[Paradox] Europa Universalis, Crusader Kings, Hearts of Iron, Victoria [STR] [Paradox] Europa Universalis, Crusader Kings, Hearts of Iron, Victoria - Pagina 13

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Discussione: [Paradox] Europa Universalis, Crusader Kings, Hearts of Iron, Victoria

  1. #241
    Senior Member L'avatar di garbif83
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    Gamertag: ImpalerVaryag PSN ID: fabiogvc83 Steam ID: garbif83

    Re: [Paradox] Europa Universalis, Crusader Kings, Hearts of Iron, Victoria... Tutto q

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Matsetes Visualizza Messaggio
    Comunque non ho capito, ha vinto il Mali? Ha occidentalizzato da quanto ho capito, ma ha comunque soldati subsahariani, che sono abbastanza penosi di base...
    Io ho aderito alla guerra solo per non avere malus al prestigio, ma stavo facendo altro e non ho proprio considerato di spostare truppe
    Sì le truppe del Portogallo son state annientate e il Mali ha preso le colonie subsahariane del portogallo.

  2. #242
    Senior Member L'avatar di Kodd
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    Re: [Paradox] Europa Universalis, Crusader Kings, Hearts of Iron, Victoria... Tutto q

    Ok grazie delle informazioni.
    Io ho giocato abbastanza ai Civ ed infatti sono a cercare qualcosa di differente.
    Non è essenziale che siano giochi a turni, ma a grandi linee che siano giochi strategicamente fatti bene con parti gestionali e belliche, ma anche che non abbiano 100000 parametri a cui star dietro per cavarne qualcosa di buono

    Impegnativi ok ma non da diventarci matto
    Una molecola di miosina che trascina l'endorfina su un filamento neuronale. Letteralmente stai guardando la felicità.

  3. #243
    Senior Member L'avatar di Matsetes
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    Re: [Paradox] Europa Universalis, Crusader Kings, Hearts of Iron, Victoria... Tutto q

    No, non c'è da diventare matti... Ci va un attimo per capire come funzionano, ma poi è gestibilissimo. Certo, se uno vuole può stare attento al minimo dettaglio e fare grandissime imprese, ma va benissimo anche per il giocatore medio che non vuole stare attento a milioni di cose...

  4. #244
    Senior Member L'avatar di Kodd
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    Re: [Paradox] Europa Universalis, Crusader Kings, Hearts of Iron, Victoria... Tutto q

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Matsetes Visualizza Messaggio
    No, non c'è da diventare matti... Ci va un attimo per capire come funzionano, ma poi è gestibilissimo. Certo, se uno vuole può stare attento al minimo dettaglio e fare grandissime imprese, ma va benissimo anche per il giocatore medio che non vuole stare attento a milioni di cose...
    Ti riferisci a Europa Universalis o a Crusaders?
    Una molecola di miosina che trascina l'endorfina su un filamento neuronale. Letteralmente stai guardando la felicità.

  5. #245
    Senior Member L'avatar di Matsetes
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    Jan 2016

    Re: [Paradox] Europa Universalis, Crusader Kings, Hearts of Iron, Victoria... Tutto q

    Entrambi! Ma anche per Victoria o Hearts of Iron o Sengoku o Darkest Hour vale lo stesso discorso... Altri GSG Paradox non li ho provati.

  6. #246
    Senior Member L'avatar di garbif83
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    Gamertag: ImpalerVaryag PSN ID: fabiogvc83 Steam ID: garbif83

    Re: [Paradox] Europa Universalis, Crusader Kings, Hearts of Iron, Victoria... Tutto q

    Oggi esce CK2 : CONCLAVE ed ecco il post di annuncio con i nuovi achievement e il full changelog


    Per comodità eccovi qui il changelog:

    2016-01-13 v2.5.0 Conclave
    - Marriages creates non-aggression pacts that can be renegotiated if the arranger of the marriage dies
    - Alliances are explicitly formed and require an existing non-aggression pact
    - Levies reinforce in friendly territory
    - Units retreat several provinces in a "shattered" state
    - Tweaks to many opinion modifiers to make it more difficult to keep good relations with your vassals
    - During non-elective succession primary successor inherits 50% of temporary opinion modifiers from subjects of previous holder
    - Death sounds differ depending on age, gender and violency of reason for death
    - new ambient sound for the tech view
    - History is no longer executed if the player loads a savegame.
    - Added a "continue button" to be able to load the latest savegame without going through the lobby.
    - Fixed problem in combat casulties calculation that could result in overflow of the numbers giving you casulties of -2 millions
    - Added Infamy system.
    - Coalitions can be formed against high infamy realms
    - When faction is destroyed while looking at the faction view it shouldn't crash anymore.

