Elden Ring (From Sw + George R.R. Martin) [Multi] Elden Ring (From Sw + George R.R. Martin)

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Discussione: Elden Ring (From Sw + George R.R. Martin)

  1. #1
    Moderatore L'avatar di Bishop76
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    Elden Ring (From Sw + George R.R. Martin)

    George RR Martin has apparently joined forced with FromSoftware, creators of the git gud Soulsborne collection of videogames like Bloodborne, Dark Souls, and Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. But don’t assume it’s going to be set in the world of Game of Thrones, as rumours have it that this game - titled Great Rune, supposedly - is set in the Norse world, exploring Norse mythology and all its dark legends.

    Whisperings began circling on the internet in early 2019 and went into a lot more detail about what players can expect: you’ll be invading kingdoms and stealing the powers of their rulers after a FromSoftware-style battle, which will then serve you well when you have to fight other kings. All I can say is that I hope Martin hasn’t forgotten that he’s also got the Game of Thrones book series to finish, as after that Game of Thrones ending there’s a hell of a lot of things people are going to want to Martin write (and justify) in his own words…
    A Song of Fire and Ice writer George R.R. Martin has consulted on a video game developed in Japan, the novelist said in a blog post.

    Back in March, YouTube channel Spawn Wave published a video discussing a rumor regarding the next project from Dark Souls and Bloodborne developer From Software, which stated it is an open-world title on which George R.R. Martin is one of the lead writers, with various kingdoms to visit and abilities to obtain from killing the leaders of those kingdoms.

    A person familiar with ongoings at From Software has told Gematsu that the project—said to be known internally as “GR” (Gematsu has been asked to only share the acronym) and in development for the past three years—is an open-world title (with horse riding) and collaboration between Hidetaka Miyazaki and George R.R. Martin published by Bandai Namco, which will be officially announced at Microsoft’s E3 2019 press conference. While we have not been able to verify this information through additional sources, we have decided to share what we have heard in light of R.R. Martin’s blog post.
    aspettiamo conferme o smentite
    Ultima modifica di Bishop76; 08-06-19 alle 09:30

  2. #2
    Moderatore L'avatar di Bishop76
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    Jan 2016

    Re: Elden Ring (From Sw + George R.R. Martin)

    leakato il nuovo titolo From, molti dei rumors erano fondati: si chiamerà Elden Ring.

    ELDEN RING, developed by FromSoftware, Inc. and BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc., is a fantasy action-RPG adventure set within a world created by Hidetaka Miyazaki – creator of the influential DARK SOULS video game series; and George R.R. Martin – author of The New York Times best-selling fantasy series, A Song of Ice and Fire. Danger and discovery lurk around every corner in FromSoftware’s largest game to-date. Hidetaka Miyazaki, President and Game Director of FromSoftware Inc. known for directing critically-acclaimed games in beloved franchises including Armored Core, Dark Souls, and Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. George R.R. Martin is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of many novels, including the acclaimed series A Song of Ice and Fire - A Game of Thrones, A Clash of Kings, A Storm of Swords, A Feast For Crows, and A Dance with Dragons. As a writer-producer, he has worked on The Twilight Zone, Beauty and the Beast, and various feature films and pilots that were never made.

  3. #3
    Senior Member L'avatar di Spidersuit90
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    Re: Elden Ring (From Sw + George R.R. Martin)


    Non vedo l'ora.

  4. #4
    Senior Member L'avatar di Blade Runner
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    Re: Elden Ring (From Sw + George R.R. Martin)

    ci sarà da capire se from software snaturerà il suo prodotto per venire incontro a tutti i fan di martin
    oppure sarà sempre un DS come meccaniche

  5. #5
    Lo Zio (+3472 post) L'avatar di Shin
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    Re: Elden Ring (From Sw + George R.R. Martin)

    Mi aspetto di vedere qualche video bomba alla conferenza Microsoft

    Sent from Mate 20 Pro

  6. #6
    Senior Member L'avatar di Spidersuit90
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    Gamertag: SpidersuitSirio PSN ID: spidersuit Steam ID: Spidersuit90

    Re: Elden Ring (From Sw + George R.R. Martin)

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Blade Runner Visualizza Messaggio
    ci sarà da capire se from software snaturerà il suo prodotto per venire incontro a tutti i fan di martin
    oppure sarà sempre un DS come meccaniche

