Playstation now...On pc... Playstation now...On pc...

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  1. #1
    Moderatore L'avatar di Fenris
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    Jan 2016
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    Steam ID: Fenr

    Playstation now...On pc...

    This will bring a wide selection of PlayStation exclusive titles to Windows PC for the very first time, including entries in the Uncharted, God of War, and Ratchet & Clank franchises, as well as beloved PS3 games like The Last of Us and Journey. Current subscribers have a new way to access PS Now’s library of over 400 games, and the PC app provides a new way for even more gamers to discover and play the service.
    Ovviamente,game in streaming quindi da scordarsi praticamente ovunque da queste parti
    Ultima modifica di Fenris; 23-08-16 alle 19:31

    "Solo una cosa, Vash the Stampede è un soprannome,mi piacerebbe conoscere il tuo vero nome." "Te lo puoi scordare!Tu stai cercando un regalo da portare nell'aldilà,non è vero?" "Ma che dici,avanti dimmelo." "A noi non servono i nomi,dico bene reverendo?"
    We aren't men disguised as dogs.We are wolves disguised as men
    Do you behold...The continuation to your dream?

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