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Discussione: Destiny 2 | 6 settembre

  1. #1
    Moderatore L'avatar di Bishop76
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    Destiny 2 | 6 settembre

    Secondo i rumors di Kotaku, il rpogetto di Destiny 2 sarebbe stato di recente riavviato da zero ed inoltre la nuova direzione sarebbe stata affidata al Director dell'espansione di The Lich King, a detta di molti la più riuscita del gioco.
    Sembra anche che ci sia stata una riorganizzazione abbastanza pesante nei Bungie Studios, che tra le altre cose ha portato proprio a questo reboot.

    Qui il link ed il rumor originale:

    Replacing D2 in this fall’s slot will be Rise of Iron, although it’s not clear what else Bungie will release between then and fall of next year. From what we hear, Destiny 2 was recently rebooted, with Taken King director Luke Smith taking the reins of that project in the wake of a Bungie staff reorganization.
    Ultima modifica di Leorgrium; 13-06-17 alle 08:32

  2. #2
    Ignorante omofobo L'avatar di GiAmPoZ
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    Re: [Rumor] Destiny 2 di recente è stato riavviato da zero

    Che poi l'espansione migliore fu Burning Crusade, ma vabbè, si fa per parlare

  3. #3
    il PDF L'avatar di Eric Starbuck
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    Re: [Rumor] Destiny 2 di recente è stato riavviato da zero

    Speriamo che non decidano di prendere la deriva moba sulla scia di overwatch e battleborn... che sfido chiunque non sia un appassionato a distinguere a memoria. (guardando gli screen ok.)

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  4. #4
    TGM 4 Ever L'avatar di Echein
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    Re: [Rumor] Destiny 2 di recente è stato riavviato da zero

    Più che altro i titoli da te citati mi sembrano solo PvP

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  5. #5
    Alpaca L'avatar di MrWashington
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    Re: [Rumor] Destiny 2 di recente è stato riavviato da zero

    paragonare Overwatch a Destiny è non sapere cosa è Overwatch.

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  6. #6
    TGM 4 Ever L'avatar di Echein
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    Re: [Rumor] Destiny 2 di recente è stato riavviato da zero

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da MrWashington Visualizza Messaggio
    paragonare Overwatch a Destiny è non sapere cosa è Overwatch.
    Infatti non lo so.
    Ho usato il " mi sembrano"
    So solo che è pvp
    E imho penso dovevano farlo come F2P

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  7. #7
    Alpaca L'avatar di MrWashington
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    Re: [Rumor] Destiny 2 di recente è stato riavviato da zero

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Echein Visualizza Messaggio
    Infatti non lo so.
    Ho usato il " mi sembrano"
    So solo che è pvp
    E imho penso dovevano farlo come F2P
    Overwatch è simile a team fortress 2.

    Battletag: MrWashington#21181

  8. #8
    TGM 4 Ever L'avatar di Echein
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    Re: [Rumor] Destiny 2 di recente è stato riavviato da zero

    Allora avevo le idee ben chiare, infatti non lo avevo paragonato

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  9. #9
    il PDF L'avatar di Eric Starbuck
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    Re: [Rumor] Destiny 2 di recente è stato riavviato da zero

    Si infatti ho ammesso l'ignoranza dicendo che mi sembrano tutti uguali. Avevo capito che ci fosse una campagna... ma quello probabilmente è battleborn.

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  10. #10
    TGM 4 Ever L'avatar di Echein
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    Re: [Rumor] Destiny 2 di recente è stato riavviato da zero

    Campagna con i bot?

    Remerbers... Preorders?..NEVER!

  11. #11
    The Game Esthete L'avatar di Harry_Lime
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    Re: [Rumor] Destiny 2 di recente è stato riavviato da zero

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Eric Starbuck Visualizza Messaggio
    Si infatti ho ammesso l'ignoranza dicendo che mi sembrano tutti uguali. Avevo capito che ci fosse una campagna... ma quello probabilmente è battleborn.
    You are confused.

    - - - Aggiornato - - -

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Bishop76 Visualizza Messaggio
    Secondo i rumors di Kotaku, il rpogetto di Destiny 2 sarebbe stato di recente riavviato da zero ed inoltre la nuova direzione sarebbe stata affidata al Director dell'espansione di The Lich King, a detta di molti la più riuscita del gioco.
    Sembra anche che ci sia stata una riorganizzazione abbastanza pesante nei Bungie Studios, che tra le altre cose ha portato proprio a questo reboot.

