resident iv'l 7 resident iv'l 7

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Discussione: resident iv'l 7

  1. #1
    Data Registrazione
    Dec 2016

    resident iv'l 7

    Destructoid- 10/10

    I had hoped to enjoy Resident Evil 7 for what it appeared to be: a strange, Western approach to the series. I didn't expect it to hark so close to the series' roots while managing to still bring some action and more intuitive controls. Production-wise, this is the best Capcom's ever done, with believable performances (wait 'til you see the Baker's son. Something about him is so freakishly real to me) and wonderfully creepy audio design. With or without VR, Capcom nailed the pulse-pounding atmosphere and I am finally legitimately excited to see what it's going to do next. Though the enemy design could have been more varied, the bosses more than make up for that. The last hour and boss is slightly underwhelming, but everything up to that is consistently amazing. Resident Evil 7 went beyond my expectations, and I feel we have an instant classic here. I want to jump back in right now, and I have a feeling I'll be doing so for years to come.

    Games Radar - 9/10

    However you play it, Resident Evil’s back. Completely different and yet instantly familiar. Compared to the bloated action of the last few installments this is literally a Resi revelation, executing modern horror ideas, interesting characters, locations, and a fantastic atmosphere to create something that can stand proudly among its sources. It’s about as an essential a horror experience as you can get.

    Rely On Horror - 9/10

    Resident Evil is back, and I’m already hungry — starved — for more. It’s good to be home again.

    IGN - 7.7/10

    Resident Evil 7 grounds itself in elements that made the original great while still indulging in a risky new shift in style that both helps and hurts the beloved formula in equal measure. But it’s also the closest a numbered sequel has come to recapturing Resident Evil’s slow, but thrilling and atmospheric adventure game roots in a while — a welcome return that I truly hope to see more of in the future.

    EGM - 9.5/10

    Resident Evil 7 might be the first must-own game of 2017. If you’re a fan of survival horror, then you’ll recognize the tremendous return to form this was for Capcom’s legendary series, and be equally thrilled and terrified by the atmosphere and level of immersion this experience provides. The narrative is driven by a pair of underdogs in Ethan and Mia Winters that you can’t help but root for, and the mystery of the Baker plantation will keep you pushing on well after your voice has gone hoarse from screaming so much at your TV. Resident Evil is back—and I don’t think it gets better than this.

    GameSpot - 8/10

    RE7 ends just as it starts to outstay its welcome, and after the fact, I felt like I'd survived a truly harrowing journey. The boss fights may be slightly inconsistent and certain sections might drag after a while, but RE7 is still a remarkable success. It has a clear vision and executes it with impressive patience and precision. By returning to horror, Resident Evil has once again become something special.

    The Guardian - 5/5

    2005’s Resident Evil 4 was an astonishing redefinition, not only of its series but also, thanks to the introduction of the ‘over-the-shoulder’ perspective, of third-person action games in general. Resident Evil 7’s impact is more localised, but no less effective. Reinventing older game series’ to fit ever expanding technological boundaries while maintaining their quiddity is one of the great challenges in game design. Indeed, it’s one that Resident Evil’s creators have failed to meet on numerous occasions. Resident Evil 7, by contrast, is a masterclass: breezily new, yet quintessentially in character with its illustrious forbearers.

    Pure Playstation - 9/10

    Resident Evil 7 didn't just take the series back to form, it perfected it. Sure there will be satisfying combat but not before running around for your life filled with dread. The story and plot twists were entertaining as they were interesting and all the scares that came along with it. The voice actors did a phenomenal job and so did the level designers. There was never a time where I felt safe and ready to take on the next challenge. Old schools fans of the franchise will love this outing and is a perfect opportunity for new fans to hop on board. Just don't burn the midnight oil alone.

    Xbox Achievements - 89/100

    As a die-hard Resident Evil fan since the first game arrived in 1996, Resident Evil 7 hits all of the right notes while feeling like a natural evolution for the series. Building upon what makes Capcom's survival horror so special, while effectively telling an entirely new story, Resident Evil 7 is a fantastic game that ought to please those looking for scares and fervent Resident Evil faithful alike.

    USGamer - 4/5

    It's a bit on the short side and the latter chunk of the game is rather linear, but Resident Evil 7 absolutely recaptures the feeling of survival horror established in the first game. The Baker family is terrifying and spending time trapped in their home is damned good horror. As a new direction for the franchise, returning to an old one seems like it was a great idea.

    Warlegend - 8.5/10 (17/20)

    (Google Translated and slightly tidied up) Limited supplies, heavy atmosphere, puzzles to solve, all with a difficulty dosed well. Yes, it's a good game! The first-person view is a success, the graphics are perfect, the game is fluid and optimized, global release for a multiplatform game, Capcom has successfully bet its hand: this Resident Evil is a success despite a playtime reduced to about twelve hours and a bit lighter on content than some entries. Playing through in PSVR almost makes it a second game, hopefully Capcom brings HTC Vive / Occulus Rift compatibility one day to PC, but it's clear that we have a nugget for VR in RE7. I would even go so far as to say that it is the only must-have PSVR game at the moment. The ball is in the camp of Capcom: we would love to have added content to the game, simply because by the end we were left savoring for more. We expect DLC Capcom, or to see a sequel!

    Digital Fix - 9/10

    Short but oh-so-sweetly sick, Resident Evil 7 rewrites the series formula to nerve-shredding success, with PSVR integration only adding to the immersion.

    SegmentNext - 9.3/10

    Resident Evil (7) not only provides a great first-time experience but its replayability makes it a worthy purchase. There are multiple ways to complete the game, multiple endings, and higher difficulty levels that will keep you busy with the game for a long time.

    Resident Evil 7 has redefined survival horror for the franchise.

