Retronews Retronews - Pagina 32

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Discussione: Retronews

  1. #621
    Major Sludgebucket (ABS)

    Re: Retronews


  2. #622
    Major Sludgebucket (ABS)

    Re: Retronews

    So happy and proud to announce that the Founders Edition Intellivision Amico SOLD OUT yesterday in less than 6 hours! All 2600 machines! We sold around 1,000 machines in the first 10 minutes! HUGE success and MISSION ACCOMPLISHED for the entire Intellivision team. Thank-you all for your massive support. It was a big day for us.

    Strap yourselves in... this rocket is about to BLAST OFF!!!!!! Whose comin' with?

  3. #623
    Major Sludgebucket (ABS)

    Re: Retronews

    Andy Finkel (in ginocchio sui ceci se non sapete chi è) ha da poco sparato questa leggerissima e impercettibile bombetta .

    Taking a break from posting old C= pictures, here is an interesting piece of hardware I have - the C64 game machine.
    It was at least semi-official; I did some demo software for it, and the case has a C= molded in.
    Dear Andy, do you think it would be possible for you to dump the contents of the EPROM and upload it to the Funet archives? From the pictures it seems to me that the machine employs the same chipset of the C64 (6526, 6510, 6581, 6569, etc.). So maybe saving the EPROM would make it possible to emulate the machine straightaway and bring it into life...
    I will give it a shot; as I recall, its mainly a version of the kernel and the character ROM. I will have to take a look around for some of the demo programs I did for it. Unfortunately, they got separated at some point from the machine.
    Chips are: 6510(1784), 251715-01(S549E), 8562R2(478?),8580R4(3085),6526(4484)
    It does resemble an early version of what became the 64GS

    Ultima modifica di Major Sludgebucket (ABS); 31-01-20 alle 11:32

  4. #624
    o feio
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016
    Manerba del Garda, Brescia

    Re: Retronews

    Di The Shadow Over Hawksmill si era parlato? Platform con atmosfere lovecraftiane, pare.

  5. #625
    Major Sludgebucket (ABS)

    Re: Retronews

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Opossum Visualizza Messaggio
    Platform con atmosfere lovecraftiane, pare.
    Peccato che gli SJW non si caghino il C64 .

    Nel frattempo, Braybrook scatenato:

    I have published another blog article, re-writing the one I lost just before Christmas on #C64 character modes. It's at:

    I'm thinking of doing a series of blogs going into detail on some of the game algorithms in each of my games.
    Since each game was built on the shell of the last, there is a dependency, so I will have to start at the beginning again.

    I'm thinking that I might go back to my COBOL games that I did in my spare time on the IBM mainframe. There were early implementations of patrolling algorithms that led to Paradroid and some buying and timed delivery ideas that led to Morpheus and Intensity.

    I do have the COBOL source code for my early games printed out. I did have an 800bps tape with the source code too, but who has a working 1970s tape drive? The tape went to the great bin in the sky a long time ago anyway.

  6. #626
    Major Sludgebucket (ABS)

    Re: Retronews

    Il 3DO M2 torna in vita grazie ad una raccolta di software pubblicati da uno dei suoi più affiatati collezionisti
    La più grande raccolta di software disponibile per la sventurata console.

  7. #627
    o feio
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016
    Manerba del Garda, Brescia

    Re: Retronews

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Major Sludgebucket (ABS) Visualizza Messaggio
    Il 3DO M2 torna in vita
    Lo è mai stata?

  8. #628
    Major Sludgebucket (ABS)

    Re: Retronews

  9. #629
    Major Sludgebucket (ABS)

    Re: Retronews

  10. #630
    Major Sludgebucket (ABS)

    Re: Retronews

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Opossum Visualizza Messaggio
    Di The Shadow Over Hawksmill si era parlato? Platform con atmosfere lovecraftiane, pare.

  11. #631
    Major Sludgebucket (ABS)

    Re: Retronews

    Introducing the Chloe 280SE, a new Z80 microcomputer

  12. #632
    Major Sludgebucket (ABS)

    Re: Retronews

    Warhawk per ZX Spectrum Next.

    Video de presentación de la nueva aventura gráfica para MSX2 de The Pets Mode y FardatxoDigital.
    Este vídeo se emitió en primicia en la RU MSX de Barcelona el 18 de enero de 2020.
    Work in progress

    Hired Sword 2, RPG per C64.

    Ultima modifica di Major Sludgebucket (ABS); 09-02-20 alle 15:57

  13. #633
    Major Sludgebucket (ABS)

    Re: Retronews

    Jetman gliel'ha fatta con ventisei giorni d'anticipo

    Jetman - the complete published works all in one book!
    A book of the complete Jetman comic strip that appeared in CRASH magazine! The 'ultimate' tribute to this space hero!

  14. #634
    Major Sludgebucket (ABS)

    Re: Retronews

  15. #635
    Major Sludgebucket (ABS)

    Re: Retronews

    Yes it really does exist! This is an ULTRA rare Sega Model 2A arcade basketball game by Data East called Air Walkers. It either had a very limited release in Japan only, or maybe even no release, not sure. There is only 1 board known to exist and this is it :-D

  16. #636
    Major Sludgebucket (ABS)

    Re: Retronews

    Il polacco Artur Jarosik ha completato il suo port di Diablo per Amiga. Trovate l'ultima versione qui, al post #383

  17. #637
    Major Sludgebucket (ABS)

    Re: Retronews

    I’m really happy to share with you 1 level demo on my forthcoming new game named “Moskwa”

    You can download a free .bin here:

    A big thanks to the people from the group who wasted their time testing my game and bring their ideas: Chris Parsons, Laurence Bennion and Malban itself who added his magic to the code and Ralf Kornmann for his great emulator (Perf to take screenshots).

    The full game will fix some known bugs, add landscapes according to the region you pass through, add workshop stations in order to convert the items collected on the road into upgrades for your ship ( Engines, weapons, shield etc..) , new enemies with behavior depending on your driving style towards other road users. About 70 sections of motorways to cross at full speed and more than 20 levels crossed on foot to find your way through eastern Europe.

    Maybe available October 2020.

    Have fun!!

  18. #638
    Major Sludgebucket (ABS)

    Re: Retronews

    Cosa non si fa al giorno d'oggi per raccattare quattro spicci col retrogaming.

  19. #639
    Major Sludgebucket (ABS)

    Re: Retronews

    A ZX Spectrum Emulator That Runs on a Humble ESP8266

  20. #640
    Major Sludgebucket (ABS)

    Re: Retronews

    Il seguito di uno dei migliori giochi italiani di sempre.

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