    - add_spouse effect can no longer marry the null character to someone
    - Holy orders titles are no longer transfered to the liege if there are no valid heirs and the grandmaster holds higher titles
    - Players without Horse Lords now properly gain moral authority from building temples
    - Rivals can now be properly removed as intended in an event if they are below your status
    - Patrician designated heirs cannot be incapable
    - Raised monthly prestige value of marshal_highway_robbers modifier
    - Mercenary captains can now improve themselves even if their creators have died
    - Monks and eunuchs can no longer be assigned as designated heir
    - Young province lords can no longer request Prima Noctae rights
    - Muslims can no longer get the start of faqih event chain if they already have the trait
    - Children no longer request hunting rights
    - Children will no longer be visited by Hedge Knights
    - Monks can no longer be Mercenary Captains
    - Rulers can no longer send legates to themselves to complain
    - Discovered murderers of close kin can now be executed without opinion penalty
    - Seize trade post cb now gets ticking war score five times faster
    - fixed bug in ai selection of seduction targets
    - fixed OOS from seize_trade_post_plot
    - Go to location tooltip now shows where the character is and what it's doing.
    - Hostage tooltip for war declarations now list the hostage characters
    - opinion modifiers can be set to decay linearly
    - default laws can now be scripted using mtth triggers, picking the highest scoring
    - inheritance of dwarfism more properly implemented
    - Fixed bug where some emperors wouldn't get their monthly budget update on some months.
    - Indians use the correct focus window
    - Land battles now correctly play the land battle background sound.
    - Nomad Clan members unable to hold a title no longer get negative clan sentiment for not having a job
    - Fixed wasteland shown as water in government map modes map saving
    - Fixed the Character Selection View for office not having tooltips
    - Whole lotta fixes on major revolts
    - Fired councilors cannot be hired again for two years
    - Added Military information to province tooltips when an army is selected
    - You can't declare war on someone your liege is at war with anymore.
    - Fixed AI never using matrilinear marriage
    - added the powerful vassal icon to the council positions tab
    - added "has_position" trigger to check voting attitude of a character, or compare it to the voting attitude of another character
    - added "in_coalition_against" trigger
    - added "on law_vote_passed" and "on_law_vote_failed" events
    - root scope is the title holder that had a law pass, and the token for the law
    - from scope is the character who started the vote
    - fromfrom scope is the title itself
    - added "on_enforce_peace" on_action event, which triggers when the enforce peace is started, and "on_enforce_peace_start", which triggers when the peace enforcing actually starts
    - root is the title enforcing the peace
    - added "owns_mercenary_units" trigger. Returns true if the character in the ROOT scope owns mercenary units and false otherwise
    - patricians no longer lose their holdings when the doge is killed via plot events
    - fixed: when a merchant republic conquers the capital county of another one, the patricians from the defeated republic are no longer added to the winning republic
    - Made "invite to court" generally easier
    - Holy Orders of your own character's religion can no longer be made tributaries
    - Allowed three CB's to be used on expelled holy orders
    - Eunuchs can no longer use seduction focus
    - Attempting to imprison your guru through an event will no longer imprison yourself
    - An event to clear meaningless rivalry now shows the correct target
    - Generated characters now gain education traits as intended
    - Blind chancellors should no longer look inappropriately at your spouse
    - Building 'Militia Training Grounds IV' should now display correct requirements
    - 'Inform Liege' option is no longer available if dirt is discovered on your Liege
    - Spy targets are now properly cleared upon death
    - Speeded up some of the interface animations.
    - Right-click on a province will now bring up the dynastic view for the owner of that province.
    - Added console command "reloadloc" to reload localisation from ingame.
    - Fixed bug where the wrong number of days until a response for an interaction was expected.
    - In MP, event windows now show how many days are left until an option automaticly are chosen. (if lesser than 30 days left)
    - Being pregnant now gives a -2 personal combat skill modifier.
    - Grandchildren of player characters now get the same bonus for inheriting Wolf's Blood as their children do.
    - Made it a little easier for the AI to found the HRE (AI now ignores the pope relation requirement and is allowed to go into gold deficit on the coronation).
    - Straightened-up decadent characters will now stay straight for at least ten years in most circumstances.