    Cosa dovrebbero snaturare? Il combat sarà sicuramente quello che ci hanno abituato. Sul tipo di trama e di come verrà narrato bhè, immagino lì ci sarà lo zampino di Martin
    Non mi aspetto che la lore e la storia venga spiegata tramite descrizione di oggetti ma tramite classiche cutscene, il che non snaturerebbe cmq un eventuale gameplay e atmosfera fatta dai FS
    Per me i giochi FS hanno solo da guadagnare a mettere una narrazione più classica. Si aprirebbero ad un bacino d'utenza molto più ampio dell'attuale

  7. #7
    Senior Member L'avatar di Blade Runner
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    Re: Elden Ring (From Sw + George R.R. Martin)

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Spidersuit90 Visualizza Messaggio

    Cosa dovrebbero snaturare? Il combat sarà sicuramente quello che ci hanno abituato. Sul tipo di trama e di come verrà narrato bhè, immagino lì ci sarà lo zampino di Martin
    Non mi aspetto che la lore e la storia venga spiegata tramite descrizione di oggetti ma tramite classiche cutscene, il che non snaturerebbe cmq un eventuale gameplay e atmosfera fatta dai FS
    Per me i giochi FS hanno solo da guadagnare a mettere una narrazione più classica. Si aprirebbero ad un bacino d'utenza molto più ampio dell'attuale
    eh si ma per aprire il bacino d'utenza devi abbassare la difficoltà ce poco da fare

  8. #8
    Senior Member L'avatar di Spidersuit90
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    Re: Elden Ring (From Sw + George R.R. Martin)

    Non lo vedo come un dramma a patto di avere cmq un certo grado di sfida. Alla fine, quando nei DS livelli a livello di dio, cmq il combat system da le sue soddisfazioni nonostante shotti tutti in pratica... se è una cosa bilanciata per me non ci sono problemi ad un eventuale "abbassamento" di difficoltà
    Ma staremo a vedere. La bellezza dei Souls sta, imho, nel combat system, nell'ambientazione "malata" e nella lore/trama... il fatto che i mostri mi shottino non è, per me, caratteristica unica dei FS. In tutti i giochi all'inizio ti shottano e poi livellando ti fanno un baffo, pure sui Souls... solo che lì è più lunga arrivarci

  9. #9
    Esticazzi? L'avatar di Ro9
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    Re: Elden Ring (From Sw + George R.R. Martin)

    In this thread gente che conosce From Software solo dal periodo dei Dark Souls

  10. #10
    Senior Member L'avatar di Spidersuit90
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    Re: Elden Ring (From Sw + George R.R. Martin)

    Sentiti anche gli armored core, ma nulla di più mi pare
    Ah sì, i Tenchu

  11. #11
    Esticazzi? L'avatar di Ro9
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    Re: Elden Ring (From Sw + George R.R. Martin)

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Spidersuit90 Visualizza Messaggio
    Sentiti anche gli armored core, ma nulla di più mi pare
    Ah sì, i Tenchu
    Hanno fatto qualcosina in piu di quello ma lasciamo stare. State congetturando sul nulla cosmico. Non e' assolutamente cosi ovvio che debbano seguire la formula dei Souls (vedi Sekiro, che e' un Tenchu moderno piuttosto che un Soulsborne), i From Software hanno gia' fatto altri rpg (e jRPG) in passato.

  12. #12
    Senior Member L'avatar di Spidersuit90
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    Re: Elden Ring (From Sw + George R.R. Martin)

    Lo so bene che hanno fatto molto altro, ma a parte quei due da me detti, ai più immagino che gli altri siano totalmente sconosciuti, oppure manco si sa che fossero stati fatti dai From Software
    Staremo a vedere in ogni caso. Dei FS mi fido qualunque cosa buttino fuori. Gli ultimi titoli per me sono stati il meglio in fatto di action rpg

    EDIT: non sapevo che Rune fosse loro
    Vedi? Come dicevo, alcuni di quelli noti manco si sa che li abbiano fatti loro
    Ultima modifica di Spidersuit90; 08-06-19 alle 18:21

  13. #13
    Lo Zio (+3472 post) L'avatar di Shin
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    Re: Elden Ring (From Sw + George R.R. Martin)

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Spidersuit90 Visualizza Messaggio

    EDIT: non sapevo che Rune fosse loro
    Vedi? Come dicevo, alcuni di quelli noti manco si sa che li abbiano fatti loro
    Rune è degli Human Head Studios, non dei From.

