That feel of no girlfriend, THAT FEEL (Again...) That feel of no girlfriend, THAT FEEL (Again...) - Pagina 93

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Discussione: That feel of no girlfriend, THAT FEEL (Again...)

  1. #1841
    il grinch L'avatar di ryohazuki84
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: That feel of no girlfriend, THAT FEEL (Again...)

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Cek Visualizza Messaggio
    non scopate?

    cui prodest?
    Mi rendo disponibile ad essere insultato ai sensi dell'art. 1 del 29/3/2016 legge Salgari

    discord bar sport

    chi entra è pregato di presentarsi o verrà espulso

  2. #1842
    Diversity Officer, He/She L'avatar di Fruttolo
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: That feel of no girlfriend, THAT FEEL (Again...)

  3. #1843

    Re: That feel of no girlfriend, THAT FEEL (Again...)

    Bellissima la storia di the sims ahagsbags

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Sinex/ Visualizza Messaggio
    Absint sei il baddo del 21esimo secolo. Il vero uomo di mondo profondo e sensibile ma incredibilmente alla mano.
    Vestito di turchese che viaggia in economy e con uno strano bozzo sulla fronte che però attira le ffighe

  4. #1844
    #mainagioia L'avatar di von right
    Data Registrazione
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    Luna City
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    Steam ID: pink81

    Re: That feel of no girlfriend, THAT FEEL (Again...)

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Ptaah2 Visualizza Messaggio
    Io in Mother 1 ho dato alla protagonista femminile il nome della mia migliore amica a cui andavo dietro all'epoca
    Che poi sarà sempre la solita tettona che si fa antonio.
    Mr Pink, Guerriero da tastiera !!! Profilo su steam.

    Lista chiavi Steam

    Problemi con l'inutile svapo o altri? La soluzione è qui.

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Moloch Visualizza Messaggio
    ai grillini è più facile metterglielo in culo che in testa

  5. #1845
    14,545 L'avatar di Frigg
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: That feel of no girlfriend, THAT FEEL (Again...)

    io in worms 2 davo i nomi dei ragazzini che mi stavano sul cazzo ai miei avversari

  6. #1846
    61,861 L'avatar di fulviuz
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016
    Trasferito a Borgo Panigale

    Re: That feel of no girlfriend, THAT FEEL (Again...)

    Sto diventando buddha a forza di sentire le storie dei miei amici/amiche... Ogni uscita son lì che parlano di chi mette il pene dove, chi apre la vagina quando, intensità di orgasmi e via dicendo, problemi di coppia, amanti, fidanzamenti, scopamicizie, ecc... Argh basta, dovrebbero farmi San Fulvio della Pazienza Infinita.

  7. #1847
    Senior Member L'avatar di Lo Zio
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: That feel of no girlfriend, THAT FEEL (Again...)

    9/10 son tutte inventate per non fare brutta figura

  8. #1848
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: That feel of no girlfriend, THAT FEEL (Again...)

    Fulvio diventa socialmente accettabile e perdi i tuoi poteri. Puoi biclassare mago kensai se proprio proprio.

  9. #1849
    61,861 L'avatar di fulviuz
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    Jan 2016
    Trasferito a Borgo Panigale

    Re: That feel of no girlfriend, THAT FEEL (Again...)

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Lo Zio Visualizza Messaggio
    9/10 son tutte inventate per non fare brutta figura
    no no, non frequento buggeri

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Baddo Visualizza Messaggio
    Fulvio diventa socialmente accettabile e perdi i tuoi poteri. Puoi biclassare mago kensai se proprio proprio.
    Proprio ora che mi stavano salendo le skillzzzzz

  10. #1850
    Grande Capo Estiqaatsi L'avatar di Manu
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: That feel of no girlfriend, THAT FEEL (Again...)

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da fulviuz Visualizza Messaggio
    Sto diventando buddha a forza di sentire le storie dei miei amici/amiche... Ogni uscita son lì che parlano di chi mette il pene dove, chi apre la vagina quando, intensità di orgasmi e via dicendo, problemi di coppia, amanti, fidanzamenti, scopamicizie, ecc... Argh basta, dovrebbero farmi San Fulvio della Pazienza Infinita.
    Lo vedi cosa succede ad uscire dal basement?