    - Clan chiefs using the "Adopt Religion" decision now also convert close kin courtiers of same dynasty (unless they are zealous adults).
    - The Become King ambition now provides more interesting opportunities for non-Pagan rulers.
    - Lowered success reward for the Become King ambition to 500 prestige.
    - Added new Acquire Title ambition for vassals to nag their liege about getting more land.
    - "Soft" is now correctly treated as an adjective in insults.
    - Increased the monthly prestige gain for minor titles.
    - Kali Maaa! achievement should now be possible to attain again.
    - The few Christian holy orders that went missing have now been found and will appear again.
    - People will now remember the deeds of the Greatest Khan for a lifetime instead of forgetting about it after the end of the month.
    - Added any_de_jure_vassal_title scope for triggers. This scope can be accessed from a landed title scope.
    - Changed trigger variable naming num_culture_realm_provs, num_title_realm_provs and num_religion_realm_provs now use value as their member variable.
    Example usage:
    num_culture_realm_provs = {
    culture = danish
    value = 12
    - Highway robber band now also decrease tribal levy size.
    - Your eunuch sons will no longer get the serving maids pregnant.
    - The history command add_matrilineal_spouse now properly sets the marriage as matrilineal if the characters are alive at game start.
    - Straightened up family members will now restrain themselves from becoming decadent again within 5-years.
    - Assassins are no longer fooled by the bait-and-switch tactic for their intended assassination target.
    - Some Celtish titles now properly start with Tanistry Succession law when they are scripted to start with it.
    - Elective succession faction no longer requires Autonomous Vassals Crown Authority to be available for vassals.
    - Interaction requirement tooltips are now more consistent.
    - Merged the two republic mapmodes into an enhanced mapmode.
    - Enhanced the Dynasty and the Government mapmodes.
    - Tweaked morale and defence to make units more likely to flee before they die.
    - Pursuing units will no longer get flanking bonuses and will properly get a new tactic instead of starting with the last one.
    - Deaths in combat will now affect the morale of that subunit.
    - Shift + Right-click on a province will now bring up the dynastic view for the top owner of that province.
    - Alt + Right-click on a province will now bring up the diplomatic view for the owner of that province.
    - Shift + Alt + Right-click on a province will now bring up the diplomatic view for the top owner of that province.
    - Rebels units will now be wiped after being defeated once.
    - Units will no longer retreat from a siege after a failed assault.
    - Fixed bug where the unit player icon was only shown if the player was leadning a subunit, not if the player was leading a flank.
    - Units killed in less than 8 days will now be wiped.
    - Nomads will no longer be created when landing courtiers in nomad realms.
    - Fixed bug where manually stopping an assault increased defender morale.
    - Increased length of tyranny modifier.
    - The AI is now capable of communicating and coordinating themselves and share the same data when doing decisions.
    - AI now capable of properly recognize when to be on the defense or not.
    - AI now only want to hand out titles to raiding adventurers if they are actually being raided by raiding adventurers.
    - Increased nomad maintenance cost.
    - Tweaked population/manpower defines, should start as strong as before but growth yields less result.
    - Lowered amount of income from nomadic taxes.
    - Increased base cost of prestige horde units.
    - Nerfed amount of tech points from pillage.
    - Added terrain block to altaic tactic.
    - Tweaked swarm and harass tactics
    - Added disorganised swarm and harass tactics that has lower bonuses.
    - Prestige based CB's for nomads no longer give the attacker prestige.
    - Added nomad humiliate CB that gives prestige and steals population.
    - Gave back the Mongols their balls.
    - Tweaked defense values based on the new changes to fix the casulties calculation change.
    - Temujin now starts with some prestige.
    - AI is more likely to do nomad invasion if he cans now.
    - Mighty Mongol AI don't care that they are getting old anymore.
    - Increased aggressiveness of Mongol AI with four.
    - Fix that should stop the humans giving birth to horses.
    - No longer blocks female horses from being on the council.
    - Fixed bug where raiders got free ships.
    - Fixed betrothal being canceled issue because the AI thought it was trying to marry someone else and not the one he was betrothed to.
    - Can no longer customize your ruler when you have pressed ready in MP.
    - Can now click on links again on Linux!
    - Increased amount of prestige Temujin spanws with to 5000.
    - The presence of the Genghis Khan from the Mongol Invasion event now make his subjects engage in a lot more skoodilypooping.
    - Made the mongols focus on their destiny to rule the world and ignore alliances and helping co-religionists.