    Qui il link ed il rumor originale:
    Intendi the taken king come scritto in uk giusto?
    ""...Gli ci volle un pò di tempo per ritrovare la forza di alzarsi e appoggiare il piede. Quando ci riuscì, prima di ricominciare la fuga verso casa si voltò di nuovo in dietro. E allora il suo grido disperato risuonò nel silenzio stupore della campagna."

  12. #12
    Moderatore L'avatar di Bishop76
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    Re: [Rumor] Destiny 2 di recente è stato riavviato da zero

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Harry_Lime Visualizza Messaggio
    Intendi the taken king come scritto in uk giusto?
    Sì Harry!

  13. #13
    Moderatore L'avatar di Bishop76
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    Jan 2016

    Re: [Rumor] Destiny 2 di recente è stato riavviato da zero

    nuovi rumors su Destiny 2:

    Destiny 2, the currently unannounced 2017 sequel to Destiny, is coming to PC, according to several sources. The first game was exclusive to consoles, much to the dismay of Destiny fans with beefy computers. We also hear that Bungie aims to make Destiny 2 feel like an entirely new game rather than a Taken King-style expansion—even if that means leaving old characters behind.

    The PC rumor first popped up on NeoGAF today. This afternoon, a GAF poster named benny_a wrote that a friend at Activision had told him that Destiny’s much-anticipated sequel will indeed be on PC. The publisher informed employees about the news during an internal presentation today, according to benny_a. He added another interesting tidbit: that the Activision-owned studio Vicarious Visions is also helping out on Destiny 2. Although that isn’t public knowledge, I had heard the same thing a few weeks ago, which adds credence to benny_a’s report.

    Earlier this year, I’d also heard from a person familiar with Bungie’s plans that Destiny 2, which is currently slated for a late 2017 release, will be on PC. This isn’t a shocker. Releasing Destiny’s sequel on PC will give Bungie access to a giant new potential audience, one that wasn’t around for the first game. Ditching last-gen consoles, which Bungie has already done for the recently released Rise of Iron expansion, ensures that they no longer have to worry about antiquated memory restrictions.
    Feeling like a new game

    Over the past few months, I’ve also heard that Bungie’s leadership wants Destiny 2 to feel like a proper sequel, even if that means leaving old planets, characters, and activities behind. In conversations with me, people connected to Bungie have made comparisons to Blizzard’s Diablo 2, which iterated on the first game in some incredible ways but didn’t carry over characters or content from Diablo. I don’t know exactly how much will change in Destiny 2, but all signs point to the developers starting from scratch. “D2 is a completely different game,” said one person familiar with development. “The Taken King was a reboot for Destiny 1 to fix small things. This is the overhaul to fix big things.”

    One of the terms we’ll be hearing often with Destiny 2, according to sources, is “play-in destinations”—a new activity model that will revamp how Destiny’s world functions. The plan, from what I’ve heard, is for Destiny 2's planets to feel more populated with towns, outposts, and quests that are more interesting than the patrol missions you can get in Destiny.

    Jason also reporting it's not a lock that your character will carry over to Destiny 2 but Bungie might have something to reward players of Destiny 1.

    Yea, it's coming to PC. From what I'm told the decision to restructure was made thanks to a major memory ceiling being reached on last gen with regard to the Rise of Iron expansion, which was set to launch in the spring, not fall. Bungie decided to push out D2 since it was behind and needed much more iteration, and took advantage of the Rise of Iron delays to use that as the content stop gap for the fall of this year.

    Destiny 2 is being overhauled so that they can build upon it in the future without having to work within the frame work limitations that D1 setup. Right now, the way things play out, they have to introduce playspaces so that players can engage in systems or activities, but it creates a huge barrier that must be overcome on both the networking & design side so, they're going to do more open playspaces that incorporate towns, outposts, etc into more common areas. This means fewer hardlines for areas and having them be gated by menus. Goal is to have players conducting things & making activity decisions while still in control of their character, instead of having to exit out into an activity hub. Think of how in WoW, you hit a button and queue into activities you want to do all while still playing your character.

    Major narrative changes are on board for D2. Both in terms of plot direction, pacing & structure. Major focus is going to be on the Cabal & Saturn. Saturn is a playspace is set to be bigger than all of the playspaces currently implemented in the game combined. This is in large part of the scale of playspaces being redesigned, so it'll be both bigger & denser with activities. There's a reason Guardians take the fight to Saturn.

    Major changes to the engine are occurring. Their render tech has gone through some major iteration thanks in large part to getting to approach it without having last-gen as a limit. Because of this, they are still undecided what, if any, of Destiny's old content, both in terms of playspace, areas, Strikes & raids, will be available through D2. There is talk in possibly allowing D1 remain as its own client, which flies against how Destiny currently operates, where as the new content renders the old client & content obsolete.

