I know for a fact Donald Trump has been briefed on UFOs I know for a fact Donald Trump has been briefed on UFOs

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Discussione: I know for a fact Donald Trump has been briefed on UFOs

  1. #1
    Senior Member L'avatar di Cesarino
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    I know for a fact Donald Trump has been briefed on UFOs

    Coulthart: (25:25) "I know for a fact Donald Trump has been briefed on what I am telling you. I know that Donald Trump is in the loop on the phenomenon, on UFOs. I know to some degree he has been briefed to the existence of the crash retrieval program, and that there is a secret reverse engineering program going on in the Untied states. I know that President Obama, after he left the presidency, was also briefed into it."

  2. #2
    Senior Member L'avatar di Nightgaunt
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016
    Cypra Mundi

    Re: I know for a fact Donald Trump has been briefed on UFOs

    Donaldone avrebbe già spifferato tutto, a meno che non gli abbiano fatto capire che se parla poi si ritrova un pazzo con la pistola sotto la Trump Tower.

  3. #3
    Senior Member L'avatar di Cesarino
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: I know for a fact Donald Trump has been briefed on UFOs

    Well if anyone has listened to first eye witnesses you could tell that there are multiple species of aliens. The red eye bumpy head short ones, the 4 ft black eye greys, the 8-10ft tall greys, the Nordics blonde hair type and mantis type aliens.

  4. #4
    Senior Member L'avatar di Dadocoso
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: I know for a fact Donald Trump has been briefed on UFOs

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Nightgaunt Visualizza Messaggio
    Donaldone avrebbe già spifferato tutto, a meno che non gli abbiano fatto capire che se parla poi si ritrova un pazzo con la pistola sotto la Trump Tower.
    > trump
    > capire

  5. #5
    Senior Member L'avatar di Gilgamesh
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: I know for a fact Donald Trump has been briefed on UFOs

    Insomma la famosa commissione sugli UFO si è trasformata in una carrellata del disagio come era prevedibile in un paese del terzo mondo come gli USA

  6. #6
    Senior Member L'avatar di blastomorpha
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: I know for a fact Donald Trump has been briefed on UFOs

    Non esce dalla commissione di ieri, la frase è presa da questo giornalista

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