CyberPunk Red | 30' Anniversario CyberPunk Red | 30' Anniversario

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    Thrash 'Till Death... L'avatar di Leorgrium
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    Jan 2016
    Northern Darkness
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    Gamertag: Leorgrium Steam ID: Leorgrium

    CyberPunk Red | 30' Anniversario

    Confermato dallo stesso creatore Mike Pondsmith...Stanno lavorando ad una nuova edizione del celebre gioco di ruolo Cyberpunk.
    Molto probabile che sarà lo stesso impianto di gioco e regole che vedremmo pure nel nuovo videogioco Cyberpunk 2077 di CD Projekt Red

    Edit: Ho trovato questo post su reddit:

    Cyberpunk RED is an update of Cyberpunk 2020 by Mike Pondsmith and is based on the Interlock System 2.0 ruleset. It’s essentially Cyberpunk 2020 v 1.5. It will bridge the gap from after the 4th Corp war to 2077 and is based on the Aftershocks storyline. The goal is to update it with new rules, tech, and a modern outlook so it doesn’t feel like a retro take on the genre. There are hopes of releasing it when Cyberpunk 2077 comes out. The current window of release is 1 August 2019.
    There might be a Cyberpunk 2077 tabletop RPG on the horizon as well, but no additional information has been released.


    Q: What system is Cyberpunk Red? Fuzion or Interlock?
    A: Cyberpunk Red will use the classic Interlock system, though, as with any new edition of a TRPG, there will be revisions and updates. The Cyberpunk Red Jumpstart Kit will use the same rules, though they will be streamlined because they are part of an introductory set.

    Q: Is Cyberpunk Red going to be compatible with Cyberpunk 2020?
    A: While there will be changes to the rules, it should not be too difficult to convert Cyberpunk 2020 material to Cyberpunk Red.

    Q: Does Cyberpunk Red take place in the same universe as Cyberpunk 2020 and Cyberpunk 2077?
    A: Yes. R. Talsorian Games and CD Projekt Red have worked together on a common timeline for the original Cyberpunk (Cyberpunk 2013) to Cyberpunk 2020 to Cyberpunk Red to Cyberpunk 2077.

    Q: What about Cyberpunk v3? And Cybergeneration?
    A: Cyberpunk v3 and Cybergeneration both officially take place in alternate timelines. They are “what if?” scenarios. The Carbon Plague of Cybergeneration did occur in the 2020/Red/2077 timeline but was quickly contained.

    Q: When in the timeline does Cyberpunk Red take place?
    A: Cyberpunk Red takes place between the end of the 4th Corporate War (2022 or so) and 2077. We realize that’s a long stretch of time but aren’t yet ready to say where, specifically, in that time period Red will begin.

    Q: What sort of art will Cyberpunk Red have?
    A: Cyberpunk Red will have new art, commissioned from a number of talented artists. The art will be full color and on par with any modern RPG.

    Primo Artwork

    Ultima modifica di Leorgrium; 18-06-19 alle 10:08

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