  14. #14

    Re: Elden Ring (From Sw + George R.R. Martin)

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Ro9 Visualizza Messaggio
    Hanno fatto qualcosina in piu di quello ma lasciamo stare. State congetturando sul nulla cosmico. Non e' assolutamente cosi ovvio che debbano seguire la formula dei Souls (vedi Sekiro, che e' un Tenchu moderno piuttosto che un Soulsborne), i From Software hanno gia' fatto altri rpg (e jRPG) in passato.
    Con un successo commerciale che non si è mai più ripetuto.

  15. #15
    Senior Member L'avatar di Spidersuit90
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    Re: Elden Ring (From Sw + George R.R. Martin)

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Shin Visualizza Messaggio
    Rune è degli Human Head Studios, non dei From.
    Allora qualcuno ha fatto un madornale errore con un video di YT

    Probabilmente, visto che in Jappone li hanno chiamati Rune, ha pensato che anche da noi fosse quel Rune

    Cmq, torno a dire che la notorietà dei FS, almeno per chi come me è del 90, viene dai Tenchu, dagli Armored Core(davvero tanti, cazzarola), da Ninja Blade e i Souls like... gli altri non mi pare siano nemmeno mai stati osannati in generale

    Quindi essendo ormai il combat system "rodato" mi immagino un gioco con quel combat system, ma come gioco non uno alla DS... vedremo oggi

  16. #16
    il COMPRESSORE ti troverà L'avatar di Godsmack
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    Re: Elden Ring (From Sw + George R.R. Martin)


    Sam Wilkinson, Bandai Namco: First off, please tell me when and how development for Elden Ring took off.

    Hidetaka Miyazaki, Game Director: Development for Elden Ring started just after development for the Dark Souls 3 DLC had ended. At the time, Elden Ring was being planned as a more classic fantasy title compared to others that were either being considered or already in the early stages of development.

    We wanted to create a new dark fantasy action RPG full of things that we weren’t able to do in the Dark Souls series.

    Wilkinson: Elden Ring seems to have been in development at the same time as Sekiro. How did you go about its development?

    Miyazaki: The overall process of development has been the same as it was in Sekiro.

    While assigning co-directors to each project, I took direction over the various game design, art and musical aspects of the titles.

    We tend to space out the development-peak for our projects to make use of what little time we have, however being able to share a vision with the co-directors as well as the development staff has allowed us to build a trusting relationship which makes this kind of development style possible. I am incredibly grateful for them and their hard work.

    Of course, this project still has a load of work ahead of it as well (laughter).

    Wilkinson: What genre do you think Elden Ring will fall under?

    Miyazaki: It is a third-person action RPG.

    Unlike Sekiro, which has a heavy focus on action, Elden Ring puts more focus on RPG elements.

    Of course, we are not shying away from the fun of responsive melee-based combat, and these elements will be present as well.

    Wilkinson: Do you believe this title will turn out to be a very From-like and challenging game?

    Miyazaki: Yes, I do. The importance we place on the joy the player experiences through overcoming challenges will be the same as it is in our other titles. I believe it will prove to be a very satisfying experience.

    Earlier I had said that this title focuses more heavily on RPG elements. This title will include a wide variety of weapons, magic, and ways to engage enemies, that make it possible to provide users with a style of gameplay and strategy that suits them.

    Even when compared to the Dark Souls series, I believe this title will provide even more variety in the ways for players to overcome challenges and tweak their tactics when facing enemies.

    Wilkinson: Will Elden Ring contain character customization elements like in Dark Souls, or will it be similar to Sekiro in that there is a fixed protagonist that the player controls?

    Miyazaki: Yes, it will contain character customization elements.

    Similar to the Dark Souls series, Elden Ring allows players to design and control their own unique character. As I said earlier, this title puts a heavy focus on RPG elements, and we thought this approach would best suit that focus.

    Wilkinson: Regarding the collaboration with George R. R. Martin, can you further explain how this collaboration came about and in what role it has served throughout the project?

    Miyazaki: I suppose the start of this collaboration came from the fact that I myself am I huge fan of Mr. Martin’s work.

    I loved “A Song of Ice and Fire” as well as the “Tuf Voyaging” series, however if I had to pick a favorite I would probably say “Fevre Dream.”

    I personally see “Fevre Dream” as a masterpiece among vampire fantasy and had even previously recommended it to all new employees.

    Me being such a known fan of Mr. Martin caused our executive business director Eiichi Nakajima to reach out to him with the expectation that we would get turned down.

    However, we were then given the rare opportunity to talk one-on-one with Mr. Martin which was an incredibly fun and stimulating experience. It was then that I strongly felt that I wanted to work with Mr. Martin.

