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Discussione: Satellite Reign

  1. #21

    Re: Satellite Reign

    Hi everyone!
    Sorry for being so quiet as of late. As mentioned previously, we’ve been hard at work on getting co-op multiplayer for Satellite Reign up and running. We’re getting close to the finish line now, and we’ll be releasing a multiplayer beta for everyone to try in a matter of weeks. It will be available on Steam as an opt-in branch of the game—just like the Nightly branch during the Early Access period. We’ll give full instructions on how to get it once it’s available.

    Regarding physical rewards, we’ve got everything manufactured and ready to go, with the exception of the boxed copies of the game. Unfortunately, these were held up due to a bug introduced in a Unity update causing crashes for many people (the reason we had to temporarily remove cloth in the latest patch). We didn’t want to print a version of the game with a crash bug, so we had to wait for the issue to be resolved. Unity has found a solution for the error, and it has not come up in our testing, so we’ll be commencing printing of the game discs shortly.

    In the meantime, we should be able to start sending out rewards for those who are not waiting on a boxed copy of the game. We apologise for the delay, but we’d rather have a good product go out a little later than a shoddy one sooner.

    5 Lives Team.

  2. #22

    Re: Satellite Reign

    Aggiornamenti sul multiplayer

    Greetings Agents,
    Apologies for the continued delays with shipping physical rewards. It seems we've had a comedy of errors as we awaited the update from Unity which would fix the cloth bug we were having, which in turn introduced more bugs and so on.
    Things are finally looking more stable again and with a little more testing on the nightly build we'll be sending the final masters of Satellite Reign to get printed to disc.
    With that in mind, it's been a while since we took addresses from people, and no doubt some of you may have moved or changed shipping addresses. If everyone could log into their BackerKit profiles at and check or update their details to ensure we're not sending your rewards to the wrong house.
    Once we've locked down that stable build on the main steam branch keep an eye out for news on the Multiplayer Co-op which will be coming to the nightly branch for testing!
    We haven't discussed much on what the multiplayer co-op update contains. The entire single-player campaign is playable cooperatively between you and up to three of your friends.
    You'll be able to drop into an existing single player or multiplayer save game with your friends and watch the chaos ensue. You can allocate the 4 agents as you please—if you have 2 players, one player can take 3 agents and the second player can take 1, or you can have 2 agents each, or even change on the fly.
    You'll be able to upgrade your agents and weaponry independently but the money resources are pooled so you'll have to keep an eye on those big spenders on your team.
    Both LAN and Internet options will be available, along with Steam integration, allowing you to join directly from your Steam friends list.
    We look forward to letting you all get your hands on it and can't wait to hear your feedback in the near future.
    5 Lives Team.

  3. #23
    Senior Member L'avatar di zinho
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: Satellite Reign

    Se non ho capito male ieri hanno rilasciato una corposa patch che aggiusta un po' di tutto, dai tempi di caricamento alla IA dei pippottini nemici.
    Vabbè ho capito.. ricomincio da capo...

  4. #24
    Armchair general L'avatar di Jaqen
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: Satellite Reign

    Bene, potrei riprenderlo in mano anche io.

    Devo solo trovare il tempo

  5. #25

    Re: Satellite Reign

    3 Giugno

  6. #26
    Senior Member L'avatar di Painmaker87
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016
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    Gamertag: Painmaker87 PSN ID: Painmaker87 Steam ID: Painmaker87

    Re: Satellite Reign

    Peccato, speravo in un'espansione storia con nuove missioni/armi.

  7. #27

    Re: Satellite Reign

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Painmaker87 Visualizza Messaggio
    Peccato, speravo in un'espansione storia con nuove missioni/armi.
    Bisogna dargli atto che il multiplayer era uno stretch goal non raggiunto della campagna kickstarter, tanto di cappello che han deciso di farlo lo stesso dopo la release

    Comunque so che il buon Mike Diskett aveva intenzione di lavorare su un editor di mappe/missioni, staremo a vedere

  8. #28

    Re: Satellite Reign

    Ai prossimi sconti ci faccio un pensierino.

