è giunto il tempo di rimediare a una ingiustizia. è il mometo di aprire il 3d dedicato a questo titolo dallo sviluppo alquanto travagliato, l'unico che promette di riportare il pve vecchia maniera in voga. la release è ancora lontana, si parla del 2017, e il gioco è ancora in pieno sviluppo ma il fatto che dietro ci siano brad mcquaid e gente con grande esperienza fa ben sperare.

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-- -- -- Game Features -- -- --

- A classic take on epic MMO adventure.

- Enjoy a Lore-rich and deeply complex world where environmental storytelling is central.

- An MMO developed by gamers who aren't afraid to target an audience of like-minded gamers.

- A focus on exploration, adventure, and combat.

- Finally, an MMORPG for players wanting a challenging and rewarding experience. No risk, no reward.

- Explore the world of Terminus as you see fit, on the beaten path or far off of it – just don’t say we didn't warn you!

- Harness the powers of ancient heroes, insidious enemies and even the Celestials to augment your own knowledge and abilities.

- Play classes that have meaningful and defined roles such as Tank, Healer, DPS or Utility (crowd and encounter control). Class identity and group interdependability is key!

- Choose from a variety of races to play, delve into their epic back-stories and learn of the Celestials who may have been brought to Terminus with them.

- Group-focused, intensely social game play using a class based system to encourage teamwork.

- A heavy focus on meaningful character progression that prioritizes the advancement of player power and prestige.

- Questing that’s optional, not the primary means of character advancement.

- Quests that are meaningful, challenging, and rewarding.

- Engage in combat that will test you and your party, requiring strategy and preparation. (Read more about Pantheon's combat here)

- Train and use a wide variety of skills as part of your character’s growth as you level up.

- Limited and class based teleportation may get you close, but in order to reach many destinations you will have to traverse the realm-scarred lands of Terminus through the use of your own two feet, on the back of your mighty steed or even across the seas themselves.

- Quickly equip situational gear as you move from one climate to the next.

- An economy that is largely player driven.

- Visible loot. If you see an NPC wielding a weapon, you should be able to loot it off of their fallen body.

- Most items that are looted from NPCs will be tradeable.

- Dual targeting. Attack your target while healing your allies.

- Terminus is a world where instancing is the exception not the rule.

- Respect your surroundings, succumbing to death has its consequences.

- Some spells can be modified to hit one or multiple targets, and you can decide on the fly.

- Terminus is a world where Factions and Alignments matter. Ogres don’t belong in an Elven city (and so as not to offend the Ogre Rights Association, Elves don’t belong in an Ogre city either.)

- Horizontal character growth, with fewer levels and more meaningful gains per level.

- Community feedback helps drive decisions made. We want to hear your voice.

- The game will run on PC, Mac, and possibly other platforms in the future.