Alan Wilder sta colle pezze arculo e si vende il reggiscroto usato a Bucarest nell'83 Alan Wilder sta colle pezze arculo e si vende il reggiscroto usato a Bucarest nell'83

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Discussione: Alan Wilder sta colle pezze arculo e si vende il reggiscroto usato a Bucarest nell'83

  1. #1
    Major Sludgebucket (ABS)

    Alan Wilder sta colle pezze arculo e si vende il reggiscroto usato a Bucarest nell'83

    Che brutta fine , aver "lavorato" solo una dozzina d'anni nella vita e non riuscire a camparci di rendita

    E il bello è che nel 2010 hanno fatto pure la sceneggiata di richiamarlo per una roba di beneficenza, abbraccioni e sorrisoni con Martin, Dave gli mandava i messaggini "non preoccuparti, anche gli altri ti vogliono" e nelle interviste dice "oh, quanto mi manca Alan", ma poi non se lo ripigliano (ovviamente lui tornerebbe di corsa, a quanto si dice).

    Cioè, si parla di un fenomeno che ha trasformato una lagna informe di Gore in Enjoy the Silence, per capirsi. Io boh.

  2. #2
    Major Sludgebucket (ABS)

    Re: Alan Wilder sta colle pezze arculo e si vende il reggiscroto usato a Bucarest nel

    Molto old ma gustoso

    Personal Jesus: il racconto delle registrazioni a Milano, 30 anni fa

    «Quei TUM TUM che senti non sono di una batteria, è qualcuno che batte per terra con degli stivali» ci ha raccontato Carmelo La Bionda, che gestiva insieme al fratello gli studi dove nel 1989 la band ha registrato quasi tutto "Violator".

  3. #3
    Senior Member L'avatar di nicolas senada
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016
    Cittadella (PD)

    Re: Alan Wilder sta colle pezze arculo e si vende il reggiscroto usato a Bucarest nel

    ma magari tornasse Alan, è lui che ha praticamente creato da solo il sound meraviglioso dei DM fino a Faith and Devotion

    infatti è da Ultra che i DM suonano come un gruppo che prova a imitare scolasticamente i DM....

    Scambi effettuati con: TuonoSTG, RobySchwarz, Netherlander(x2)

  4. #4
    Major Sludgebucket (ABS)

    Re: Alan Wilder sta colle pezze arculo e si vende il reggiscroto usato a Bucarest nel

    La tristezza nei suoi uochi . Pare quasi un barbone.

  5. #5
    Major Sludgebucket (ABS)

    Re: Alan Wilder sta colle pezze arculo e si vende il reggiscroto usato a Bucarest nel

  6. #6
    Major Sludgebucket (ABS)

    Re: Alan Wilder sta colle pezze arculo e si vende il reggiscroto usato a Bucarest nel

    Bel remake dei fan lettoni (attenzione all'accento).

  7. #7
    Major Sludgebucket (ABS)

    Re: Alan Wilder sta colle pezze arculo e si vende il reggiscroto usato a Bucarest nel

    La sobrietà dei tempi d'oro <3

  8. #8
    Senior Member L'avatar di nicolas senada
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016
    Cittadella (PD)

    Re: Alan Wilder sta colle pezze arculo e si vende il reggiscroto usato a Bucarest nel

    prima di Corbin avevano un look davvero orrendo

    qui avevano 14 anni e nelle scene di intermezzo erano pronti ad andare alla cena della classe delle medie

    ma soprattutto se ne uscivano con dei video ridicoli dove praticamente suonavano ogni roba che passava sotto mano tipo

    Scambi effettuati con: TuonoSTG, RobySchwarz, Netherlander(x2)

  9. #9
    Major Sludgebucket (ABS)

    Re: Alan Wilder sta colle pezze arculo e si vende il reggiscroto usato a Bucarest nel

    Depeche Mode singer Dave Gahan in a coffin for a 1981 Flexipop! cover. The magazine included a flexi disc record with the band’s song ‘Sometimes I Wish I Was Dead’.

  10. #10
    Major Sludgebucket (ABS)

    Re: Alan Wilder sta colle pezze arculo e si vende il reggiscroto usato a Bucarest nel

    Come avrete intuito, i nostri supereroi sono entrati nella Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (sì, nunn'è strettamente rock, è una roba scandalosa, ecc.). Qui, a mero titolo di curiosità, un articolo che fa una classifica, che schifo le classifiche, ecc., e una disamina degli album di tutti quelli che sono stati ammessi quest'anno (ovviamente l'avessi fatta io sarebbe finita in modo un po' diverso, tipo con tutti gli album da Some Great Reward a Ultra, minimo, ai primi posti )(sì, bello Trent Coso, per carità)

    Grande canale per gli appassionati di synth anni Ottanta, o per chi volesse capirne di più.

