PlayStation 4 [PS4] PlayStation 4 - Pagina 31

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Discussione: PlayStation 4

  1. #601
    Senior Member
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: PlayStation 4

    ahah oh wow, fai l'affare della vita, con poche decine di euro in caso te ne compri una nuova piangere il cuore no, pur ti resta l'account con tutto, fatti un backup su un hd esterno mi raccomando

  2. #602
    Senior Member L'avatar di Bigg
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: PlayStation 4

    la mia compie 2 anni oggi. però ho l'estensione di garanzia (per altri 2 anni mi pare)

  3. #603
    Dottor NOS L'avatar di CX3200
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: PlayStation 4

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da Bigg Visualizza Messaggio
    la mia compie 2 anni oggi. però ho l'estensione di garanzia (per altri 2 anni mi pare)
    estensione di garanzia del negozio? auguri

  4. #604
    The Game Esthete L'avatar di Harry_Lime
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016
    Gamer IDs

    Gamertag: HarryLime1976 PSN ID: Harry_Lime76

    Re: PlayStation 4

    Comunque quest'anno le console arrivano a metà gen esatta e ci sarà sicuramente la versione slim della ps4 come da tradizione. Se uno non è sicuro di usarla ora, venderla e riprenderla slim non è un errore così grave. Sicuramente con l'arrivo delle slim, la 'flat' perde di valore sul mercato dell'usato.

    Inviato dal mio LG-H815 utilizzando Tapatalk
    Ultima modifica di Harry_Lime; 28-03-16 alle 12:05
    ""...Gli ci volle un pò di tempo per ritrovare la forza di alzarsi e appoggiare il piede. Quando ci riuscì, prima di ricominciare la fuga verso casa si voltò di nuovo in dietro. E allora il suo grido disperato risuonò nel silenzio stupore della campagna."

  5. #605
    Privo di glutine dal '84 L'avatar di Alastor_Tiziano
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016
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    Steam ID: Tizius84

    Re: PlayStation 4

    Vero Harry ... Un motivo in piu per venderla ora
    Inviato da Lumia 640XL

  6. #606
    quello che fa l'aikido L'avatar di Viggio
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016
    Tosev 3
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    PSN ID: Viggio Steam ID: Viggio1979

    Re: PlayStation 4

    oh...qua le voci diventano sempre più insistenti

    Ma a me continua a puzzare 'sta cosa

    Inviato dal mio GT-I9505 utilizzando Tapatalk

    Playstation 4Pro, Nintendo Switch, Playstation 3, Playstation Vita, Playstation TV, Playstation Portable, Sega Dreamcast, Sega Saturn, Sony PSX, Sega Mega Drive, Mini SNES - PC: CPU Intel i5 2500K ,MoBo Asus , 4x2GB Corsair Vengeance DDR3 1600 Mhz , GeForce GTX 570 1280MB DDR5, SSD OCZ 60 GB, HD Maxtor SATA 320 GB 7200 rpm, Sound Blaster Extreme Gamer Fatal1ty 64 MB, sistema audio Creative 5.1 -

  7. #607
    il PDF L'avatar di Eric Starbuck
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016
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    Gamertag: eric starbuck PSN ID: Eric_Starbuck Steam ID: eric_starbuck

    Re: PlayStation 4

    Se non vendi il gioco insieme alla console potrei farci un pensiero se mi fai un buon prezzo.

    Trovate i miei screenshots su Twitter, su STEAM e su IMGUR
    Se seguite i bundle e lo scambio Key, ecco la mia LISTA SCAMBI
    Seguite il Podcast di NG+Italia

  8. #608
    Cacacazzi L'avatar di Talismano
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: PlayStation 4

    La fonte è sempre quella.... Possono fare 6000 articoli a se partono tutti da quella fonte, valgono tutti uguale. Come l'articolo che ha fatto il Wall Street journal... È un giornale importante deve essere per forza vera... peccato che anche il loro articolo parta dalle voci da cui è partito eurogamer.

  9. #609
    Senior Member L'avatar di Ocean
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: PlayStation 4

    Alcuni sparano già un ipotetico prezzo di 400 dollah. Quindi non penso ci siano stravolgimenti a livello hardware, se sarà davvero così. E inoltre confermerebbe quello che han detto Harry e Talismano. Probabilmente sarà una slim con poche migliorie

  10. #610
    Cacacazzi L'avatar di Talismano
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: PlayStation 4

    Slim ho dei dubbi, sarà una revisione hardware con lettore Brd 4k

  11. #611
    Senior Member L'avatar di Bigg
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: PlayStation 4

    per la slim secondo me dovremo aspettare l'e3 dell'anno prossimo come minimo

  12. #612
    Senior Member L'avatar di killuminati
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: PlayStation 4

    Da Neogaf:

    "Related info from a meeting we had yesterday was waiting for it to be approved before posting.

    Price is currently $399.99 they were discussing a better CPU which would raise the price to $499.99 we were guaranteed the price will be no higher than $499.99 (He mentioned the CPU upgrade quite a bit almost as if they haven't really decided on a final spec could be a pricing issue.) also there is currently no plan for any type of trade in program for current PS4 users but that could change.

    They stated that the GPU is twice as powerful as standard PS4 and much faster. They did not say exactly how fast but that is was running at a higher clock speed while being much smaller than the original.

    It will have a 4k blu ray player and will upscale games that are not natively 4k.

    Also there was talk of some sort of VR lounge for the media player app which is supposed to be getting a substantial upgrade.

