monster from the trailer is called Dosjugglus, and its smaller types are Jugglus. Dosjugglus leads a pack of Jugglus, has a heavy appetite, and is quarrelsome when hungry. It swallows up the prey it kills and gives what it spits out to its pack. If you attack it while it is eating its prey, Dosjugglus will spit it out.
    -When hiding yourself from monsters, you can do so in a clump of bushes or through a special equipment called the Ghillie Mantle. Since the Ghillie Mantle hides any indication of your presence, you can use it to safely replenish your items.
    -Damage numbers are displayed as a result of feedback that the parts where attacks are effective, attributes, and weakened states are difficult to understand by the monster’s behavior alone. While there was the idea of adding an HP bar, they wanted to preserve the element of judging a monster’s condition through its appearance, so they just added damage numbers.

  12. #12
    Senior Member L'avatar di Spidersuit90
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    Re: Monster Hunter World

    Ottime news, mio su Pc

  13. #13
    The Game Esthete L'avatar di Harry_Lime
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    Re: Monster Hunter World

    Il mio primo monster hunter ho pensato essere su switch, ma sarà su ps4.
    Molto bene in ogni caso.
    ""...Gli ci volle un pò di tempo per ritrovare la forza di alzarsi e appoggiare il piede. Quando ci riuscì, prima di ricominciare la fuga verso casa si voltò di nuovo in dietro. E allora il suo grido disperato risuonò nel silenzio stupore della campagna."

  14. #14
    Senior Member L'avatar di Blade Runner
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    Re: Monster Hunter World

    annunciata la beta per gli utenti plus a partire dal 9 dicembre alle 18.00

  15. #15
    Dies Irae

    Re: Monster Hunter World

    Le ricompense e i materiali ottenuti nella beta saranno importati nel gioco completo, motivo in più per dedicarsi a una tre giorni di completa full-immersion. Sarà presente l'area di addestramento dove apprendere e sperimentare vari stili di attacco con quattordici tipologie di armi, da mettere poi in pratica nelle tre quest complete contro altrettante creature (Great Jagras, Barroth e Anjanath).

  16. #16
    Senior Member L'avatar di Blade Runner
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    Re: Monster Hunter World

    quanto dura la beta?

  17. #17
    Senior Member L'avatar di xyz
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    Re: Monster Hunter World

    Dal 9 al 12 dicembre salvo eventuali estensioni.

  18. #18
    Senior Member L'avatar di GauL2077
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    Re: Monster Hunter World

    messa in dwld dalla sezione news di ps4, evvai
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  19. #19
    TGM 4 Ever L'avatar di Echein
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    Re: Monster Hunter World

    Apertura server?

    Remerbers... Preorders?..NEVER!

  20. #20
    Senior Member L'avatar di xyz
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    Re: Monster Hunter World

    Alle 18 dovrebbe essere.

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