    - Added can_be_chancellor_trigger scripted trigger to check for job eligibility
    - Added can_be_marshal_trigger scripted trigger to check for job eligibility
    - Added can_be_treasurer_trigger scripted trigger to check for job eligibility
    - Added can_be_spymaster_trigger scripted trigger to check for job eligibility
    - Added can_be_spiritual_trigger scripted trigger to check for job eligibility
    - Added ticking_war_score_multiplier to CB types that changes the speed of ticking war score
    - among_most_powerful_vassals = x trigger which compares the characters powerbase with that of all other direct vassals to it's liege
    - send gift opinon bonus is controlled by defines
    - morale effect now works with flank commanders
    - reinforce effect now works with flank commanders
    - in battle, in siege and looting triggers now work with flank commanders
    - CB:s have a quick trigger for blocking tributaries and suzerains from using them
    - long reign opinion modifier can be scripted from defines
    - short reign opinion modifier can use decimals
    - Possible to append or overwrite info in bookmarks from several files
    - Now possible to mod the pick era interface
    - Added ai_will_do to minor titles
    - Added ai_will_do to religious titles
    - Added any_character trigger scope
    - Added any_province trigger scope
    - Added any_landed_title trigger scope
    - Added any_character effect scope
    - Added any_province effect scope
    - Added any_landed_title effect scope
    - Added random_character effect scope
    - Added random_province effect scope
    - Added random_landed_title effect scope
    - Fixed mismatch between character(s) on event button and event effect/tooltip
    - Added friend filter to targeted decisions
    - Added remove_guardian effect
    - opinion_nephew and opinion_niece now works correctly
    - Added support for dynamic script flags
    - any_playable_ruler now includes major revolters
    - Uncle opinion modifier now works correct
    - Added opinion_mother_of_child and opinion_father_child
    - Decisions no longer executed for characters that dies during the same tick
    - Fixed tooltip for scripted_effects not working
    - Mercenaries and event-spawned units will no longer reinforce unless specifically set to
    - Removed unnecessary error logging from global event targets
    - Setting number of wards to a higher number in defines now works properly
    - Scopes are now correctly set for ai_will_do in cb_types
    - Effect create_character now gives proper random name if used outside of character scope
    - Fixed unknown triggers not being reported to the error log
    - Title localization for custom government type now works
    - Possible to construct buildings in forts
    - Fixed initializing errors in scripted triggers/effects
    - Bookmarks are now sorted in chronological order
    - Fixed missing space in localization of special titles
    - Morale effect now works in unit & character scope
    - Troops effect now works in unit & character scope
    - Now possible to switch to owner scope from unit scope
    - Now possible to switch to leader scope from unit scope
    - Now possible to switch to location scope from unit Scope
    - Added missing localization for leader event target
    - The trigger: can_hold_title, will now properly evaluate for landed characters.
    - Added effect add_random_education_trait = yes/diplomacy/intrigue/martial/stewardship/learning/1/2/3/4.
    - The give_minor_title effect now supports granting commander titles.
    - Added set_job_action effect.
    - Added can_grant_title trigger.
    - Added triggers has_non_aggression_pact_with and any_non_aggression_pact_character.
    - Added triggers relative_income and relative_income to liege.
    - Fixed bug where relative_power_to_liege compared your double power.
    - Added is_valid_romance_trigger, checking that both characters are adults, not incapable, either homosexual or of different sex and that they are of divine blood religions or not close kin.
    - Added is_voter flag for titles.
    - Added is_voter and any_voter triggers.
    - You can now specify compositions for dynamic mercenaries using the create_title effect, with the army_template [= knights_hospitaler_composition] flag.
    - Added any_voter and random_voter effects.
    - MTTH can now be scripted with addititive modifiers, using "additive_modifier = { value = x }" instead of "modifier = { factor = x }". For clarity, "mult_modifier" is recommended to use instead of "modifier".
    Additive modifiers are ALWAYS calculated before multiplicative modifiers.
    - Added MTTH modifiers additive_opinion_modifier and additive_power_diff_modifier ("additive_opinion_modifier = { who = X factor = X [trigger] }"). These modifier will add the opinion of character "who" multiplied with "factor".
    - Added triggers relative_power_including_allies_attacker and relative_power_including_allies_defender.
    - Added triggers has_cb and reverse_has_cb.
    - Added effect "add_alliance = { who = x months/years/days = x }."
    - Fixed bug in war_score trigger where it required war and character to be set in same scope, now only need war.
    - Added steal population effect.
    - Added flag to traits to block someone from owning titles.
    - Added define ALWAYS_GENERATE_NOMADS which will force generation of nomads even if you don't own the DLC, will still be unplayable however.

