SmugMug ha acquisito Flickr SmugMug ha acquisito Flickr

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Discussione: SmugMug ha acquisito Flickr

  1. #1
    Senior Member L'avatar di Geralt di Rivia
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016
    I'm Major Sludgebucket (ABS). This is an alternative account I created years ago for some reason.

  2. #2
    Sounds Good L'avatar di Don Luca
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: SmugMug ha acquisito Flickr

    Mah... speriamo che migliori, a me non è piaciuto per nulla.

  3. #3
    Senior Member L'avatar di Geralt di Rivia
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: SmugMug ha acquisito Flickr

    We’re excited to announce that Flickr has agreed to be acquired by SmugMug, the photography platform dedicated to visual storytellers.
    SmugMug has a long history of empowering people who love photography and who want to improve their craft, making them a perfect fit for Flickr and our creative community. With SmugMug, we’ll continue to focus on you, the Flickr members who inspire us all with your work.

    Nothing will change immediately with regard to your Flickr account. You will still access Flickr with your current login credentials and you will have the same Flickr experience as you do now. We will continue to work to make your Flickr experience even better.

    We think you are going to love Flickr under SmugMug ownership, but you can choose to not have your Flickr account and data transferred to SmugMug until May 25, 2018. If you want to keep your Flickr account and data from being transferred, you must go to your Flickr account to download the photos and videos you want to keep, then delete your account from your Account Settings by May 25, 2018.

    If you do not delete your account by May 25, 2018, your Flickr account and data will transfer to SmugMug and will be governed by SmugMug’s Terms and Privacy Policy.

    Read more detailed FAQs about this transition on the Flickr Blog.

    We’re happy that Flickr is your home for photography and we look forward to the next chapter in our adventure together as we join the SmugMug family.
    I'm Major Sludgebucket (ABS). This is an alternative account I created years ago for some reason.

  4. #4
    Utente Antico L'avatar di Enriko!!
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: SmugMug ha acquisito Flickr

    A me flickr come servizio piace parecchio.
    interfaccia vecchiotta ma funziona bene, la gestione del caricamento delle foto è facile, pratico caricare molte foto in un colpo solo, gestione album ecc.
    Mantengono un ottima qualità, l'aspetto poi che preferisco è la gestione dei link per condivisione su forum/social e tutto il resto, in altri non ho mai trovato la stessa "completezza".

    La parte social non ci ho mai badato molto...
    lo trovo interessante per fare ricerche, vedere foto scattate con determinate ottiche o fotocamere o accessori (per farsi un'idea della resa), visto che è un database enorme da cui pescare.

    Mi spiace se diventa a pagamento anche l'uso base "attuale", ma non credo andrò a fare un abbonamento...

  5. #5
    Senior Member
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: SmugMug ha acquisito Flickr

    dov'è scritto che diventa a pagamento anche nel base?
    spero di siano già preparati ad un discreto calo del numero degli utenti, nel caso...

  6. #6
    Senior Member L'avatar di Geralt di Rivia
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: SmugMug ha acquisito Flickr

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da maxx Visualizza Messaggio
    dov'è scritto che diventa a pagamento anche nel base?
    spero di siano già preparati ad un discreto calo del numero degli utenti, nel caso...
    Non lo leggo da nessuna parte, ma non leggo nemmeno un "NON PREOCCUPATEVI, NON CAMBIERA' UNA FAVA E RESTERA' TUTTO GRATUITO PER SEMPRE", il che lascia pensare che...

    La descrizione che il pezzo de La Stampa dà di SmugCoso lascerebbe pensare a una svolta, inoltre.