  11. #11
    Senior Member L'avatar di nicolas senada
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016
    Cittadella (PD)

    Re: Alan Wilder sta colle pezze arculo e si vende il reggiscroto usato a Bucarest nel

    beh in effetti la vera 'mente' dietro al sound meraviglioso dei DM era proprio Wilder che faceva i miracoli in studio.
    Basta vedere lo spezzone di 101 in cui lui spiega l'arrangiamento di Black Celebration...
    e infatti da Ultra (che pure mi piace) in poi i DM suonano come una cover band di se stessi

    EDIT: visto ora il video, maronn che bello il Juno io l ho provato spesso (ho un amico che ce l'ha) ed ha un arpeggiatore pazzesco

    Scambi effettuati con: TuonoSTG, RobySchwarz, Netherlander(x2)

  12. #12
    Major Sludgebucket (ABS)

    Re: Alan Wilder sta colle pezze arculo e si vende il reggiscroto usato a Bucarest nel

    My favorite Depeche Mode meme

  13. #13
    Senior Member L'avatar di nicolas senada
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016
    Cittadella (PD)

    Re: Alan Wilder sta colle pezze arculo e si vende il reggiscroto usato a Bucarest nel

    meme? è la realtà

    Scambi effettuati con: TuonoSTG, RobySchwarz, Netherlander(x2)

  14. #14
    Major Sludgebucket (ABS)

    Re: Alan Wilder sta colle pezze arculo e si vende il reggiscroto usato a Bucarest nel

    La BBC ha appena mandato questa interessante roba qui, ancora visionabile per un mesetto, anche se in teoria dall'Italia sarebbe complicato farlo.

    Documentary that explores the creation of the seminal, second album by Tears for Fears. Songs from the Big Chair took the gothic synth-pop foundations of the band and combined them with arena-ready anthems, leading to critical acclaim and three international hit singles, Mothers Talk, Shout and Everybody Wants to Rule the World.

    This documentary, made with the full cooperation of the band, explores how the album was recorded and how the band left their indelible imprint on new wave music
    Peraltro fa la sua apparizione anche questo personaggioi, che ha avuto un ruolo significativo in Music for the Masses.

  15. #15
    Major Sludgebucket (ABS)

    Re: Alan Wilder sta colle pezze arculo e si vende il reggiscroto usato a Bucarest nel

    E ora un po' di cul-tura . Basildon, il paesone dell'Essex da centomila anime dal quale vengono i nostri, ha fama di essere un postaccio invivibile. Ho trovato però questo interessante (= a me interessa) articolo che sembrerebbe smontare punto per punto tutti i luoghi comuni e le maldicenze

    E naturalmente:
    Basildon has birthed some brilliant people known for their success.

    Snooker champion Stuart Bingham, Olympic gymnast Max Whitlock, 80s superstars Depeche Mode and singer-songwriter Emma Blackery are all people who have achieved brilliant success in their own field and who have links to the town.

    Ovviamente il grande Alano, entrato in corsa, è londinese (di Hammersmith, per la precisione, infatti è un grosso tifoso del QPR) e venire incluso nel mucchio di "quelli di Basildon" non pare fargli tanto piacere. Da un tizio su fesbu:

    Alan on being called Basildon boy:
    “I’m pleased to say that my knowledge of Basildon is extremely limited due to the fact that I’ve only been there about three times. All my visits were early on in my career with Depeche Mode, and at a time when I was really into photography and I used to routinely carry around a shoulder bag containing my camera equipment. My overriding memory of Basildon is sitting in a disgusting pub and being told by Daryl Bamonte [who by then had left school and was virtually working for Depeche Mode full — time, initially as a roadie] to uncross my legs and hide the shoulder bag or I was likely to get the shit kicked out of me for being a poof. Nice, eh? I hate it when journalists refer to me as a ‘Basildon Boy’.”

  16. #16
    Major Sludgebucket (ABS)

    Re: Alan Wilder sta colle pezze arculo e si vende il reggiscroto usato a Bucarest nel

    Uno dei più grandi sintetizzatori di sempre (ampiamente usato in Violator, per esempio) illustrato nei dettagli.

  17. #17
    Senior Member L'avatar di nicolas senada
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016
    Cittadella (PD)

    Re: Alan Wilder sta colle pezze arculo e si vende il reggiscroto usato a Bucarest nel

    Scambi effettuati con: TuonoSTG, RobySchwarz, Netherlander(x2)

  18. #18
    Major Sludgebucket (ABS)

    Re: Alan Wilder sta colle pezze arculo e si vende il reggiscroto usato a Bucarest nel

    Un post più dettagliato sulla situazione di Alan risalente a sei anni fa. Interessante la parte sui buffi fatti con la Mute.

    Alan Wilder
    6 February 2014
    Hi everyone. Here are the promised answers to the member’s winning questions from your recent contest. Some of these have been asked before of course

    01-) When will a new Recoil album be released?

    AW: This is going to sound rather negative I’m afraid - I don’t mean it to be but I am a realist.

    As everyone is aware CD & music sales have fallen dramatically over recent years. Recoil is not a financially viable project and hasn’t been for some time. For many years now there has been no income for myself from the sales of my own music. Any income has been used to pay off debts to Mute Records for overspends on the earlier albums (not their fault but a sign of the times as they were). For example, in the '90s it was still normal to spend say £40,000 on a video (as we did for ‘Drifting’ for instance) - a video which hardly got shown I might add. This is not a complaint or sour grapes from me, just a fact.