  9. #29
    Senior Member L'avatar di Painmaker87
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    Gamertag: Painmaker87 PSN ID: Painmaker87 Steam ID: Painmaker87

    Re: Satellite Reign

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da ZioYuri78R Visualizza Messaggio
    Bisogna dargli atto che il multiplayer era uno stretch goal non raggiunto della campagna kickstarter, tanto di cappello che han deciso di farlo lo stesso dopo la release

    Comunque so che il buon Mike Diskett aveva intenzione di lavorare su un editor di mappe/missioni, staremo a vedere
    Non sapevo questa cosa :(

  10. #30

    Re: Satellite Reign

    Pare le copie fisiche siano pronte finalmente

  11. #31

    Re: Satellite Reign

    Preso ora con gli sconti.
    Premesso che sono all'inizio ma una cosa mi ha fatto un po' sorridere: ti infiltri in un compound supersorvegliato... ti scoprono e che fanno? Ti accompagnano gentilmente all'uscita: "So' ragazzi" LOL.
    A parte questo mi sta piacendo molto per ora un po' criptico per alcune cose ma come ho detto l'ho appena iniziato

  12. #32

    Re: Satellite Reign

    Stanno per spedire

  13. #33

    Re: Satellite Reign

    Il sistema di salvataggio non mi piace per nulla purtroppo :( dovrò cercare di mettere dei save normali no??

  14. #34

    Re: Satellite Reign

    Se per caso avevato pledgiato per maglietta e copia fisica del gioco ma vi è solo arrivata la maglietta (o viceversa) mandate un messaggio ai 5LS in quanto dovrebbe arrivare tutto insieme ma pare ci siano dei problemi

    Potete segnalare il problema messaggiandoli su Kickstarter oppure direttametne via mail [email protected]

  15. #35
    Member L'avatar di Shuren
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    Steam ID: shur3n

    Re: Satellite Reign

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da ZioYuri78R Visualizza Messaggio
    Pare le copie fisiche siano pronte finalmente

    mi sono seriamente pentito di aver preso solo la copia digitale

  16. #36

    Re: Satellite Reign

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Shuren Visualizza Messaggio
    mi sono seriamente pentito di aver preso solo la copia digitale
    Pensa a me che son uno di quelli a cui è arrivata solo la maglietta

    Vediamo se riescono a risolvere, siamo in molti a cui è capitato, pare che abbian fatto casini quelli di BackerKit o Humble Bundle (i dati per BackerKit passavano da loro)

  17. #37

    Re: Satellite Reign

    As many of you have noticed, physical rewards have been delivered. However, there’s unfortunately been a major balls-up at our end.
    After a bit of investigation, it appears that a spreadsheet with the information people entered on Humble Store requesting either a boxed copy or digital copy was mangled. Mitch will have to stand in the naughty corner for a long time to make up for this one.
    The net result is that 420 people who shouldn’t have received boxed copies did, and 430 people who should have received box copies didn’t.
    We’re currently in the process of sorting out another manufacturing run to fulfill the outstanding orders. It only took a week last time to manufacture the full order, so this smaller run shouldn’t take long.
    So to the people who mistakenly received a boxed copy, enjoy!
    To the people whose boxed copy is delayed, we're sorry for the inconvenience and we will get you your copy as fast as we can.
    On the bright side, we have the email addresses of everyone who should have received a boxed copy but didn't, so you don't have to contact us, just sit back, relax, play some Overwatch and wait for the postman to deliver the goods.
    -5 Lives Team
    Pro tip: Sorting in LibreOffice works differently to sorting in Google

    Ma cosa

  18. #38

    Re: Satellite Reign

  19. #39

    Re: Satellite Reign

    Ho ripreso a giocarlo e una volta abituatomi al sistema dei save devo dire che mi sta appassionando. Certo è che non è proprio immediato.
    Ma inviare i passanti alla clonazione a che serve??? Non sono riuscito a capirlo (sono all'inizio comunque).

  20. #40
    #mainagioia L'avatar di von right
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    Steam ID: pink81

    Re: Satellite Reign

    Perchè possono avere stats migliori dei tuoi agenti attuali e ne puoi trasferire l'identità.
    Mr Pink, Guerriero da tastiera !!! Profilo su steam.

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    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Moloch Visualizza Messaggio
    ai grillini è più facile metterglielo in culo che in testa

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