    Go 4 Gamers - 9/10

    Resident Evil 7 is one of the strongest games in the series.

    Unboxholics - 9/10

    As a whole Resident Evil 7 is the great return of Resident Evil. It brings fresh air to the series and hopefully be the beginning of a "bright" future, both for the franchise, and for Capcom, which denied us solemnly for a long period. At last Resident Evil is back!

    Uscita anche la rece del nostro TGM:

    - - - Aggiornato - - -

    manusp: "preso ed iniziato in VR, mi sono già fermato e pentito dell'acquisto

    Prima volta in vita mia in cui non riesco ad entrare dentro una casa (virtuale): sono rimasto li come un cretino iniziando a tergiversare senza decidermi ad avanzare, poi ho preso coraggio, sono arrivato alla porta di ingresso e....ho visto il buio dentro e mi hanno ceduto le gambe. 5 minuti dopo ho ripreso il controllo di me stesso e sono entrato e.... appena ho riconosciuto un paio di cose ho staccato tutto, è tardi e stanotte vorrei dormire

    Immedesimazione fuori scala, grafica ottima (anche se nettamente inferiore a quella standard), ho provato a giocarci in modalità normale ed è nettamente più facile, ma cazzo l'ho preso per VR e devo finirlo in VR, anche a costo di impiegarci una vita porco giuda

  2. #2
    Data Registrazione
    Dec 2016

    Re: resident iv'l 7

  3. #3
    Suprema Borga Imperiale L'avatar di Altairp
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016
    Sopra il Po

    Re: resident iv'l 7

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Decay Visualizza Messaggio
    in just 4 spam c'è veramente tanto di quel materiale da farci un'intera annata di tesi sperimentali in psichiatria

  4. #4
    Senior Member L'avatar di Algarde
    Data Registrazione
    Apr 2016

    Re: resident iv'l 7

    Tutti sti votoni alti, vuol dire che al massimo è un 5

  5. #5
    Senior Member L'avatar di manuè
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: resident iv'l 7

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Milella Visualizza Messaggio
    la ragassuola assomiglia a quella che fa supergirl
    se lasciati a se stessi i problemi tendono a risolversi da soli, se così non accade, allora è meglio lasciar perdere il tutto e passare ad altro.

    - gli ignoranti ignorano -

  6. #6
    Senior Member L'avatar di Dr. Evil
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: resident iv'l 7

    Da spaventar

  7. #7
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di MrBungle
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016
    Gamer IDs

    Steam ID: MrBungle-J4S

    Re: resident iv'l 7


    ormai qui i videocapolavori non interessano più a nessuno, pensano sollo alla FIGA!!!

  8. #8
    Min. della Prostituzione L'avatar di alastor
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: resident iv'l 7

    sopravvalutato in 3...2...
    Ritenta, sarai più fortunato.

  9. #9
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: resident iv'l 7

    Mi spinge a prender la vr

  10. #10
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di MrBungle
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016
    Gamer IDs

    Steam ID: MrBungle-J4S

    Re: resident iv'l 7

    Su PS4 pro gira in 4K a 60 fps!
    Molti compreranno la "nuova" console+VR+RE7

  11. #11
    Data Registrazione
    Dec 2016

    Re: resident iv'l 7

    non ho capito se la pro da' vantaggi nella vr

  12. #12
    il grinch L'avatar di ryohazuki84
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: resident iv'l 7

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Milella Visualizza Messaggio
    sarà che sono un cagasotto ma non ci riuscirei mai a giocarlo così
    Mi rendo disponibile ad essere insultato ai sensi dell'art. 1 del 29/3/2016 legge Salgari

  13. #13
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di MrBungle
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016
    Gamer IDs

    Steam ID: MrBungle-J4S

    Re: resident iv'l 7

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Milella Visualizza Messaggio
    non ho capito se la pro da' vantaggi nella vr
    Ovvio che sì. Tra 1080 e 4K c'è una bella differenza, specie a 1cm dagli occhi...

  14. #14
    Data Registrazione
    Dec 2016

    Re: resident iv'l 7

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da MrBungle Visualizza Messaggio
    Ovvio che sì. Tra 1080 e 4K c'è una bella differenza, specie a 1cm dagli occhi...
    il 4k e' solo x la tv,gli occhiali se non sbaglio hanno risoluzione fissa

  15. #15
    Shogun Assoluto L'avatar di MrBungle
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016
    Gamer IDs

    Steam ID: MrBungle-J4S

    Re: resident iv'l 7

    Non fare il tirchio, metti mano al portafogli e corri a compare una ps4pro+vr!!!

  16. #16
    14,545 L'avatar di Frigg
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: resident iv'l 7

    ho seguito qualche stream. non sembra male.

  17. #17

    Re: resident iv'l 7

    La demo era bella, da giuocar col pannolone

  18. #18
    Member Since 2004 L'avatar di Ax3l
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: resident iv'l 7

    non riesco a giocarci mi sale l'ansia ma voglio giocarci sono riuscito solo a fare 5 min di demo

  19. #19
    Senior Member
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: resident iv'l 7

    sono curioso, ma l'ultima volta che ho provato un titolo da cagarsi addosso tra audio surround e schermo grande sono quasi morto d'infarto

  20. #20
    Senior Member L'avatar di freddye78
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: resident iv'l 7

    Mah, nel 2017 è inconcepibile vedere ancora aliasing e texture spalmate sui muri e pezzi di legno, e sto parlando della versione senza vr, infatti quando mette il visore diventa tutto più buio, probabilmente più per nascondere il downgrade delle texture che da mediocri diventano oscene che per aumentare l'immersività
    A parte questo il gioco pare interessante e la tipa would bang
    Ultima modifica di freddye78; 24-01-17 alle 22:07

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