    SmugMug è una sorta di eccezione per la Silicon Valley: l’azienda controllata dalla famiglia che l’ha creata è completamente privata, rifiuta gli investimenti di capitale di ventura (o l’idea della quotazione e acquisizione) ed è focalizzata sui servizi per appassionati di fotografia, disposti a pagare pur di avere un servizio personalizzato, privato e ben curato. L’azienda offre quattro livelli di abbonamento e servizio, pensati per il fotografo occasionale sino al professionista. In questo momento in cui i servizi gratuiti che monetizzano gli utenti, come Facebook, sono nel mirino per violazioni della privacy ed eccesso di raccolta di informazioni, SmugMug ritiene che suo modello di business per persone che sono disposte a pagare pur di avere servizi efficienti, su misura e con il totale rispetto della privacy siano in crescita.
    I'm Major Sludgebucket (ABS). This is an alternative account I created years ago for some reason.

  7. #7
    Senior Member
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: SmugMug ha acquisito Flickr

    di certo io non pagherò per le mie incredibili foto di nuvole, fiori ed insetti

  8. #8
    Utente Antico L'avatar di Enriko!!
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: SmugMug ha acquisito Flickr

    Si non ci sono notizie "certe" che diventerà a pagamento, certo gli account flickr verranno unificati a quelli smug...e il piano base di smug da 3.99 dollari come servizi è simile a quello base di flickr (anche se offre qualcosina in più), dunque boh.

  9. #9
    Since 13-11-01 L'avatar di Bobo
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: SmugMug ha acquisito Flickr

    Oddio, spero di no.

    Io uso Flick salutariamente in realtà (oramai carico una cosa ogni tanto), ma mi piace l'idea di una vetrinetta senza troppe pretese dei miei scatti "migliori" ( ).
    Anche io mai cagato più di tanto la parte social, diciamo che la uso come archivio e fonte per link esterni.

    Un anno feci pure il premium, ma francamente mi sparassero 4€ al mese valuterei di mollare tutto e stop... per quello che lo uso, alla fine...

  10. #10
    Senior Member
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: SmugMug ha acquisito Flickr

    Ho cominciato a ricevere like da fotografe che nel proprio profilo hanno solo ritratti delle proprie chiappe, saranno professioniste?

  11. #11
    Since 13-11-01 L'avatar di Bobo
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: SmugMug ha acquisito Flickr

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da maxx Visualizza Messaggio
    Ho cominciato a ricevere like da fotografe che nel proprio profilo hanno solo ritratti delle proprie chiappe, saranno professioniste?
    A me succede su Instagram
    E poi nella descrizione del profilo hanno un simpatico link per "approfondire"

    Inviato dal mio ALE-L21 utilizzando Tapatalk

  12. #12
    Utente Antico L'avatar di Enriko!!
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: SmugMug ha acquisito Flickr

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Bobo Visualizza Messaggio
    A me succede su Instagram
    E poi nella descrizione del profilo hanno un simpatico link per "approfondire"

    Inviato dal mio ALE-L21 utilizzando Tapatalk
    Idem su instagram, io segnalo tutto come spam in modo molto genere vengono chiusi nel giro di qualche ora

  13. #13
    Senior Member
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: SmugMug ha acquisito Flickr

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Bobo Visualizza Messaggio
    A me succede su Instagram
    E poi nella descrizione del profilo hanno un simpatico link per "approfondire"

    Inviato dal mio ALE-L21 utilizzando Tapatalk
    da ieri c'è una invasione di questi accounts fake (zero foto, ma link esterno nelle info personali).

    In 24 ore ne ho bloccati una quindicina, altri utenti lamentano numeri anche maggiori.
    almeno portano like a raffica gratis, se vi interessano

  14. #14
    Major Sludgebucket (ABS)

    Re: SmugMug ha acquisito Flickr

    L'incredibile, inattesissimissimissima svolta.

    Important updates to your Flickr account.

    This is an important service email we’re required to send to all Flickr members because the terms and conditions of your membership are changing.

    Let’s be candid. The strength of Flickr has always been you.
    Flickr at its best is a place to connect, to discover, and to evolve as photographers and lovers of photography. This is the world’s largest photographer-focused community. Together, this newly independent community can shape the future of photography itself.

    Today we are announcing important updates to our Free and Pro account offerings to better align Flickr with its mission.