  11. #1851
    61,861 L'avatar di fulviuz
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016
    Trasferito a Borgo Panigale

    Re: That feel of no girlfriend, THAT FEEL (Again...)

    Perdonami, ho peccato, ho tanto peccato!

  12. #1852
    Senior Member L'avatar di Lo Zio
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: That feel of no girlfriend, THAT FEEL (Again...)

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da fulviuz Visualizza Messaggio
    no no, non frequento buggeri
    si vede che sono quelli più bravi

  13. #1853
    Cheeki Breeki! L'avatar di Rot Teufel
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016
    + 34.978

    Re: That feel of no girlfriend, THAT FEEL (Again...)

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Gilgamesh Visualizza Messaggio
    Feel story time: ero un ragazzetto adolescente ed era appena uscito the sims 2. Era il mio primo sims a parte sims city e quindi faccio la cosa più ovvia, creo una famiglia composta da me e dalla ragazza che mi piaceva all'epoca, per poter realizzare qualcosa almeno nel mondo virtuale. Dopo aver speso ore per rendere i due pipotti il più somiglianti possibili premo play e inizio a giocare.

    Subito cerco di limonare con la tipa. Quella si ritrae disgustata, io provo di nuovo ma è una cascata di meno rossi finché il rapporto scende nel negativo. Bene ovviamente essendo la prima partita mi ero dimenticato di creare il legame familiare tra i due pupotti che quindi erano solo coinquilini e non fidanzati o sposi, e adesso pure si odiavano.

    Bom mi dico allora proverò a conquistarla, sarà più divertente, ma intanto sono arrivati i vicini a salutare e lei sta già chiacchierando amabilmente con un figone (le avevo dato i tratti sociale e romantica proprio perché fosse più facile farci le cosacce). Alla fine della visita controllo la finestra delle relazioni e quella è già innamorata del figo e tra i desideri c'è quello di baciarlo, mentre con me ha -200.

    Primo ragequit della mia carriera videoludica
    that virtual feel

  14. #1854
    Senior Member L'avatar di Mega Man
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: That feel of no girlfriend, THAT FEEL (Again...)

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Frigg Visualizza Messaggio
    io in worms 2 davo i nomi dei ragazzini che mi stavano sul cazzo ai miei avversari
    Ahahah vabbhé ma in Worms si faceva sempre così

    "Cazzo ha incenerito FigaStellare!"

  15. #1855
    La Nonna L'avatar di Lux !
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: That feel of no girlfriend, THAT FEEL (Again...)

    “I met up with a guy from Grindr, and he had the biggest penis I’d ever seen. I had to take his penis out of my ass because it hurt so bad, and he said, ‘Damn, you made a mess.’ I saw what looked like a gallon of beef stew, and the smell soon followed. He started puking all down my back, and it ran into my hair, eyes, his bed, and the floor. His sister knocked on the door to see what was going on, and he started freaking out. He ran into the bathroom while I, still covered in poop and puke, tried to put on my clothes. It was impossible to leave with any dignity.”
    “When I was in high school, my boyfriend and I were hooking up in his car, and he suggested we do anal. I agreed, but felt nervous about it because I had no idea what it’d be like. So he put it in and my a**hole was not down — I ended up shitting all over him. I immediately started crying while he was wiping his poop covered penis off with my sock.”
    “I have a heart condition where I faint when I get hurt. I don’t tell many people, ‘cause I don’t think everyone needs to know. Well, my boyfriend was slamming into me during sex once and slipped out, and when he tried to ram it back in, he accidentally went in the wrong hole. I screamed and tried to run to the bathroom — I didn’t want to faint in front of him. But I didn’t make it; I passed out on his bedroom floor and woke up to hear him screaming for his MOM to come help!”
    “I kept telling my now ex-boyfriend that I didn’t like anal because it always hurt too much. But he kept whining, so I said ‘fuck it.’ Well, I’d eaten a big bowl of grapes that day, and sure enough, he entered me and I let out a fart so juicy he felt it vibrate on his thing. He never asked for it again.”
    “I was on my period and we wanted to have sex, so we decided on anal. About 20 minutes earlier, I had the urge to poop, but never did. We got hot and heavy, I was getting rammed into the wall, hurt my shoulder, ended up completely pooping on his wiener, and because it was so rough, I bled for two days out of my butt.”
    “It was my first time ever trying anal sex with my boyfriend. We had a few drinks, and he finally convinced me to try it. He used some lube, but within two minutes, my ass was on FIRE — I had an allergic reaction to the lube he chose! It has forever scarred me from trying again.”
    “I was seeing this very laid back, nice guy and decided he was the first I should share anal with. We were going at it, and I took it well. Suddenly, he pulled out and calmly walked away. I stayed there, my ass invitingly in the air, waiting for him to return. When he finally did, he silently wiped my ass with a paper towel. Apparently poop had gotten all over it and his penis.”
    “I was experimenting with my partner, and it initially wasn’t as bad as I’d anticipated. But as he was pulling out, he moved too quickly, and I just started leaking runny cum diarrhea. I ran naked to the toilet, and there was poo on his thighs and all over our bed and floor leading to the bathroom.”
    “I hooked up with a guy on Grindr. We banged in his car, and once we’d finished, we couldn’t find the condom. We spent ages looking for it before I decided to just leave and go home. Turns out the condom was hanging out of my butt like a blue rubbery tail.”