    It was stated plainly and with no room for interpretation that there are developers that already have development kits for the PS4K and that they are making games that will directly target and take advantage of the higher specs of the PS4K. It was also stated that these games will in fact work for the PS4 but with considerable sacrifices made to performance.

    It was also made very clear that current games would not be getting any type of performance upgrades by being played on the system and any benefits to older games would come via patch per game and per developer. When asked if this was going to happen the response was "Its a possibility but doubtful with the exception of a handful of games."
    We were also given a list of games that will be available at launch that will directly take advantage of the PS4K where the differences are and I will quote him "Significant."

    For the PSVR

    Eve Valkyrie
    GT Sport

    For the PS4K

    Deep Down (Thought this was dead)
    GOW4 (This was the exact abbreviation on the sheet I can only assume its god of war 4)

    There were more games on the list but these are the ones that stood out to me."

    Poi ripreso credo da IGN et al.

    Titoli di lancio Deep Down e GOW4
    ID PSN: killuminati2911 - addatemi!

    Nick su old forum: Evoc


    Those who stand with me shall be my brothers

  13. #613
    quello che fa l'aikido L'avatar di Viggio
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016
    Tosev 3
    Gamer IDs

    PSN ID: Viggio Steam ID: Viggio1979

    Re: PlayStation 4

    sisi, l hanno riportato pure sul topic " Rumor PS4K"

    Inviato dal mio GT-I9505 utilizzando Tapatalk

    Playstation 4Pro, Nintendo Switch, Playstation 3, Playstation Vita, Playstation TV, Playstation Portable, Sega Dreamcast, Sega Saturn, Sony PSX, Sega Mega Drive, Mini SNES - PC: CPU Intel i5 2500K ,MoBo Asus , 4x2GB Corsair Vengeance DDR3 1600 Mhz , GeForce GTX 570 1280MB DDR5, SSD OCZ 60 GB, HD Maxtor SATA 320 GB 7200 rpm, Sound Blaster Extreme Gamer Fatal1ty 64 MB, sistema audio Creative 5.1 -

  14. #614
    Cacacazzi L'avatar di Talismano
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: PlayStation 4

    Citazione Originariamente Scritto da killuminati Visualizza Messaggio
    Da Neogaf:

    "Related info from a meeting we had yesterday was waiting for it to be approved before posting.

    Price is currently $399.99 they were discussing a better CPU which would raise the price to $499.99 we were guaranteed the price will be no higher than $499.99 (He mentioned the CPU upgrade quite a bit almost as if they haven't really decided on a final spec could be a pricing issue.) also there is currently no plan for any type of trade in program for current PS4 users but that could change.

    They stated that the GPU is twice as powerful as standard PS4 and much faster. They did not say exactly how fast but that is was running at a higher clock speed while being much smaller than the original.

    It will have a 4k blu ray player and will upscale games that are not natively 4k.

    Also there was talk of some sort of VR lounge for the media player app which is supposed to be getting a substantial upgrade.

    It was stated plainly and with no room for interpretation that there are developers that already have development kits for the PS4K and that they are making games that will directly target and take advantage of the higher specs of the PS4K. It was also stated that these games will in fact work for the PS4 but with considerable sacrifices made to performance.

    It was also made very clear that current games would not be getting any type of performance upgrades by being played on the system and any benefits to older games would come via patch per game and per developer. When asked if this was going to happen the response was "Its a possibility but doubtful with the exception of a handful of games."
    We were also given a list of games that will be available at launch that will directly take advantage of the PS4K where the differences are and I will quote him "Significant."

    For the PSVR

    Eve Valkyrie
    GT Sport

    For the PS4K

    Deep Down (Thought this was dead)
    GOW4 (This was the exact abbreviation on the sheet I can only assume its god of war 4)

    There were more games on the list but these are the ones that stood out to me."

    Poi ripreso credo da IGN poi ripreso dal wall street journal e poi ripreso da altri mille siti.

    Titoli di lancio Deep Down e GOW4


    un'unica fonte e il telefono senza fili è partito.

  15. #615

    Re: PlayStation 4

    La console modulare di Microsoft...

    Gli altri parlano e Sony fa i fatti.

    spedito con ricevuta di ritorno

  16. #616
    Senior Member L'avatar di killuminati
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: PlayStation 4

    Comunque sto E3 sarà interessante tra millantate nuove PS4, l'NX che nessuno sa cosa sia.. le nuove Universal App di Microsoft e forse anche loro butteranno dentro una XBOX 1,5.. ci sarà da divertirsi in supercazzole
    ID PSN: killuminati2911 - addatemi!

    Nick su old forum: Evoc


    Those who stand with me shall be my brothers

  17. #617
    Senior Member
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: PlayStation 4

    asd, se fosse vero da mac user sarebbe la volta che mi compro un pc esclusivamente per giocare a quel punto ps4+ps4,5 costano come un buon desktop

  18. #618
    Senior Member L'avatar di Crysis85
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: PlayStation 4

    se fanno sta vaccata abbandono le console definitivamente

  19. #619
    Senior Member
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: PlayStation 4

    A meno di promozioni tipo "riporta la tua PS4 + 99 euro" se la possono tenere, per quanto mi riguarda.

  20. #620
    Cacacazzi L'avatar di Talismano
    Data Registrazione
    Jan 2016

    Re: PlayStation 4

    Qui siamo ben oltre l'isterismo

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