  7. #247
    Rager Supremo di Dota L'avatar di Carta
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    Steam ID: CartaDotoIsBestDoto

    Re: [Paradox] Europa Universalis, Crusader Kings, Hearts of Iron, Victoria... Tutto q

    Qualcuno diceva di una super Austria, io credo che sia la prima volta che vedo una roba del genere nelle mie 500 ore giocate, soprattutto considerata la data

  8. #248
    Senior Member L'avatar di Matsetes
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    Re: [Paradox] Europa Universalis, Crusader Kings, Hearts of Iron, Victoria... Tutto q

    Qua l'unica cosa credo che siano due PU oltre a quello ungherese... Terribile!

  9. #249
    Senior Member L'avatar di garbif83
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    Gamertag: ImpalerVaryag PSN ID: fabiogvc83 Steam ID: garbif83

    Re: [Paradox] Europa Universalis, Crusader Kings, Hearts of Iron, Victoria... Tutto q

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Carta Visualizza Messaggio
    Qualcuno diceva di una super Austria, io credo che sia la prima volta che vedo una roba del genere nelle mie 500 ore giocate, soprattutto considerata la data

    Io sono quasi più sorpreso dal fatto che Theodoro ha DUE province

  10. #250
    Rager Supremo di Dota L'avatar di Carta
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    Re: [Paradox] Europa Universalis, Crusader Kings, Hearts of Iron, Victoria... Tutto q

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Matsetes Visualizza Messaggio
    Qua l'unica cosa credo che siano due PU oltre a quello ungherese... Terribile!
    Credo PU con Ungheria, Inghilterra che aveva inglobato Irlanda e Scozia, e Spagna che aveva inglobato il Portogallo, in realtà ci ho fatto caso solo ora anche perché è da poco che mi si è svelata la mappa, quindi non so con certezza cosa sia successo
    Comunque anche in caso di PU, come diavolo ha fatto ad integrare tutto quel ben di dio al 1520? Secondo me l'IA citta

    EDIT: oltre alle tre, vedo che pure Borgogna e Fiandre sono colorate di bianco, quindi ha pure ereditato Burgundy
    EDIT2: e ho notato ora che ha anche una PU con la Boemia e una con Ferrara

    Vabbè, grazie a dio me ne sto tranquillo e beato in India, mi sta che l'Europa non la tocco neanche con un bastone
    Ultima modifica di Carta; 02-02-16 alle 13:21

  11. #251
    Senior Member L'avatar di garbif83
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    Gamertag: ImpalerVaryag PSN ID: fabiogvc83 Steam ID: garbif83

    Re: [Paradox] Europa Universalis, Crusader Kings, Hearts of Iron, Victoria... Tutto q

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Carta Visualizza Messaggio
    Credo PU con Ungheria, Inghilterra che aveva inglobato Irlanda e Scozia, e Spagna che aveva inglobato il Portogallo, in realtà ci ho fatto caso solo ora anche perché è da poco che mi si è svelata la mappa, quindi non so con certezza cosa sia successo
    Comunque anche in caso di PU, come diavolo ha fatto ad integrare tutto quel ben di dio al 1520? Secondo me l'IA citta

    EDIT: oltre alle tre, vedo che pure Borgogna e Fiandre sono colorate di bianco, quindi ha pure ereditato Burgundy

    Vabbè, grazie a dio me ne sto tranquillo e beato in India, mi sta che l'Europa non la tocco neanche con un bastone
    Nella mia partita ha integrato via evento Borgogna per inheritance nel 1450

  12. #252
    Senior Member L'avatar di Matsetes
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    Re: [Paradox] Europa Universalis, Crusader Kings, Hearts of Iron, Victoria... Tutto q

    Anzi, a te fa anche comodo! L'Austria non credo colonizzerà, quindi l'Asia sarà tutta tua!
    Baluchistan! I Timuridi sono già collassati? Sei riuscito a smuoverti dalla scomoda situazione iniziale?