    “I was having sex with my ex, and after we finished and cleaned up, we got into bed. He pointed at something, and goes, “What’s that?” It was the littlest poop. It had fallen out of one of our butts and was just there on the bed, staring at me. The next time I went to his place, he had a douche set waiting in his bathroom.”
    “My man and I used to live with housemates, so we’d sneak into the forest to have sex. One day we were in our forest place, and he put it in my butt. After he pulled out we were all covered in a nasty foul mixture. We had to clean up as best we could, using leaves and my hoodie. I then had to transport my poopy hoodie all the way home to wash it.”
    “The first (and only) time my husband and I did it, I got super emotional afterward because I saw a piece of shit on the floor next to the bed and thought it was mine. I was hysterical — crying and basically screaming. I blame it on the super-sensitive nerves he penetrated. And after all of it I learned the poop on the floor was from one of our dogs.”
    “My boyfriend came home drunk and wanted anal. We had done it once before, but we were both sober and careful to go slow and use lube. This time he was so drunk, he poured lube ALL OVER my ass and shoved it right in! It hurt so bad I had to stop him after a minute or two. The next morning he went to the bathroom and found poop under his foreskin which had been there all night!”
    “We were attempting shower sex, and he mistook the back door for the front door when he just went for it. We’d never tried anal before, so my body went into shock and I passed out right there, in the shower.”
    “We did anal for 20 minutes, and afterward I felt "not quite right". When I got to the toilet, the seat was down, and it had a soft-close lid — so by the time the lid was down, I’d pooped all over the floor. There was runny shit down my leg and it smelled awful, but I didn’t know what to do. There was no shower in the bathroom, and I couldn’t bear to escape, so I had to use half a roll of toilet paper to wash the floor, and washed my leg in the sink. I went back to his room 15 minutes later, pretending nothing happened.”

  16. #1856
    Granny Member L'avatar di Maelström
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: That feel of no girlfriend, THAT FEEL (Again...)

  17. #1857
    il grinch L'avatar di ryohazuki84
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: That feel of no girlfriend, THAT FEEL (Again...)

    Mi rendo disponibile ad essere insultato ai sensi dell'art. 1 del 29/3/2016 legge Salgari

    discord bar sport

    chi entra è pregato di presentarsi o verrà espulso

  18. #1858
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: That feel of no girlfriend, THAT FEEL (Again...)


  19. #1859
    61,861 L'avatar di fulviuz
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    Trasferito a Borgo Panigale

    Re: That feel of no girlfriend, THAT FEEL (Again...)


  20. #1860
    il grinch L'avatar di ryohazuki84
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: That feel of no girlfriend, THAT FEEL (Again...)

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Maybeshewill Visualizza Messaggio

    se cerchi sul sito l'annuncio c'è veramente
    Mi rendo disponibile ad essere insultato ai sensi dell'art. 1 del 29/3/2016 legge Salgari

    discord bar sport

    chi entra è pregato di presentarsi o verrà espulso

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