    I am still unable to put into words how grateful I am to Mr. Martin for agreeing to our offer.

    The actual collaboration itself begun with Mr. Martin ever so politely confirming what sorts of themes, ideas as well as many game-related aspects I had envisioned for the game.

    This allowed us to have many free and creative conversations regarding the game, in which Mr. Martin later used as a base to write the overarching mythos for the game world itself.

    This mythos proved to be full of interesting characters and drama along with a plethora of mystical and mysterious elements as well. It was a wonderful source of stimulus for me and the development staff.

    Elden Ring’s world was constructed using this mythos and stimulus as a base. Even I myself find it hard to contain my excitement from time to time. We hope that everyone else is looking forward to the world we have created.

    Wilkinson: What are some differences when compared to your previous titles (especially Dark Souls)?

    Miyazaki: If I were to put aside the world full of fresh stimulus thanks to our collaboration with Mr. Martin, I would have to say the biggest difference is it being open world.

    Due to this, the scale of the world and its narrative, as well as the depth and freedom of exploration have increased dramatically. It is without a doubt our biggest title yet in terms of sheer volume.

    There are many definitions to the term “open world,” and I might not be phrasing it correctly, but we have simply tried our own approach to a game with a large, open field to play in.

    It is a world full of danger and threats, as well as many areas ripe for exploration.

    Among those areas, you will also find intricately designed, multi-layered castles and such.

    Wilkinson: What is the meaning behind the title?

    Miyazaki: Elden Ring is the name given to a mysterious concept that defines the world itself.

    As the trailer at the conference implied, this “Elden Ring” has been shattered. The significance of this will be one of the important themes of the game.

    That’s about all I can say at this point in time (laughter)

    Wilkinson: Will Elden Ring contain the gritty, intense boss fights we’ve all come to love and expect from From?

    Miyazaki: Yes, of course. Boss fights are something we enjoy making and make up one of the climaxes to this title as well. We feel there is a wide variety of unique and horrifying bosses for players to look forward to.

    Wilkinson: What can you teach us about the character shown in the concept art that was released?

    Miyazaki: We chose this character because of his eccentric aspects as well as the way he portrays the darkness that the world and story possess.

    While Elden Ring may be a classic dark fantasy title, it is more than just that.

    This character also represents one more theme in addition to the previously mentioned eccentricity.

    That theme is the will, or ambition of mankind.

    We are so excited to finally bring this collaboration to the world. There is so much more we will share with you in the future. Be sure to follow @ELDENRING on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, so you can be the first to see new info on this exciting collaboration between George R. R. Martin, Hidetaka Miyazaki, and Bandai Namco Entertainment.

    Ultima modifica di Godsmack; 10-06-19 alle 06:25

    “How quickly one accepts the incredible if only one sees it enough.” R.M.

  17. #17
    Senior Member L'avatar di shen_long
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    Re: Elden Ring (From Sw + George R.R. Martin)

    Aggiungo anche l'allucinante trailer

  18. #18
    pm qui L'avatar di Absint
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    Jan 2016

    Re: Elden Ring (From Sw + George R.R. Martin)

    Leggetevi questa intervista, tutto sempre fichissimo, a From Software c'e' davvero l elisir del "famo una figata e non perdiamoci in stronzate"


    Estratti relativi strettamente alle info sul gioco, per i pigroni:

    "Unlike Sekiro, which has a heavy focus on action, Elden Ring puts more focus on RPG elements."

    "Earlier I had said that this title focuses more heavily on RPG elements. This title will include a wide variety of weapons, magic, and ways to engage enemies, that make it possible to provide users with a style of gameplay and strategy that suits them."

    "Yes, it will contain character customization elements."

    "many free and creative conversations regarding the game, in which Mr. Martin later used as a base to write the overarching mythos for the game world itself. (...) Elden Ring’s world was constructed using this mythos and stimulus as a base."

    "I would have to say the biggest difference is it being open world."

    "It is a world full of danger and threats, as well as many areas ripe for exploration.

    Among those areas, you will also find intricately designed, multi-layered castles and such."

    "Boss fights are something we enjoy making and make up one of the climaxes to this title as well. "

    Ultima modifica di Absint; 11-06-19 alle 15:23

  19. #19
    Senior Member L'avatar di Spidersuit90
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    Re: Elden Ring (From Sw + George R.R. Martin)

    Peccato non si vedrà per un bel po' temo

  20. #20
    pm qui L'avatar di Absint
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    Jan 2016

    Re: Elden Ring (From Sw + George R.R. Martin)


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