    Free accounts will soon be limited to 1,000 photos or videos. Flickr isn't Flickr without the contributions and participation of our free members, and we remain committed to a vibrant, free offering.

    Learn more
    Flickr Pro is better than ever, and at less than half the cost of Apple, Amazon, or Google, it’s the best deal in photography—hands down. In addition to the unmatched community you love, Pros get these perks:

    Unlimited Storage. The only limit is your imagination. All Pros may now upload as many photos as you can take, always at full resolution.
    Ad-Free Browsing. Focus on what matters with a fully ad-free Flickr experience for you and your visitors.
    Advanced Stats. See which of your photos are trending now, and which have performed the best over the life of your Flickr Pro account.
    Plus all these great new Pro-only features:

    Premier Product Support. Skip the line. Flickr Pros now receive priority assistance from our new world-class support team. Available now.
    More Partner Discounts. Save on photography essentials. Discounts on Creative Cloud from Adobe, 50% off a custom portfolio site on SmugMug, gear from Peak Design, and more. Coming November.
    Advanced Stats on Mobile. Stats in your pocket. All the photo stats you know and love, available in the app. Coming November.
    Increased Exposure. All Pro members as of January 1, 2019, are eligible for priority exposure in the next iteration of Explore. Coming early 2019.
    New 5K Photo Display Option. Look your best. Your images are beautifully optimized for any screen, from smartphone to jumbotron. Pro images display at resolutions up to 5K. Coming early 2019.
    10 Minute Videos. More time to tell your story. Play back videos for up to 10 minutes, increased from 3. Coming early 2019.
    If you are a free member with more than 1,000 photos or videos, you will have ample time to upgrade to Pro (for 30% off your first year) or download your photos and videos.*

    *Free members with more than 1,000 photos or videos uploaded to Flickr will no longer be able to upload new content after Tuesday, January 8, 2019 unless they upgrade to Pro. After February 5, 2019, free accounts that contain over 1,000 photos or videos will have content deleted -- starting from oldest to newest date uploaded -- to meet the new limit. Members may always choose to download content over the limit at any time prior to these dates.

    New Simple Login! Coming in January, there will be no need for a Yahoo account to use Flickr.

    Flickr dots
    From the start, Flickr has been an act of co-creation. Today marks a new beginning. Together, let’s create the future of photography.
    Learn more

  15. #15
    Major Sludgebucket (ABS)

    Re: SmugMug ha acquisito Flickr

    Dear friends,
    Flickr—the world’s most-beloved, money-losing business—needs your help.

    Two years ago, Flickr was losing tens of millions of dollars a year. Our company, SmugMug, stepped in to rescue it from being shut down and to save tens of billions of your precious photos from being erased.

    Why? We’ve spent 17 years lovingly building our company into a thriving, family-owned and -operated business that cares deeply about photographers. SmugMug has always been the place for photographers to showcase their photography, and we’ve long admired how Flickr has been the community where they connect with each other. We couldn’t stand by and watch Flickr vanish.

    So we took a big risk, stepped in, and saved Flickr. Together, we created the world’s largest photographer-focused community: a place where photographers can stand out and fit in.

    We’ve been hard at work improving Flickr. We hired an excellent, large staff of Support Heroes who now deliver support with an average customer satisfaction rating of above 90%. We got rid of Yahoo’s login. We moved the platform and every photo to Amazon Web Services (AWS), the industry leader in cloud computing, and modernized its technology along the way. As a result, pages are already 20% faster and photos load 30% more quickly. Platform outages, including Pandas, are way down. Flickr continues to get faster and more stable, and important new features are being built once again.

    Our work is never done, but we’ve made tremendous progress.

    Now Flickr needs your help. It’s still losing money. Hundreds of thousands of loyal Flickr members stepped up and joined Flickr Pro, for which we are eternally grateful. It’s losing a lot less money than it was. But it’s not yet making enough.

    We need more Flickr Pro members if we want to keep the Flickr dream alive.

