Strange things about johnson Strange things about johnson

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Discussione: Strange things about johnson

  1. #1
    Senior Member L'avatar di Arnald
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Strange things about johnson

    Stamattina parlavano a radio Deejay di questo corto, che a quanto pare è MOLTO disturbante, a detta del conduttore.
    Non ha neanche voluto dire di cosa tratta, perchè anche solo dire l'argomento è tabù.

    Qualcuno ha avuto modo di imbattersi in questo video? Non è niente di porno o di splatter, visto che è presente su Youtube, ma adesso non ho modo di vederlo.

  2. #2
    Predicatore Google L'avatar di Mdk
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: Strange things about johnson

    Se solo esistesse un sito che raccoglie tutto lo scibile umano e che riassuma i video così da non doverli vedere...
    Ah si:

  3. #3
    Lavora Troppo L'avatar di Ceccazzo
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: Strange things about johnson

    In 1995, Sidney Johnson, an acclaimed poet, accidentally interrupts his twelve-year-old son, Isaiah, masturbating. Sidney apologizes and reassures his son that the act is natural, unaware that Isaiah was masturbating to a photograph of him as a young man.

    In 2009, during Isaiah's wedding reception, the matriarch of the Johnson family, Joan, discovers her son in a secluded part of the backyard performing fellatio on a distressed-looking Sidney. However, despite the disturbing act she witnesses, Joan merely takes a moment in order to regain her composure before continuing on with the party as if nothing has happened.

    Later that day, while Joan's in the shower, Sidney leaves a typed memoir underneath her pillow called Cocoon Man: Confessions by Sidney Johnson, in which he chronicles the years of sexual abuse he's endured at the hands of their son. Unfortunately, Isaiah ends up discovering the memoir before Joan can see it and confronts Sidney in his study later that night, telling him that he'll be destroying it and warns him not to print any more copies.

    Sometime later, while Sidney is listening to a self-help tape in the bath, Isaiah breaks down the locked door and rapes him before telling him to "put that in his book" afterwards. Meanwhile, in the bedroom, Joan hears the struggle through the walls but does nothing to stop it; instead, choosing to drown it out by raising the volume on the television.

    The next day, Sidney removes a secret copy of "Cocoon Man" from underneath the floorboards and attempts to leave the house with it, leading to another confrontation with Isaiah who scolds him and says that he's just as guilty as he is before trying to persuade him into giving up the memoir. However, an emotionally distraught Sidney merely runs out of the house and into the street only to be struck and killed by an oncoming van.

    After Sidney's funeral, a grief-stricken Joan finally decides to confront Isaiah, asking him about what happened 10 years ago during his prom night which caused his father to lock himself in the bathroom and cry for hours. Trying to dodge the question, Isaiah says that he doesn't remember but Joan asks if that's when "all this" started.

    Isaiah tries to convince Joan that she's being delusional, but she merely laughs before asking how he could kill his own father, causing him to lash out physically and claim that he "loved him better than she ever did" which causes their argument to escalate into a full-on fight to the death.

    During the struggle Joan scratches Isaiah's face which causes him to throw her across the room and attempt to strangle her, only for Joan to stab him with a nearby knife in self-defense. Enraged, he kicks her in the stomach before trying to force her headfirst into a lit fireplace. Luckily for her, a fire iron allows Joan to escape from Isaiah's clutches and kill him in a state of grief and rage.

    Having lost her family, an utterly distraught Joan throws the last copy of Cocoon Man into the fire as the credits roll.

  4. #4
    Min. della Prostituzione L'avatar di alastor
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: Strange things about johnson

    un corto su uno spammino
    Ritenta, sarai più fortunato.

  5. #5
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: Strange things about johnson

    Nel seguito scopriamo che Isaiah aveva scritto un post su jas chiamato "Delirio di onnipotenza"

  6. #6
    Predicatore Google L'avatar di Mdk
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: Strange things about johnson

    The strange thing about the Stefansens

  7. #7
    Midlife crisis Member
    Data Registrazione
    Mar 2022

    Re: Strange things about johnson

    strange thing about a black kid having a father

  8. #8
    Predicatore Google L'avatar di Mdk
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: Strange things about johnson

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da islandhermit Visualizza Messaggio
    strange thing about a black kid having a father
    Il vero motivo per cui escono a comprare le sigarette e poi ciaone?

  9. #9
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: Strange things about johnson

    Da dove traspare che sono di colore?

    - - - Aggiornato - - -

    ah dall'immagine di wiki ok

  10. #10
    Predicatore Google L'avatar di Mdk
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: Strange things about johnson

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Baddo Visualizza Messaggio
    Da dove traspare che sono di colore?

    - - - Aggiornato - - -

    ah dall'immagine di wiki ok
    Nel dubbio sono TUTTI di colore, fino a prova contraria
    O sei forse razzista e pensi sempre ad un mondo bianco?

  11. #11
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: Strange things about johnson

    No, solo le mie fighe sono


  12. #12
    Midlife crisis Member
    Data Registrazione
    Mar 2022

    Re: Strange things about johnson

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Mdk Visualizza Messaggio
    Il vero motivo per cui escono a comprare le sigarette e poi ciaone?
    abbastanza comprensibile come scelta

  13. #13
    Senior Member L'avatar di Caern
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016
    Forte dei Marmi (LU)

    Re: Strange things about johnson

    Dal titolo sembrava si parlasse di aneddoti riguardo l'ex primo ministro inglese

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