    Live team has been going through some iteration so that they may continue to support Destiny with content after a major content drop, but they are stuck between a rock & a hard place. The live team is trying to support a game running on an old engine with its older tools, whereas the bulk of development is on the engine framework & enjoying new tools. Because of this, the Live team is largely handcuffed, so don't really expect a whole lot of post-launch content for D1 in the next year.

    However, starting with the launch of D2, we will see far more substantial content dropping in the time between yearly releases, as the game & engine & live team have all been planned to support that going forward. Team is aware that they need more substantial content throughout the year, not just at the end of it.

    If they do drop D1 content, it likely won't be permanent - they might reintroduce areas in a more 'D2' fleshed out way. So we might lose temporary access to these places, then regain it or have to fight back for control of it at a later point in the plot. This means we'll get to see older areas or activities through the perspective of the newer content, which also means the older areas might expand considerably by the time we get back to them, since the design goal for playspaces is to now make them both way bigger & way denser with activities.

    Edit: New races & factions are planned. No idea on whats happening with regards to classes however. New enemies within factions are also going to be introduced. Take the Sions for the Cabal for example - they are going to get fleshed out in D2.
    insomma tanta roba, il solo fatto di non avere più un hub centrale, ma città direttamente nell'area di gioco, con aree di gioco che immagino saranno grandissime, rappresenta una grandissima novità.
    speriamo bene perchè sembra veramente che stavolta vogliano fare le cose per benino, senza i limiti delle console old-gen potrebbero fare davvero il salto di qualità.

  14. #14
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  15. #15
    Senior Member L'avatar di Bigg
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    Re: [Rumor] Destiny 2

    rumor negati da bungie "forge of nope" cit.
    di sicuro si sa che esce quest'autunno e basta.
    probabilmente i primi dettagli ufficiali li vedremo all'e3 e poi faranno i soliti streaming su twitch da lì all'uscita

  16. #16
    Thrash 'Till Death... L'avatar di Leorgrium
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    Destiny 2 | 8 Settembre

    Sperando che non sia un fake

    Everybody Lies...

  17. #17
    The Game Esthete L'avatar di Harry_Lime
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    Re: Destiny 2 | 8 Settembre

    Per di più da un leak probabilmente di un Gamestop italiano vista la lingua del poster.

    Inviato dal mio FRD-L09 utilizzando Tapatalk
    ""...Gli ci volle un pò di tempo per ritrovare la forza di alzarsi e appoggiare il piede. Quando ci riuscì, prima di ricominciare la fuga verso casa si voltò di nuovo in dietro. E allora il suo grido disperato risuonò nel silenzio stupore della campagna."

  18. #18
    Thrash 'Till Death... L'avatar di Leorgrium
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    Re: Destiny 2 | 8 Settembre

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Harry_Lime Visualizza Messaggio
    Per di più da un leak probabilmente di un Gamestop italiano vista la lingua del poster.

    Inviato dal mio FRD-L09 utilizzando Tapatalk
    Si, sembra vero...Dovrebbe essere presentato oggi addiritura

    Everybody Lies...

  19. #19
    Thrash 'Till Death... L'avatar di Leorgrium
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    Re: Destiny 2 | 8 Settembre

    As has become an annual Bungie tradition, a retailer has leaked info on the next big Destiny release. It’s not much, but here’s your first look at the marketing materials for Destiny 2, a video game that we will no doubt come up with all sorts of pithy ways to describe over the next few years.

    And, yes, it’s real. We hear Bungie plans to announce Destiny 2 today.

    The above poster, leaked by an Italian retailer, hints at an upcoming beta. A second leaked poster with the same key art promises that the game will be out on Friday, September 8, although that may only be the European release. (Often, games come out in North America on Tuesday and then in Europe on Friday.) Both posters show three helmet-less humans, one of whom is holding what appears to be a Suros-branded shotgun.

    From what we’ve heard, Destiny 2 aims to feel drastically different than its predecessors in several ways. The plan has long been to build planet regions in Destiny 2 that feel less barren than the ones in Destiny, with towns, outposts, and quests.

    We’ve also heard that, yes, Destiny 2 is coming to PC.

    Bungie did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

    Everybody Lies...

  20. #20
    Lavora Troppo L'avatar di Ceccazzo
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    Re: Destiny 2 | 8 Settembre

    mi sa che ci riprovo, pur avendo grosse difficoltà con gli fps su console

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