    We didn’t buy Flickr because we thought it was a cash cow. Unlike platforms like Facebook, we also didn’t buy it to invade your privacy and sell your data. We bought it because we love photographers, we love photography, and we believe Flickr deserves not only to live on but thrive. We think the world agrees; and we think the Flickr community does, too. But we cannot continue to operate it at a loss as we’ve been doing.

    Flickr is the world’s largest photographer-focused community. It’s the world’s best way to find great photography and connect with amazing photographers. Flickr hosts some of the world’s most iconic, most priceless photos, freely available to the entire world. This community is home to more than 100 million accounts and tens of billions of photos. It serves billions of photos every single day. It’s huge. It’s a priceless treasure for the whole world. And it costs money to operate. Lots of money.

    Flickr is not a charity, and we’re not asking you for a donation. Flickr is the best value in photo sharing anywhere in the world. Flickr Pro members get ad-free browsing for themselves and their visitors, advanced stats, unlimited full-quality storage for all their photos, plus premium features and access to the world’s largest photographer-focused community for less than $5 per month.

    You likely pay services such as Netflix and Spotify at least $9 per month. I love services like these, and I’m a happy paying customer, but they don’t keep your priceless photos safe and let you share them with the most important people in your world. Flickr does, and a Flickr Pro membership costs less than $1 per week.

    Please, help us make Flickr thrive. Help us ensure it has a bright future. Every Flickr Pro subscription goes directly to keeping Flickr alive and creating great new experiences for photographers like you. We are building lots of great things for the Flickr community, but we need your help. We can do this together.

    We’re launching our end-of-year Pro subscription campaign on Thursday, December 26, but I want to invite you to subscribe to Flickr Pro today for the same 25% discount.

    We’ve gone to great lengths to optimize Flickr for cost savings wherever possible, but the increasing cost of operating this enormous community and continuing to invest in its future will require a small price increase early in the new year, so this is truly the very best time to upgrade your membership to Pro.

    If you value Flickr finally being independent, built for photographers and by photographers, we ask you to join us, and to share this offer with those who share your love of photography and community.

    With gratitude,

    Don MacAskill
    Co-Founder, CEO & Chief Geek
    SmugMug + Flickr

    Use and share coupon code 25in2019 to get 25% off Flickr Pro now.

    Join Pro now

  16. #16
    Sta scrivendo... L'avatar di magen1
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: SmugMug ha acquisito Flickr

    sono di nuovo nella merda
    Link rapidini: Google img | Imgur | Telegram | Whatsapp | Just4gifs
    JetWay I35P-SG | EzCool 650W | Intel Q9400 | ATI HD 4850 512 | 860 EVO 250GB + Toshiba 1TB | Corsair DDR2 2x1GB 667Mhz + Corsair DDR2 XMS2 2x2GB 800Mhz | Cooler Master Elite 330 | Since 2006/2008

  17. #17
    Senior Member
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: SmugMug ha acquisito Flickr

    Ricevuta anche io, l'avevo dribblata in automatico
    Come servizio è ottimo, funziona bene e non è invaso dalla pubblicità, un po' mi dispiacerebbe se chiudesse.
    Certo che per un utente come me pagare un abbonamento è fuori discussione.
    Ultima modifica di maxx; 20-12-19 alle 11:00

  18. #18
    Major Sludgebucket (ABS)

    Re: SmugMug ha acquisito Flickr

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da maxx Visualizza Messaggio
    Ricevuta anche io, l'avevo dribblata in automatico
    Io ormai svio il 95% delle robe direttamente nello spam .

    Comunque interessante il link che mettono, su Verizon...

  19. #19
    Utente Antico L'avatar di Enriko!!
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: SmugMug ha acquisito Flickr

    a me andrebbe bene pagare per quello che già mi chiedessero un 10 dollari anno li darei, ma un abbonamento da 45 euro anno per quello che ne faccio ha poco senso, forse dovrebbero studiare qualche via di mezzo...anche un pacchetto entrylevel

  20. #20
    Senior Member
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: SmugMug ha acquisito Flickr

    oppure mettere due banner pubblicitari come su questo forum ai lati

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