  13. #253
    Rager Supremo di Dota L'avatar di Carta
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    Steam ID: CartaDotoIsBestDoto

    Re: [Paradox] Europa Universalis, Crusader Kings, Hearts of Iron, Victoria... Tutto q

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Matsetes Visualizza Messaggio
    Anzi, a te fa anche comodo! L'Austria non credo colonizzerà, quindi l'Asia sarà tutta tua!
    Baluchistan! I Timuridi sono già collassati? Sei riuscito a smuoverti dalla scomoda situazione iniziale?
    I Timuridi purtroppo sono ancora lì vicini, costantemente sotto assedio ribelle a -3 di stabilità, ma non ne vogliono sapere di collassare. Quantomeno non mi attaccano
    Anzi, mi hanno fatto comodo in quanto hanno dichiarato guerra subito a Delhi e altri miei vicini senza prendere troppi territori, permettendomi di approfittarne del caos e rubare territori a destra e a manca A questo è seguita una strategia di pugnalate alle spalle non indifferente: prima ho alleato Delhi, promesso territori nella guerra contro i Sind senza dargli niente, poi ho alleato Jaunpur, che ho usato come palla da demolizione per vassallizzare Delhi con la stessa strategia, e adesso ho tradito pure loro e sono alleato con Bahamanis, che tradirò tra poco immagino
    Al momento sono messo molto bene e punto a formare i Mughal tra qualche conquista (mi servono 600 developement).

  14. #254
    Senior Member L'avatar di Matsetes
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    Re: [Paradox] Europa Universalis, Crusader Kings, Hearts of Iron, Victoria... Tutto q

    Cribbio! Sei messo molto bene! Fai attenzione ad Orissa, che forse ad ora è l'unico che può darti fastidio...
    Quando ho giocato io con Baluchistan sono rimasto per tipo 50 anni con Timuridi che mi vietavano le guerre...

  15. #255
    Rager Supremo di Dota L'avatar di Carta
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    Steam ID: CartaDotoIsBestDoto

    Re: [Paradox] Europa Universalis, Crusader Kings, Hearts of Iron, Victoria... Tutto q

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Matsetes Visualizza Messaggio
    Cribbio! Sei messo molto bene! Fai attenzione ad Orissa, che forse ad ora è l'unico che può darti fastidio...
    Quando ho giocato io con Baluchistan sono rimasto per tipo 50 anni con Timuridi che mi vietavano le guerre...
    L'hanno fatto anche con me all'inizio, ma in realtà entrano in guerra con te solo se attacchi stati confinanti con loro. Una volta che si ha qualche alleato importante diventa abbastanza facile aspettare il momento opportuno per attaccarli, preferibilmente quando sono in guerra con qualcuno di relativamente grosso e hanno magari anche dei problemi di ribelli in casa.

  16. #256
    #mainagioia L'avatar di von right
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    Re: [Paradox] Europa Universalis, Crusader Kings, Hearts of Iron, Victoria... Tutto q

    Mi state facendo tornare voglia di reinstallare CK2
    Mi piacerebbe fare un impero coloniale ma non ho l'espansione indiana.
    In ogni caso come si colonizza?
    Mr Pink, Guerriero da tastiera !!! Profilo su steam.

    Lista chiavi Steam

    Problemi con l'inutile svapo o altri? La soluzione è qui.

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Moloch Visualizza Messaggio
    ai grillini è più facile metterglielo in culo che in testa

  17. #257

    Re: [Paradox] Europa Universalis, Crusader Kings, Hearts of Iron, Victoria... Tutto q


  18. #258
    Alpaca L'avatar di MrWashington
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    Re: [Paradox] Europa Universalis, Crusader Kings, Hearts of Iron, Victoria... Tutto q


    potenza asburgica

    Le PU sono un cheat se ben usate, provate voi con ad essere la Russia(paese non piccolo) ed avere una PU con la Francia, La spagna,Gran Bretagna e Austria erano coalizzate contro di me

    Battletag: MrWashington#21181

  19. #259
    Senior Member L'avatar di Matsetes
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    Jan 2016

    Re: [Paradox] Europa Universalis, Crusader Kings, Hearts of Iron, Victoria... Tutto q

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da von right Visualizza Messaggio
    Mi state facendo tornare voglia di reinstallare CK2
    Mi piacerebbe fare un impero coloniale ma non ho l'espansione indiana.
    In ogni caso come si colonizza?
    Colonizzare con CK? Si può? O.O

  20. #260
    Senior Member L'avatar di garbif83
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016
    Gamer IDs

    Gamertag: ImpalerVaryag PSN ID: fabiogvc83 Steam ID: garbif83

    Re: [Paradox] Europa Universalis, Crusader Kings, Hearts of Iron, Victoria... Tutto q

    Secondo me ha mergiato i due giochi Crusader Universalis

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