    More recently and until now, I have pretty much subsidised the project myself, recorded in my own self-built studios and so on. Mute never have, and never will give me an advance in this current climate and I just cannot afford anymore to sit in a studio for the best part of a year to make a record which very few people will buy. Sadly, most people expect to receive music for free these days, or via file sharing, illegal download and so on. Live work can bring a small amount of income but it is not something I naturally gravitate towards and, if I were to put together a band, that would probably lose money given the number of tickets I could reasonable expect to sell.

    The truth is I have been pulling in favours left, right & centre (from people willing to help with little or no payment) just to keep things going. I do understand that there are other ways to skin a cat - like self release, fund gathering - and so I am not ruling myself out of the game completely but, for now, I have many other priorities which I need to pursue. Frankly, I am distracted from music by needing sort out ‘life’. Once I get settled into a new home and re-build a small studio (my current one is dismantled and packed up), then maybe I’ll get the urge to pick up where I left off.

    02-) What is your favourite DM album after you left?

    AW: Probably ‘Ultra’. I like certain tracks like ‘Barrel Of A Gun’ and ‘Home’. The souped-up mastering puts me off listening however. In fact all the albums since then have been so massively compressed (the loudness war), that I find there is a huge sonic mallet which hits you in the face before you even get to the music itself. I doubt the group are themselves responsible for that aspect - more likely orders from above.

    03-) What is the weirdest thing a fan has done for you?

    AW: There have been many obsessives who followed us around. I get a lot of very odd letters of course - Brazilian transvestites & Eastern Europeans who compose their fantasies (via Google translate tend to be the most disturbing correspondences! I remember one of them wanted play a "game of cat & rat". A few slightly older fans have named their children Alan, some have camped outside my home dressed top-to-tail in black leather during the sweltering heat of mid-summer. I found one which had entirely melted into a pool of plastic. Not particularly weird but many have gone to great lengths by getting involved in my project (which is much appreciated) either through promotion, running Recoil sites, providing film & art, promoting events, investing in items from my memorabilia auction and so on. Someone recently bought my Mercedes and another threatened, in all seriousness, to actually buy my house (but didn’t come through!

    04-) Why did you decide to stop contributing lyrics after 'Some Great Reward’?

    AW: Every time I wrote lyrics down, I would read them back and think they sounded naive, stupid, unpoetic. I guess my self censorship was too strict and that never allowed me to express myself in that way. I like writing prose but I just didn’t think my lyrics had any worth and decided not to focus on something which wasn’t sitting comfortably with me. Experimenting with sound, orchestration, arrangement & production techniques all felt far more exciting and rewarding. I’m a fool really because publishing is where the money is! You don’t get any extra cash for production when you’re in the band...

    05-) What is the greatest compliment another musician has given you? Who said it?

    AW: Gary Numan’s always saying lovely things (bless him), about Recoil and especially in connection with ‘SOFAD' which he cited as instigating a career-changing revelation for him. Trent Reznor apparently was quite impressed with ‘Liquid’ and went on to use it as his intro music before all his shows on one particular NIN tour. Can’t think of any others right now.

    06-) Why did you pick the name Recoil? What is its significance?

    AW: No great significance really - I just liked the sound of the word. ‘Recoil' : meaning 'to be thrown back, from an impact or violent thrust, perhaps in fear' seemed to fit exactly with the general effect I’d like the music to have. In other words I want all Recoil music to create a reaction in the listener rather than blandly wash over them.

    07-) What is your favourite childhood memory?

    AW: Standing at the school end at Loftus Road watching QPR from the late ‘60s/'70s. My heroes then were Rodney Marsh and, particularly, the legend that is Stan Bowles - but it was the whole evocative atmosphere which really captured my imagination, the cramped ground filled with expectant fans, floodlights shining through mist & rain, muddy pitches, the smell of cigar smoke, wagon wheels (dodgy confectionary of the period), drooling over a freshly printed footy programme. I used to go with my father Albert and our next door neighbour, ‘Uncle' Bill. Other memories include running around our family room, beside myself with excitement, singing ‘Baby Baby’ at age 4 or 5 having been given a big red plastic guitar for Xmas. My earliest - cracking my head open on the back step of our house in Acton followed by my frantic mother holding me over the kitchen sink while pouring blood! I still have a scar from that 50 years later. Not exactly a ‘fave’ memory but the first (see photo circa 1962/63).


    Hope that’s ok!


  19. #19
    Senior Member L'avatar di nicolas senada
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016
    Cittadella (PD)

    Re: Alan Wilder sta colle pezze arculo e si vende il reggiscroto usato a Bucarest nel

    che Ultra sia il migliore dei DM senza di lui è assodato

    molto triste la parte relativa alla produzione, considerando che il suono figo dei DM fino a Devotion è praticamente tutta farina del suo sacco o quasi

    Scambi effettuati con: TuonoSTG, RobySchwarz, Netherlander(x2)

  20. #20
    Major Sludgebucket (ABS)

    Re: Alan Wilder sta colle pezze arculo e si vende il reggiscroto usato a Bucarest nel

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