A possibly controversial opinion on the missing submersible... A possibly controversial opinion on the missing submersible...

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Discussione: A possibly controversial opinion on the missing submersible...

  1. #1
    Senior Member L'avatar di Cesarino
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    A possibly controversial opinion on the missing submersible...

    Weird how there's never the resources to find missing women, especially black, indigenous or trans women, yet they find the resources to search for a tin can full of rich men

    Edited to just say "men"

  2. #2
    Senior Member L'avatar di Tyus
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: A possibly controversial opinion on the missing submersible...

    Dicci Cesarino, dov'è che cerchi donne indigene, nere e possibilmente transessuali?

    Andrai mica a meretrici?

  3. #3
    Senior Member L'avatar di Transello
    Data Registrazione
    Mar 2016

    Re: A possibly controversial opinion on the missing submersible...

    Magari sono gay : snob:

  4. #4
    La Nonna L'avatar di Lux !
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: A possibly controversial opinion on the missing submersible...

    Pakistani teenager Suleman Dawood who is among five people trapped in the missing Titan submersible is a student at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland.

  5. #5

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